On page 155 in the new OM book the phrase "or by their actions" (about people who do not want to be JWs anymore) is a broad enough term for elders to make announcements about those who do not want to return to the KH. i.e. "SoandSo are no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses".
The verbal instructions coming down from headquarters through the Circuit Overseerer is to ask anyone who has "faded" away if they are going to return to the meetings, if not, then announce the above.
Time will tell how the elders use the new information. Of course the Society wants to weed out all the sucessful "faders" by such an announcement. And also they want the R & F to believe anyone announced as no longer being a JW was for *gasp* immorality and thus to be treated like all DF'd people.
It will be interesting to see how the people are going to respond to this control issue.