Years ago I was debating a JW on-line about the meaning of the Good Samaritan Parable. I told him that the Jews viewed the Samaritans as apostates--people who did not have "the truth". And yet, it was the Samaritan who behaved as a loving neighbor while those individuals like the priest and the rabbi who had "the truth" did not behave as a true neighbor with love. He was clearly troubled by this interpretation and told me that I was reading too much into the parable.
I have to say that the way JWs view other religious groups that do spend tons of money running schools, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, hospitals and the like is very troubling. The Bible clearly tells us in the parable of the sheep and the goats that Jesus' brothers are those individuals who are in physical as well as spiritual need. Clearly James tells us that true religion takes care of widows and the fatherless child.
I can remember when I was thinking of leaving the JWs back in the mid-1990's that a tornado came through and pretty much wiped out a neighboring town. On the news that night, Catholic and Protestant Churches were coming to the aid of the homeless with food and shelter. One did not need to belong to any of these Churches to receive help. In fact, the news said that ANYONE needing assistance just needed to show up and ask for it. Assistance was given without any questions being asked and certainly no one demanded that they join these Churches in return for receiving help. However, never once was it announced on the news that the local Kingdom Halls were available for shelter or would be providing food for those in need. I often wondered why and realized that while most JWs are good people in general and really believe that the work they do helps they are really mislead by an organization that discourages people from making a REAL difference in the lives of those in need. This is one of the reasons why I left the JWs.
The JWs, who claim to have all of the doctrinal truth that God has to offer (which of course is false), are like the priest and the levite who pass the dying man on the road. They will, of course, help their own and if it leads to good press they may help others but in general their money mostly goes to propagate their own religious organization and publishing empire. In this day and age where they seem to be losing money and are having to produce books of lower quality and as they sell their very valuable real estate holdings, where is their money going? It is going to build up their religious organization and it is not going into hospitals, homeless shelters, schools, or other entities that really help people. In addition, the JWs are being told by the Watchtower Society not to develop their talents and gifts to become doctors, lawyers, teachers, and other professionals that actually help society but are told to develop their gifts just enough so that they can spend most of their time pushing the Watchtower's cheap books. In addition, it is not uncommon for actual JWs in need of material help to ask and receive that help from the charitable groups run by what the JWs call the WHORE of Babylon...........interesting.....nothing like being a Good Samaritan......
Jeff S.