This info was forwarded to me via 2 others but I saw the original email so I think it's probably true.
rotflmo..........and heresay lives on.
i just received an email that said mj attended the memorial in solvang last night.
he attended with his mom and dad and also his son.
this info was forwarded to me via 2 others but i saw the original email so i think it's probably true.
This info was forwarded to me via 2 others but I saw the original email so I think it's probably true.
rotflmo..........and heresay lives on.
how many should partake this year at the memorial?
how many of the original anointed, whose number was "sealed" in 1935 would likely be alive today?.
i've examined the general survival rate of people of this age group in the us.
How many should partake this year at the memorial?
....those who appreciate what Jesus did.
five years sure goes by fast ....
we're busy as ever and there are lots of plans for the future.
there will be some changes in the coming week or so which i will announce later.. in the meantime, happy birthday to us
Happy Birthday JWD!!
Thanks a million Angharad and Simon.
*also channeling Special Ed* " do you know anyone slllooooowww and ssspppecial? "
I make it in my pants sometimes.
our union rep at work said she was very sure that jws were not allowed to belong to unions.
actually i don't belong, but she'd really like to get me to join (i am not anti-union, i'm just ambivelent)... anyways, i have been out for 13 years, but i do not remember this being the case, nor do i really remember it being a topic here (please don't post a link, i'd rather just hear the answer!).
anyone know whether this is just an urban legend or if it is truly the case?
yes, Gretchin, my dad was in a union back in the 60-70's. It when he became president of the local union that the other members of the service committee told him that wasn't allowed.
bet that got your attention!
i spent 5 hours yesterday putting this puppy together.
call it my happy divorce present to myself.
wow, that is a big one.
good for you, zev. Now enjoy your life.
to all of my very dear friends on jwd, i want to thank all of you so very much for your thoughts prayers and good vibrations of harmony.
i am so happy that everything went well.
there were some touch and go moments in the operating room which lead me to intensive care.
thank you for letting us know you are ok. well, except for recovering.
Now go be a good kitty and rest, clean yourself and rest and clean get the picture. meow
i am new to this board, posted only a few times so far.
no i find myslef going to the computer time after time to check this site and i feel like i am getting hooked!
what is the matter with me?
Welcome both Grace and glenswoodwoman.
Both of your experiences show how damaging that cult is. I'm glad you both are strong women to get out of there.
Glen, please go to Al-Anon meetings. You may be surprised by the support you get there from others dealing with alcoholic mates.
Enjoy the fun stuff that goes on here at JWD. It does get very addicting but comforting to know others understand what you are venting about.
i'm aware of ed dunlap from coc - but who else of the upper echelon?
hey DanTheMan
I believe that I may have been the lowest level JW to leave.
no, every single woman who has left was lower than you. A 12 year old male baptized publisher was higher than a woman in that publishing organization.
No Appoligies, I'm calling your bluff. You were no more than an instructor or puzzle worker than I was appointed an elder.
my soon to be baptised friend has started talking to me since i said i might study with jws.
he tells me some people really believe jws have let their kids die over the blood issue.
i suggested that may have been the case in the past but he says it is all lies.
Having worked as a CNM (certified Nurse-Midwife) for the past 18 years in many hospitals, I have seen several babies die due to the blood issue. Especially premature babies who had no other reason but lack of a blood transfusion to lose their life.
It was very frustrating for the neonatalogist or other physicans to try to save a life when the parents were unreasonable about a publishing corporation's policies.
Please look at the website mentioned above ( it is very informative.
i am completely surprised by the amount of posts over the last couple of weeks of people (lurkers) signing up to the board and introducing themselves.
most still part of the jw cult, but thinking for themselves and wanting real answers.
i?m still a newbie to the board so i would like to know if this is common.
1. Questioning and becoming honest with yourself
2. The rinsing and drying of a brainwashed mind
3. Anger, don't kick the puppy
4. Relearning how to learn
5. Epiphanies and discovering reality
6. Now where? Finding your Teddy bear
7. Finding Balance
8. What the hell is normal?
Great idea, Dave, but are you going to make it into a mini-series for the "lazy to read" class???