Merry Christmas Steve and everyone at JWN! Thanks for sharing the pics! You are all gorgeous!
Happy New Year too and may it bring blessings to you all.
Take good care.
just wanted to say merry christmas to all of you.
i mentioned this before, but this is my first christmas since 1986, and i'm really looking forward to it.
i hope you all have a wonderful holiday, and a happy new year.
Merry Christmas Steve and everyone at JWN! Thanks for sharing the pics! You are all gorgeous!
Happy New Year too and may it bring blessings to you all.
Take good care.
no brag, just fact---i was the most requested speaker in my hall(s), i was often requested to give talks in kh's all over the place, not just in my area.. i personally enjoyed speakers who taught you something, not merely recited something.
we had a district overseer, paul illingsworth, i loved his style.
he delved into bible words of the original greek and hebrew.
The ones that didn't show up.
Hadit .
here's a rare one you'll not find elsewhere, send it to your friends!.
new bethel entrants introduction to the governing body circa 1985. two new bethel boys at watchtower headquarters somehow managed to videotape this introduction to the brooklyn bethel headquarters of the governing body off of the bethel tv screen.
Wow Randy! What a gold mine of information! Thank you so much for posting all this.
You have enough here for a documentary.
Thanks again and Merry Christmas!
my father severely abused me.
several times i fought for my very life.
i was the eldest and the scapegoat.
Welcome Band on the Run! Thank you for sharing your story - I'm so sorry you went through all that abuse. That is awful! Good for you for being much stronger than that!
In line with Rutherford's comment above, I was talking with my girlfriend a couple of weeks ago and she said her mom said to her that a brother from the platform said that "all women are is a hunk of hair and bones with skin on top." That comment is seared into her memory. It's this misogynistic attitude that makes men feel they have the right to harm women and children. It is vile, despicable and evil. Although these blatant comments are not made, the very obvious class distinction and the supression of women is very much there. I'd say that 80% of the women in the hall that I used to go to were alcholics, suffered severe depression and were taking antidepressants and anxiety pills. It's so sad. I hope they wake up.
I wish you peace and healing. Take good care.
i was expecting to just get examined then told it was nothing to worry about but i also had a mamogram , then scan .
the lump i was worried about was ok but the scanner found one behind it that she was not sure about , she took a biopsy from it after i had a local anesthetic and sent me back to the doctor who told me i would now have to wait a week for those results !
when i had arrived i was told i would be told today if everything is ok !
Thinking of you and hoping for a good result.
don't you just love the fear mongering.. reason for why the in home book study was cancelled on minute 1:24.. .
Religion, government . . . all efforts to keep us asleep to our own power. Divide and conquer. Keep the people fighting and arguing - anything to keep them from THINKING and realizing that they have the power to effect change . . . if we all woke up to their ploys what a different world this would be.
Fear keeps us bound, gagged and blind to our power. Immobilized to action. The WT is just a tiny piece of a much bigger picture.
big hug for you!
i am glad you are okay.
you are a strong woman.. so sorry grace.
I'm sorry you had such a nasty fall Grace! So very glad you are okay. You are tough but PLEASE be careful. A cell phone is a good idea as well as proper footwear!!
Take it easy, rest and repair!
Sending hugs and healing vibes,
you really can't make this stuff up.
but an organization like the wt society bent on controlling virtually every aspect of the typical jehovah's witness life - would make this up to keep their control through the use of fear and guilt.
so- i thought i'd share what i thought was the strangest, most offensive, weird language dealing with what the wt society calls " disfellowshipping offenses " .
OMG! This is one funny thread! Between dry humping, titties being touched and all this talk of manipulation and O's! Oh my!
If it wasn't all so pathetic and crazy one would think it was a bad script for a comedy/drama/horror film.
Oh and I guess "casual touching of the sex organs" is perfectly fine! Just no "manipulation."
No brother elders - I did not did not manipulate him! I just casually touched his organ . . repeatedly and very, very casually.
The part about the suicide and rape is just plain infuriating. Sick bunch of men.
As you said Flipper - mind control a la WT style!
i have lurked for a few weeks, and gathered that a bit of background is expected; understandably.
i'm from a reasonably dysfunctional family, and my brother married a really nice lady who was "studying" with the jws.
over the years i saw this independent, funny lady change.
Welcome to you! Thanks for sharing. You've come to the right place to share the journey of awakening!
I wish you all the best!
im just about at 14 weeks.
i thought i had the answers to all, until i got that "positive" on the pregnancy test.
So exciting! Congratulations! I agree with waiting - no need to worry about that now. Concentrate on your beautiful baby and give him/her the best vibes and positive thoughts that you can!