its crazy! im a single dad of 2 kids and i gotta work like 70 hours a week just to get by. just to pick up a loaf of bread and a jug of milk is like 10 bucks, nevermind a whole grocery list!
it used to be possible for a guy to work a normal salary and get by good. if you wanted to be frugal and do an extra 20 hrs a week on the side then a guy could pay off his house in 10-15 yrs and retire young with enough socked away. but im talkin 25 years ago.
now between half my pay dissapearing for alimony after getting raped 30????? percent by the crooked tax agencys its next to impossible to make ends meet. there is superinfation going on at all levels in food, fuel, commodities etc
government has wrung us dry and left us out to dry. thats what it boils down to plain and simple. so either suck it up and work 2 jobs or shut up is what our options are. lolll!