welcome both MadMax and her lovely daughter LouBelle.
welcome mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is if she gets this far.
well done!!!!!!!
welcome both MadMax and her lovely daughter LouBelle.
hl and i are very good friends with her aunt.
yet she's incredibly embarrassed about abi.. interestingly, abi's father is very proud of her.
i wonder how many dad's would feel like that about their daughter?.
such fine loooking chaps, the whole bunch
as some of you may know brenda/outnfree is going in for surgery on fri may 20 @ 10 am est.
lets all send our collective prayers/good vibes to her during this hard time.
you're a hell of a tough lady. Thoughts are with ya, sweetie.
ok 20 years out only 10 years free (cuz sometimes i'm a slow learner).
yup may makes 20 years since i officially got the boot.
20 years since i lost my entire way of life and had to start all over - no money, no home, no education, no job.. there's a sad kind of irony here in that except for the education i'm sort of in the same boat.
Congrats Lady Lee!
you are such an inspiration for us all.
the 14 year old jw girl from vancouver who has cancer and needed a blood transfusion has been transferred to new york city.
i am afraid that she may be the next victim of he wts blood policy.
would anyone from the new york area please inform the media in new york about this case and watch the news and post what happens.
m. kiov
nothing is new light. The components idea was introduced in 2000/2001 but the R&F didn't understand what was hitting them. Now the WT can say it is not a new policy, it has been in place for several years.
All the WT is doing is f**king with people's lives. Shame on them.
wow, welcome to the board.
Glad you are not lurking anymore.
i have been posting here for 6-8 months i guess.
it has been the best therapy i could have had.. i wish we could have a great big party and meet all the posters here in person.
i have not agreed with all, but i have been so aided in my recovery from the mental prison that is the wtbts by all your comments.
Agape -
oh yeah! you've got some de-programming yet to do. lol
i'd like to hear comments from anyone who had a relative die because of the watchtower society's misguided policy on blood transfusions.. alanf
My father was an elder in Fairhope, Alabama. 2003
My father-in-law was an elder in Delavan, WI 2003
the listeners thread about service meetings got me to think, ok , so what was the best service meeting item you ever heard?
we all know and remember the bad ones, but with all our collective years of seat warming on a thurs/fri night, there must have been some good ones.. i nominate the item a few years ago on the dangers of the internet.
it made it sound so exciting that i went off down the public library to find out how to use this new invention - the rest is history ....
lol Blues Brother.
Hubby gave that talk at the service meeting. Then he went home and got on the internet.
Like you said.....the rest is history!
edited to add, the one in 2001
i can't thank ray franz enough for what he wrote and how he has affected people for the better.
while reading his books and seeing threads about him i have always wondered how his wife reacted when he started telling her about his doubts and trouble with the society.
how did she react when she had to leave bethel with him?
and Mouthy, can people order those through www.commentarypress.com?