JoinedPosts by Joyzabel
What is your experience as to buying Crisis of Conscience?
by Goldminer in.
i've read a few very interesting stories about people's experiences when they decided to purchase coc.i'd like to share mine and read yours also.. in 1999,not long after we purchased our first computer i started reading material about jw's.before long,i got really interested in the ray franz story because even up here in northern ontario,i had heard about the apostasy of the fall of '99 my wife decide to take a college course(bucking the jw trend),and she would stay at her sister's place during the day i called a christian book store to see if they could get me this book.i was very nervous,changed my name and i wouldn't give them my phone number.i told them i'd call back in a few weeks to make sure they had it before i went in to pick it up.. when the day came,i picked up my courage by two hands and took off for my 40 mile drive to get my book.the book store is located in a small shopping mall,which had me really nervous that another jw might see me going in or out of the store.i walked in the mall looking around,making sure there was nobody in sight that i knew.when i walked in the store,i had cash ready in my hands,walked up to the counter,gave my fake name and the book i was i just had to walk and make it to the car and i was home free.. i know buying a book isn't that hard,i do it all the time,but at that time the implicationsof having this book in my possesion was tremendous.. anyways,it's been 5 1/2 years and still nobody here knows.the book has really opened my eyes and mind to the realities of the wts.i would definitely recommend this book to everyone here who has yet to read's worth the effort to acquire it and will take away your fear of the watchdollar.
Why is it wrong for step-daughter to go from FT Pioneer to Aux. Pioneer?
by wordlywife inhi all- i haven't posted in quite a while but visit here a lot.
i am a non-witness married to a reinstated jw.
we were married when he was df, long story.
Its all about status in the congregation.
Yes, it would be humiliating to your step-daughter to have to "step down" and not hold such a high status. In the congregation being a full-time pioneer? is the highest status a sister? can achieve.
Kind of shows you how warped their thinking is. Poor thing. Slip her some cash and always show love and maybe you can begin to get her to think on her own. Especially how to use critical thinking in her life.
WTS to go back on medical use of blood fractions?
by Mark inin my opinion, there is definitely a new trend in the way the wts
deals with the medical use of blood fractions.
the most recent publication on this topic (e.g.
XQ, all your post on this thread is the biggest Bull Shit I have ever read. You are obvious speaking out your ass.
The Watchtower lawyers do not know the law, they don't practice in the real world. The people on the HLC are not medically trained. They are not trained in anything but to push WT policy. Doctors are not stiff necked, just people who demand to follow polies of a cult over standard medical care.
Thanks for the laugh today. And thank you for showing how you cannot reason but sprew WT policy.
Have fun in your world.
You could get disfellowshiped in some branches for taking some fractions up until june 15 watchtower
The Watchtower agreed to not disfellowship people for taking whole blood before the European Counsel or the WT would be labled as a cult. A letter was circulated in Europe concerning this matter back in the 1990's. -
Can you help please? Re: JW grandfathers funeral
by Lily888888 inhi everyone, i am new to this forum so sorry about any mistakes.
i have just had the terrible news that my grandfather has passed away.
he and my grandmother (still alive) were both jehovah's witnesses.
there are several stages of grief. Denial, anger, depression, bargaining, acceptance. You will find people in all those stages here. Not only losing a family member but losing what life should-have-been-but-wasn't-because-of-religion is hard to grieve over. We understand. Express yourself here.
I think it sounds nice that you will have your own service for your grandpa.
I hope your grandpa was beginning to think for himself and question what he had adhered to all his life and saw that maybe he should have done things differently. Think the best of your grandpa. He did what he thought was right at the time.
Hello everyone
by Ticker injust wanted to say hi.
ive been reading the posts for quite sometime now but never actually ever posted.
wanted to thank everyone for the posts and for helping me to break free from the guilt after 20 years of it.
you are welcome, Ticker
and all other newbies-that-its-hard-to-keep-up-with.
Freedom, its all about freedom. Enjoy!
Can you help please? Re: JW grandfathers funeral
by Lily888888 inhi everyone, i am new to this forum so sorry about any mistakes.
i have just had the terrible news that my grandfather has passed away.
he and my grandmother (still alive) were both jehovah's witnesses.
don't allow anyone to be rude to your mother. If you think they are rude, point it out. They don't get much feed back on their social skills. It is a closed community. They associate within themselves and don't realize how normal people are suppose to act.
Hugs to you and your family in your time of grief.
ps, glad my name gave you a chuckle. hehe
Can you help please? Re: JW grandfathers funeral
by Lily888888 inhi everyone, i am new to this forum so sorry about any mistakes.
i have just had the terrible news that my grandfather has passed away.
he and my grandmother (still alive) were both jehovah's witnesses.
Welcome to the board.
Sorry it has to be in the circumstances about your Grandpa.
Mary summorized your questions well. JWs are polite to "worldly" people, hoping in your grief to interest you in a bible study and convert you. Please don't fall for whatever they have to offer unless you want to join a cult.
I'm sure you can read the many posts here to know what all is involved with the JWs and why many say they are a cult.
btw, the person who owns this site is in GB. Go figure. lol
So I'm Dancing, and This Bitch Is Just WATCHING Me
by SixofNine indo you think dogs are critical of the way we dance?
are dogs from black families less embarrassed by their owner's dancing?
He would jump up and cling onto my leg at every opportunity.
lol, yep, that's dancing.
Education - How encouraging low self esteem creates better witnesses.
by BigG infunny title you might think but consider this point and apologies if i am covering old ground here...its not intentional.. i was raised by my mother who was and is a devout jw and as such until i was 20 (10 years ago) i was the same...trying my best to fit into the social environment i clearly was not made for but benefiting from good wholesome association with fellow brothers and sisters (note the sarcastic tone...make what you will of it).. althought at the time i didnt realise it but i was what others consider intelligent and quite academically able; i had a mind like a sponge and would spend hours in the jw library at the kh (which surprisingly enough contained non jw literature) was this that i read and would digest endlessly where i could.. one of those books (why it was there i dont know), was what i later undertood to be criminal law reports concerning cases that had gone before the courts.
my childish thirst for knowledge was intrigued...(i was then about 12).
the legal arguments i hadnt a clue what they meant but the facts surrounding these crimes were good reading.. i then knew i wanted to be a lawyer and that was what i said when an elder asked me what i wanted to do when i grew up; i mentioned trusting this man that i had read a book in the kh library and found it interesting...and that i wanted to be lawyer...i remember him smiling and saying that it was better to pioneer rather than seek a highly paid job...personally i didnt know what he meant properly but i felt a bit sad...and demotivated...i later in the week went back into the library and found the book had gone...!!.
Welcome to the board, all the newbies on this thread.
This subject seems always hit a sore spot with jws/xjws.
Please, everyone get an education and be the best you can be. Don't let ANYONE or organization say what or who you should be.
I'm so happy young people are waking up and going on with their schooling.
Great topic. I totally agree that the WTBTS encourages low self-esteem in their followers or otherwise they wouldn't have any followers.
A few words to all of you
by Lady Lee infirstly i miss you all.
a lot!.
this past year has seen this group experience many joys and sorrows.
miss ya, lady.
Hope this next year will be a good one, besides the new additions to your family! I hope you get some solutions to your feet problems.