I completely agree with all of the above comments.
I believe they are forgiving for many reasons. One being the way women are treated in the org. They are treated as second rate citizens with fewer rights than men. They are made to feel (told) that they have to forgive. Their husband is their “head.” Respect, respect, respect your husband – no matter what he says or does. Their sense of self is stripped. They are not allowed to think for themselves (that’s what their husband is for). When you have no sense of self – you have absolutely no self-esteem. Without self-esteem how could you think you were worthy to find another man. Most women in the org have been set up to be financially dependent on men and therefore cannot support themselves. In most cases they have no education. Financial worries force them to stay. Guilt forces them to stay. Independent women are looked down upon.
Women who cheat are looked upon as whores – Jezebels. Men who cheat were forced to cheat because their wives did not render their due. They are owed their due no matter what that may mean. It’s a completely misogynistic and perverted organization. It’s no wonder that such a high percentage of the women are depressed, suicidal and on antidepressant and/or antipsychotic medication.
I’ll stop my rant there. It’s sad, it’s disgusting and sick.