I've made mention of this before, but in this country (my country - USA), we do enjoy religious freedom. Reflecting on a historical era in western culture when we didn't enjoy freedom of thought to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness without the threat of capital punishment for person's sincere beliefs; mind control was a reality.
The Protestant Reformation began as an attempt to reform the Catholic Church, effected by Western European Catholics who opposed what they perceived as false doctrines and ecclesiastic malpractice — especially the teaching and the sale of indulgences, and simony, the selling and buying of clerical offices — that the reformers saw as evidence of the systemic corruption of the church’s hierarchy, which included the Pope.
This is what happened to some of the sincere reformers that attempted to initiate a reformed “Christian church.”
The pioneers of this movement had to endure capital punishment in its most heinous form, but Protestants eventually succeeded in ascending from the Roman Catholic Church and established a theocracy separate from Catholicism.
In our modern age, religious [mind control] does exist in 3rd world countries and their hordes of terrorists represent a physical threat to contemporary society.
The political roots of the terror attack on New York and Washington
These acts of homicidal terrorism manifest a toxic combination of demoralized pessimism, religious and ultra-nationalist obscurantism, and, it must be added, political opportunism of the vilest character. Terrorist organizations—notwithstanding their anti-American rhetoric—base their tactics on the illusion that random acts of horrific violence will compel the US ruling class to shift its policies. Thus, in the final analysis, they hope to make a deal with Washington.
"These acts of homicidal terrorism manifest a toxic combination of demoralized pessimism,”
the tendency to see, anticipate, or emphasize only bad or undesirable outcomes, results, conditions, problems, etc.: His pessimism about the future of our country depresses me.
"religious and ultra-nationalist obscurantism,"
Obscurantism (French: obscurantisme, from the Latin obscurans, “darkening”) is the practice of deliberately preventing the facts or the full details of some matter from becoming known. There are two, common, historical and intellectual, denotations: 1) restricting knowledge—opposition to the spread of knowledge, a policy of withholding knowledge from the public, and, 2) deliberate obscurity—an abstruse style (as in literature and art) characterized by deliberate vagueness.
...and, it must be added, political opportunism of the vilest character. Terrorist organizations—notwithstanding their anti-American rhetoric—base their tactics on the illusion that random acts of horrific violence will compel the US ruling class to shift its policies. Thus, in the final analysis, they hope to make a deal with Washington.
The voluntary submission to the religious powers that be in some Arab regions and the associated religious totalitarianism is limited. Not everyone is a robot, but corrupt regimes do exact a negative influence through Islamic fundamentalism.
Arabs in the United States and other developed nations have access to education, prosperity and constitutional rights. That's why they are civilized, productive and law abiding. Accusations of “mind control” in the United States is described in some science fiction novels, but fiction is fiction. In developed nations, scientific evidence for “mind control” can be acquired. The fact of the matter is there is none.