Shirley, what MrsJones said.
Especially before I got an iPad, I'd watch full movies on my iPhone... but never without ear buds. The video was fine, it's the audio that was the weak link to me... but I have pathetic hearing.
Shirley, what MrsJones said.
Especially before I got an iPad, I'd watch full movies on my iPhone... but never without ear buds. The video was fine, it's the audio that was the weak link to me... but I have pathetic hearing.
Sorry, I was just bustin yer chops, llamaCool. But I'll assume you mean besides text, email, music, and internets browsing? Here are a few I like:
MapMyRun to log my times, routes, and other details. Very slick and free. You can also access all your recorded runs from a PC with internet access.
Mint for simple banking/budgeting
Flipboard to flip through news
iTunes U
TED Talks
That's none of your damn business and I'll thank you to stay out of my personal affairs.
Oh... you meant... ah...
I make phone calls but only when absolutely necessary.
it took me a long time to write this....i'm being brutally honest...i am still a reg pioneer...three sundays ago,i was praying and asking god for a sign or something because i was so confused...i told him exactly what i needed to see for me to believe.i was feeling terrible--crying and feeling sick because i was so confused.ten minutes after, i walked into the kingdom hall and to my surprise--my prayer was answered!
i soooo wasn't expecting it, even though i prayed.
so this is where almighty god wants me to be,ii've reasoned.
Well, it's been a few days. I think she's really gone. Ms gets no pity from me. This is going to come across mean but she had every opportunity to fix how she thought.... she was exposed to reality here and she didn't invest the time or introspection necessary to figure out where the breakdown in her thinking occurred.
Anyone who joins this forum with doubts, uncovers just a handful of unknown facts about the WTBTS, and engages in conversation about the fundamentally flawed system... cannot plead ignorance.
Then she asks for a sign while walking into a KH and interprets some random event as her message to return... Forget confirmation bias, that's utter stupidity. She doesn't even get a pass on being ignorant, in my book. Maybe I'm a jerk. Maybe she'll lurk one day and read this and be filled with disgust for me and other "apostates" - I couldn't care less.
To me this is almost a natural selection kind of thing. The weaker animal gets gobbled up by the predator. So be it. I sure as hell won't be plead for her to wake up. Fool me once....
okay, so far no one has posted anything about photography on this forum.
so what do you guys and gals think about digital vs 35mm?.
i use to do a little shutter bugging myself.
Shamus: What was your ISO setting for that night shot?
ISO 200. Aperture was f11 with a 220 second bulb exposure (ambient light/supermoon only) plus additional 7 second exposure after milady flipped the breaker on at the end (cabin lights). Shot on a tripod with a radio remote while sitting still as possible 30' up in a man-lift, at around 11pm because the moon + trees were casting a shadow on the cabin before that. Got it close to the way I wanted in camera (after much trial and error), tweaked color/exposure a bit in Lightroom and used PS to clean up some weeds. Then I had a beer.
I'm struggling with making my watermarks right now. >:O
*cough* lightroom! *cough*
okay, so far no one has posted anything about photography on this forum.
so what do you guys and gals think about digital vs 35mm?.
i use to do a little shutter bugging myself.
I had this excellent book for reference (LR2) and used a lot of trial/error (plenty of error).
Here's the latest version by Martin Evening but I'm sure most of the others would work just as well. And I'd guess there aren't just a few video tutorials on the interwebs.
okay, so far no one has posted anything about photography on this forum.
so what do you guys and gals think about digital vs 35mm?.
i use to do a little shutter bugging myself.
Shamus: I prefer Aperture from apple. ;)
If I were a Mac user, Shamus, I'd prolly be an Aperture user as well. Someday, I might come over to the dark side and get a MacBook Pro with the Retina display and complete my evil conversion. So sexy.
What lens did you take that with? That's a nice shot.
Thank you, kind primate! I used my trusty 70-200mm f2.8L IS.
Will ANYTHING Ever Sway A JW From "The Truth"?
Well what are we - smoked liver?
okay, so far no one has posted anything about photography on this forum.
so what do you guys and gals think about digital vs 35mm?.
i use to do a little shutter bugging myself.
Lightroom is the shiznit.
okay, so far no one has posted anything about photography on this forum.
so what do you guys and gals think about digital vs 35mm?.
i use to do a little shutter bugging myself.
Talesin: Speaking of WOW,,, sbc --- you have a gift; it was hard to choose favorites. Is that a skink?
Why thank you, madame. All my images are made with a $5 Walgreens disposable camera. And, yes'm, I believe that guy is a Five-lined Skink but I'm not into herpes so I could be wrong. (wut?) I might also be lying about the camera.