ahhhhh.....and there we have it. The idots fine upstanding people of the legal world is run by $$$$$
JoinedPosts by Joyzabel
Court Reporter & Dumb Lawyers
by Angharad innot sure if this has been posted before, but it made me laugh .
these are from a book called disorder in the american courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place.. .
q: what is your date of birth?.
Why God Never Recieved a PH.D.
by Forscher inmy wife was given this one by somebody at the college she goes to.
i though you folks might enjoy it, especially those who've had a higher education like me!
why god never recieved a ph.d. .
LMAO! I love it. thanks for sharing.
My daughter has a brain tumor :(
by outnfree ini am so terrified!.
#2 daughter came home from college on 12/18 with a violent headache, nausea, neck pain and great fatigue.
we took her to the dr. on the 20 and again on the 21st as she had kept nothing down for 3 days.
thanks so much for keeping us updated.
I'll be thinking of you guys when surgery comes around.
If you need help driving the car back, let me know. I might be able to meet you and help.
Remember ther is always a rainbow after the storm. You are such a strong lady.
Is anyone on this forum disfellowshipped?
by Kimmee inand if you are do you care to tell why you are disfellowshipped?
for those who were not what prevented you from being disfellowshipped?
curious minds want to know.
For Apostacy. bwhahahaha
Their silly rules.
And soon, his funeral.....
by Fe2O3Girl inthe hospital chaplain just called.
my baby's body has been returned to the hospital following post-mortem examination at a specialist children's hospital.
so, the funeral can go ahead soon.. we have opted for a cremation.
wow (((((Ironlady))))))
I have no suggestions just hugs for you.
Do whatever feels right for you and hubby.
Court Reporter & Dumb Lawyers
by Angharad innot sure if this has been posted before, but it made me laugh .
these are from a book called disorder in the american courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place.. .
q: what is your date of birth?.
I loved the barbs between the medical person and the *cough* lawyer.
Thanks Angharad, needed a laugh.
Now I wonder how any of those court reporters can sit so still and not change their facial expressions when they hear such silliness. I would at least roll my eyes.
Watchtower Observer site goes down
by Norm inhey folks,.
an era in the ex-jw history is over.
kent steinhaug's site http://watchtower.observer.org is being shut down.. it was the first of it's kind, and to this day probably still the largest anti wt site on the net.
sorry to hear that, Norm. Please tell Kent what a wonderful job he did. lol, he at least made WT squirm and finally blink.
I better go download all the info I need from that site.
Thanks for letting us know.
(Hugs to you, Norm)
100mph winds
by LittleToe inthat'll teach me to eat beans on toast, yesterday!!!.
the wind is really picking up and the town is clearing as everyone is getting sent home from work.. we're expecting 100mph gusts here, on the west coast of scotland.. i'm gonna go home and get cosy, with a roaring coal fire.
it's just as well our houses are built for severe weather!.
Glad to hear you survived the night. I hope that wind settles down now.
Boy, you would think with all these natural occurances happening that the *gasp* Great Tribulation is coming and then *faint* Armegedon!
I took the "1914 Generation" prophecy seriously. Did you?
by nicolaou ini was born in 1964, a convenient 50 years after 1914. even in my early teens i was doing the sums.
i had a worse case scenario figured out - if the 1914 generation could apply to babies and even if they lived to be a 120, i would still only be about 70 years old after they'd all died!
i figured that i was part of the first wave of 'jehovah's people' that really would live to see the new order - guaranteed!!
I remember so many bible studies I would teach the whole 607-1914 thing. (remember that chapter in the old Truth? book?!) When I learned 607-1914 was not based on scientific/archeology fact but WT BS, that was when the house of cards fell hard for me.
But I've picked myself up and dusted myself off and learned critical thinking. And boy am I free!
Please welcome my wife, Gina AKA FreedomFrog
by AlmostAtheist inhey all,.
gina's got her own account now, she's freedomfrog.
hopefully she'll tear herself away from u.n., blood, birthday, and whatever else research long enough to say 'hi' back!.
Welcome Freedom Frog.
Yes, you'll slow down in a couple of years. At first you feel like you need to prove everything. Then you feel empty because you used to be going 90 miles an hour (meetings, meetings, meetings, service, meetings, etc). But one day, you will really feel free when you don't have to prove anything and just enjoy life.