can't get the sentences that are missing stay put on this site. oh well.
JoinedPosts by Joyzabel
Ray Franz.
by Englishman ini typed "ray franz" into my wt cd library.
this is what was in the kingdom ministry of august, 1980:.
Ray Franz.
by Englishman ini typed "ray franz" into my wt cd library.
this is what was in the kingdom ministry of august, 1980:.
I remember when that article in the Times came out. We had left Bethel in 1976 to start a family. There were other Bethelites that were dismissed (df'd) at the same time, friends of ours. We, of course, could not get any truthful answers from our remaining bethel friends at the time. But Ray's leaving sure did leave a question in our minds like : "WTF was going on!"
Ray was the breath of fresh air as a governing body member while we were at bethel. He emphasized bible reading and not organizational rules. While we were busy raising our family, we would hear rumors that Ray had written 2 books. We also heard that if people read those books they would ?leave the Truth? *gasp*. While we tried to be good dubbies our curiosity was raised as to what Ray had written about.
So yes Mike, his leaving caused a stir in the US but it seem to die down and the WTBTs went forward with their organizational rules, poor treatment of their R & F and the continuing of smoke & mirrors about their doctrines.
It is interesting to re-read that article and remember that a multi-million/gadzillion dollar industry only gave Ray $10,000 when he left. He was a 3rd generation JW, raised a jw, went into full time work right out of high school and was kicked out at 59. So about 40 years of devoted service and he gets ten thousand.
Police commissioners now more willing to act against "corrupt elders"
by ozziepost inas many long-time posters will know, mrs ozzie and i were very much involved in the preparation and presentation of channel nine's "sunday" program a couple of years ago.
it exposed the covering-up of child abuse within the witness organisation and the subsequent shunning of 'whistle blowers'.. .
the reaction to this program was devastating for the jws in australia; in short time many resigned from the witnesses but the fallout did not stop - it's continued, and we've even seen new posters "sign up" on jwd as a result of that program.. .
Great news, Ozzie.
I hope many more authorities will become involved in protecting abuse victims. And helping the whistle blowers.
Elders need to be aware of how the WT has distanced themselves and allowed the innocent elders who followed WT policy be hung out legally. The cover up is bad enough, but true believing elders who give their all to mother? may find themselves sued.
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #123
by ozziepost inhow's this weekend going for you?
stinking hot downunder - and humid too.
really draining weather - y'know what i mean?.
lol Ozzie, I love your weekend polls. At least you make me think about what I used to do robotically.
I think I went through all the answers at one time. (well, not for pretty girls but guys to go out in service with.)
Being a true believer, I did feel I was delievering God's message? but I also was trying to gain privileges. It did look good to have X number of hours, placements, RVs etc. and rank of pioneer?, bethelite? or elder's wife? to help define who I was. *sheesh* (I got lost as a human being, though.)
One of the biggest things that helped wake me up was the observing the treatment of people within that organization and wondering how anyone can justify treating people sometimes and still call themselves "christians".
*getting down off of soapbox*
Have a good weekend.
My sad news
by Fe2O3Girl inas some of you on the board knew i was expecting a baby, i feel i should let you know that things have not worked out for us.. when i went for the 20 week ultrasound scan last thursday, severe problems were found with our baby's internal development.
only one kidney was detected, and it was very enlarged and polycystic.
there was no long term hope for the baby at all; if it survived to full term it could only live for hours at most.
(((Irongal and Grant))))
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Please give yourself plenty of time to grieve (and 3 cycles, if you know what I mean ) then let us have some good news down the road.
New here, would like to say hello.
by puff candy ini just registered right now.
i would like to introduce myself.
i am a 30 year old female and not a jw but my mother is so thats how i came by this site.
My Mother loves her religion and her husband more than me
You also mentioned feeling manipulated. Good pick-up.
I recommend you get Steve Hassen's books on "Combatting Mind Control"
Also if you want amunition against the WTBTs read Ray Franz's books, "Crisis of Conscience" "In Search of Christian Freedom". Jim Penton makes a nice summary of the JW history in "Apcolypse Delayed"
When you realize you allow her to fill your head with depressing thoughts and you
have the power to counter that BS, then maybe you be free of her silliness. Unfortunately, we cannot make our parents the nurturing people they are suppose to be. But you can nuture yourself and deal with reality not fantacy.
Welcome to the board.
Englishman says 'hi'
by Her Ladyship inmike's missing you and has asked me to let you know he has had his operation and is doing fine.
i won't give you all the very earthy details he told me to post!!
anyway - he will be back posting next week and will fill you in with all the details.. regards to you all .
thanks for the update. Glad Mike is getting along and on the mend.
I know you are worried about him, but I bet you like having a little peace and quiet!
Hope he gets home in time for the holidays with the family all around him.
Do you believe Mary was a virgin?
by JustTickledPink inmy catholic friend and i were talking the other night about the virgin mary.
she doesn't even believe that she was a virgin and she doesn't believe in the immaculate conception.
if you think about it logically today, if you had a fiance that went to visit relatives for a few months and then came back pregnant and told you it was god's child, would you believe it?
Leolaia said:
I'm going to post a Christmas-themed analysis of this when the holiday draws near.
yeah!! I'll be watching.
Info about Governing Body required.
by aniron in.
1) who is on the governing body now?.
2) any idea when they were baptised before or after 1935 ?.
Governing Body
Date of birth
John Barr (b. 1913)
Carey Barber (b. 1905)
Samuel Herd (b. 1935)
Theodore Jaracz (b. 1925)
Steve Lett (b. 1949)
Gerrit Losch (b. 1941)
Guy Pierce (b. 1934)
Albert Schroeder (b. 1911)
David Splane (b. 1944)
Daniel Sydlik (b. 1919)Don't have info on dates of baptism. Sorry. But what does that matter?
Welcome to the board, Carlito.
Homosexuality is a sin
says who? People trying to control people?
As far as Gay Bethelites go, yep there are plenty.
Please learn to love yourself and learn to distinguish what are man's rules and what the true meaning of love is.
If you need help, seek a counselor who has dealt with other gay people.
Joy (exBethelite)