Exactly, Honesty.
Somes we forget where we came from and how we were just the same in thinking at one time.
Love to all.
let's extend real christian love to dennis and give him suggestions on how he can get under the jw elder poztate scope and successfully fade out of the wt cult.
Exactly, Honesty.
Somes we forget where we came from and how we were just the same in thinking at one time.
Love to all.
seems that pdf files have corrupted my original topic and now it's locked out, sorry.
if anyone can get the pdf file posted here, that would be great.
jw's are experiencing severe persecution in russia, link is from jw-media.org.
*waving @ JT who always hads something worthwhile to say*
The only good thing about Russia is that Crisis of Conscience is available online (in Russian) for them to read. And so is In Search of Christian Freedom. That maybe helping more of the JW's there to wake up.
i have been reading over the forum today and something hit me.
because i don't look up everyone's histories, there are people i assumed were either male or female--partly based on their avatar and partly based on the type of comments they make.
well guess what folks--i was shocked to find out i was wrong about a few people.. does anyone else out there decide that certain posters are male or female, and then find out they're wrong?
I thought the cross thingy was some kind of indication of prolapse
lolololol, only someone in the medical field wold think of this. Or a very old lady having problems
Tell us LT, you were a very old lady in another life????
i have been reading over the forum today and something hit me.
because i don't look up everyone's histories, there are people i assumed were either male or female--partly based on their avatar and partly based on the type of comments they make.
well guess what folks--i was shocked to find out i was wrong about a few people.. does anyone else out there decide that certain posters are male or female, and then find out they're wrong?
there is a little blue or pink symbol over there on the left under someone's name. That may help.
while surfing e-watchman's paradise forum, i clicked on one of the topics i never go to, "our meetings & assemblies" and found an interesting post on the wt bleeding financially.. it was posted 3 months ago.. http://e-jehovahs-witnesses.com/viewtopic.php?t=2888&postdays=0&postorder=asc&&start=0.
in my neck of the woods (which shall remain anonymous) the do and co have been circulating the rumour that the watchtower society is in financial straights and is being bled dry.
this must be very pressing.
taking literature, cd, dvds, etc without contributing is tantamount to stealing from Jehovah
... to ring at my door.. i didn't answer, why bother.
i got a phone.. kwin
she's gone for awhile
... to ring at my door.. i didn't answer, why bother.
i got a phone.. kwin
AFIN will be put in the cooler, but if you ignore someone, you don't give them any power. Obviously she gets her jollies out of being fed here. Continuing to bait her back in this thread doesn't add to the thread's topic.
just my 2 cents
... to ring at my door.. i didn't answer, why bother.
i got a phone.. kwin
Please don't feed the trolls. stay on topic or this thread will be locked.
... to ring at my door.. i didn't answer, why bother.
i got a phone.. kwin
"Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others"
hemoglobin level was 6.9 mg/dl, and hematocrit value was 20.1%.
postoperative hemoglobin level was 2.8 mg/dl.
our patient's case was complicated, since she was a jehovah's witness and refused lifesaving treatment on religious grounds.
how sad.
Too bad her doctor didn't use her blood he found in her abdomen (autotransfusion) because of "ethical" reasons. hmmmmmmmmm
"Operative reinfusion was considered, but both the patient and her husband refused this modality."
"Intraoperative transfusion was considered in our patient's case but was rejected by the attending physician as unethical."
"When she refused transfusion, her physicians were faced with an ethical dilemma, based on the ethical principles of the Hippocratic Oath and autonomy. Do we do what we believe is in the best interest of the patient (transfuse), or do we abide by the patient's wishes (autonomy)? Her physicians, as well as the hospital ethics committee, believed that autonomy was the overriding ethical principle. "
The article didn't mention how old her other child was, but that was her second pregnancy.