Honestly, I think that there is just too much going on for him at this time. It's not that he is a drama queen, or unable to take cricism. It's just all too much at once. Finding out the truth about JWs, wife not listening, threat of losing family, elders, loss of JW faith, trying to keep some faith, new ideas conflicting with ideas he's trying to hold on to . . . it becomes too much. I think he needs a break. Dealing with every one of these things at once can drive a person crazy. It's not healthy. It's scary to have a belief and think you have it all figured out and then . . . WHAM . . . it's all gone! You try to keep a shred of hope. You try to keep some of your beliefs, even if the evidence is lacking. You once had a future of forever and now it's threatened. It's scary and it's overwhelming. It's hard to break free of mind control. It's hard to get through to your own thoughts and mind.
Dan - if you are reading this . . . you are a kind, sincere, honest and loving individual. You do what is best for you and your family. Take one thing and one day at a time. You can't figure out everything at once. Breathe! Take a break. Exercise, spend quality time with your family, get involved in a hobby, something to build you up. Take care of your inner being. Everything shifts and changes with time.
I wish you all the very best. There are a lot of people that care about you here. You would be welcomed back with open arms if that is what you choose to do one day.
Peace and healing to you.