XQ, all your post on this thread is the biggest Bull Shit I have ever read. You are obvious speaking out your ass.
The Watchtower lawyers do not know the law, they don't practice in the real world. The people on the HLC are not medically trained. They are not trained in anything but to push WT policy. Doctors are not stiff necked, just people who demand to follow polies of a cult over standard medical care.
Thanks for the laugh today. And thank you for showing how you cannot reason but sprew WT policy.
Have fun in your world.
You could get disfellowshiped in some branches for taking some fractions up until june 15 watchtowerThe Watchtower agreed to not disfellowship people for taking whole blood before the European Counsel or the WT would be labled as a cult. A letter was circulated in Europe concerning this matter back in the 1990's.