Interesting reading PS!
Cameo-d: Are you saying what I think you're saying?
Leolaia: Lol!
earths ascension update .
october 2010 .
Interesting reading PS!
Cameo-d: Are you saying what I think you're saying?
Leolaia: Lol!
i've been watching the bio channel lately and hearing people relate their stories of ghosts and the supernatural.. although i think some people do experience demonic presences, i think some people (for whatever reason) find it difficult to move on.
jws believe everything is caused by "demons," but there are many near death experiences where people clearly seem to see family members who have helped them and who have manifested themselves with feelings of peace and serenity.
since i don't believe that satan can duplicate these feelings of well being, i was wondering what you think of such manifestations, good or bad.. also, have you ever had any experiences, again, good or bad, in your lives?
Not sure -- but there seems to be some "energy" out there.
Any of you have any weird experiences with electrical stuff going wonky around you?
because it's a self fullfilling prophecy!.
if you keep women couped up and force them to have only limited contact with the outside world they are going to appear sheltered and unlearned.
therefore when these oppressed women do things that are unlearned or immature all the men go "well they are the weaker vessel.".
V665: Where did I advocate man bashing? Where I said "men like that. . .?" That is not man bashing that is men who act in a certain way getting what they dish out. I have never advocated man bashing and never will. Please reread my posts. I don't agree with EITHER sex bashing anyone. The world would be a better place if that did not happen.
Hence my transcending gender comment. Forget about what gender people are and SEE the being/person behind it.
because it's a self fullfilling prophecy!.
if you keep women couped up and force them to have only limited contact with the outside world they are going to appear sheltered and unlearned.
therefore when these oppressed women do things that are unlearned or immature all the men go "well they are the weaker vessel.".
I knew a man who felt women were just slightly above animals. He just felt a woman needed to be F*cked properly and they would behave . I've known men who believe that now. That is why he/others feel men could watch porn with women on women and not be disgusted ( b/c women were just above animals ) but never watch porn with men on men. I know, there is so much incongruency and congnitive dissonance here it boggles the mind.
Men like this deserve some time in prison and be the "female." Let's see what good repeated effing will do for them and how it puts them in their place! How do they like being treated "slightly above the animals?" They need a taste of karma.
Sick pigs. Men who think like this are not men at all.
Sab: I agree with your sentiments about what has happened on this planet. If everyone's strengths and weaknesses were used to benefit humanity it would indeed be a different place. Wasting time over suppressing women and competitions over who is more powerful does none of us an iota of good. It's pathetic. People need to grow up.
Humans need to TRANSCEND gender.
because it's a self fullfilling prophecy!.
if you keep women couped up and force them to have only limited contact with the outside world they are going to appear sheltered and unlearned.
therefore when these oppressed women do things that are unlearned or immature all the men go "well they are the weaker vessel.".
They need to do their research on this biological aspect of weaker! In fact we have to be biologically stronger in order to carry a life, give birth, provide nutrition from our own body and then carry on with all the other aspects of life. A woman's pain threshold is much higher than a man's as well.
because it's a self fullfilling prophecy!.
if you keep women couped up and force them to have only limited contact with the outside world they are going to appear sheltered and unlearned.
therefore when these oppressed women do things that are unlearned or immature all the men go "well they are the weaker vessel.".
That's exactly right Sab! Unfortunately, this kind of BS indoctrination has been going on for thousands of years. This makes it even hard for some women to see that it is BS and thus they swallow the weaker vessel hook, line and sinker.
What men have done to lower women to second class or worse is DISGUSTING. I just read up on a woman - Hypatia of Alexandria and it was awful what was done to her.
It takes both sexes working together to create harmony. When you get out of balance the world starts falling apart.
Yes - ignorant world for sure!
wow, dudes and dudess, it really looks like glacial fragmentation is inevitable in the mighty mom.. unless j. mason is making this all up.
but his sources seem credible.. kudos j. mason.. somehow i smell a bill bowen in this.
that makes it hot!
Hi Randy,
Kindness is definitely on my list. I'm quite worried about the suicidal aspect of those who are coming out. They have nowhere to turn and there are not many outside resources to help them. I know many are reticent to search online and/or don't really even understand what is going on. I know - I've been there! I have been thinking much about this and how to help. My thoughts are to get some information together and present it to a panel at the mental health centers in my area and see what they think. I know when I worked at the mental health centre there were quite a few witnesses coming in with those problems but I know that the psychiatrists did not attribute their problems to the religion because they are unaware of the pervasiveness and all encompassing aspect of their religious convictions. What do you think of this idea? Has anyone done anything like this before?
That announcement at the hall was crazy!
And if a brother comes to know of someone in the congregation who is having this kind of behavior, immediately call the elders to solve the problem!
Solve the problem? Wow! Sounds like mafia language.
Thanks for all those articles.
yesterday i spoke of my disfellow-shipping from the jehovahs witnesses.
i had been depressed for many years due to a lifetime of abuse.
as long as i could remember i thought of suicide as the ace up my sleeve; something to do when i thought i could not take it anymore.. after 15 years of marriage to a witness who was emotionally and sexually abusive the thoughts of suicide were on my mind almost constantly.
Dssynergy: I'm sorry you have been feeling that way for so many years. That's a lot to deal with. I hope that the marijuana helps and settles things down for you.
Sending you hugs!
wow, dudes and dudess, it really looks like glacial fragmentation is inevitable in the mighty mom.. unless j. mason is making this all up.
but his sources seem credible.. kudos j. mason.. somehow i smell a bill bowen in this.
that makes it hot!
Thanks Randy. The elder's manual is not such a big deal in itself - but the note about sisters not touching it is.
I completely agree - that statement in the letter hit me like a ton of bricks. I agree that there is anger over being treated like a child. There are also much deeper issues which touch on all aspects of life. I've actually started writing an article about it but haven't completed it yet - it just gets bigger and bigger. The implications of that attitude are HUGE. The fact that they have put that in writing is crazy. The can of worms that it has opened is a big one.
Great points Randy - let's hope for a very fast downhill roll!
so i've been working out of town the last month and i'm back home for a couple of weeks to attend a conference and some business meetings.
my mom while i was away has been concerned about my meeting attendance (haven't gon in almost a year, except memorial) - even when i was home she was concerned.
so today, when we met up for dinner - inevitibly, my meeting attendance came up as a topic of concern.
That's great! I'm glad that it's worked for you and that you are able to accomplish your goals. It's nice to have experiences to read on here for what works and what doesn't. I know I wish I kept quiet when I first found out but I was in panic mode and I didn't know how to handle it. I try to keep quiet now and just plant seeds of doubt.
Hope it continues to go well for you!