once my cat brought flees into the house. hell!! i tried sprays, vacuuming, washing everything, they always came back. put a pyrex dish filled with an inch of water and a dash of dishsoap on the floor where they seem worst and put a small candle in the middle and light and turn the lights off so its the only lightsource. the fleas are attracted to the heat and light and they jump right in and die. super home remedy that really works, youll see dozens of dead fleas the next morning if not in an hour.
JoinedPosts by finallyfree!
Please share your best home remedies!
by serenitynow! ini love home remedies.
being able to use things from around the house to fix stuff, or treat illness is great.
a couple that i have used:.
When you were a JW did you dance " provocatively" ?
by highdose in" provocatively" of course meaning alot.
in my cong it meant moving your body in any way at all.. the spirtual ones of the cong of course would not dance and if they did would do a kinda slow motion running type dance.
totaly embassring to look at.. .
lol!! ahhaha! i remember once at a "get together" i was slow dancing with a chicky and i got some "frontal rubbage", i was only 14 i remember and i pulled her in a bit closer and put both my hands right around her waist, i got a glare from one of the elder chaperones and that was the end of that.
all the occasions i went to they always gave a 5 minute lecture about how we should not bring reproach on jahs name, yada yada yada, that way everyone was warned.
What if you admitted you don't mind being destroyed @ Armaggedon?
by Knowsnothing inisn't that pretty much the end of a conversation with a jw?.
honestly, now that i think about it, what is the difference between judgment day(armaggedon) and death?.
just curious to see how my friends and relatives would react if i responded that way... .
i honestly admit that i dont mind meeting my maker if that whole sham of a religious concept even exists. if im a badboy then zap me or read my heart and judge.
i actually thought about saying that to my jw family. good subconcious awakener for next time they get preachy with me.
Why I was disfellowshipped
by truthseeker1969 inin 1996 i was approached by elders asking me if i had at any time been inside a "gay bar' in the city center to which i replied "yes" since i had, i was renovating it on behalf of the brewery that owned it.. i advised them smugly that i go there daily and that i did not see a problem with it.
it was well known in town that it was closed for renovations and that no one other than contractors were in there.. i was told that there had to be a judicial meeting and was invited to attend which i did not and was given a note through my letter box stating that "the decision has been made to disfellowship you".
i kindly sent a letter telling them that the bar in question is not a "gay bar' since the bar is inanimate and therefor had no sexual orientation and that the bar was not a bar since it was gutted and therefor had no bar for it to be called a bar.. i further told them that the extent of my work was on behalf of the brewery who sublet the building to the landlord.. my work was to provide detailed interior redesign and nothing more.. therefor the judicial committee was formed in error based on assumption with no foundation and null and void.. oops, sorry please dont mention this to anyone was the reply, too late.. .
lol! what a buncha whackjobs! all i can say is they got it out for ya! id tell them i wanted to meet concerning the letter i got, id then proceed to piss on it in front of them and tell them where they can put their letter.
Lost my entire coin, stamp and paper money collection!! surprising story.
by finallyfree! inso in the hustle and shuffle of moving i must have left my entire collection literally in the appartment parking lot.
just to give you an idea of what was in there i had about a dozen america and canadian silver dollars, a couple gold coins, a bunch of ancient coins from the 1600s, old canadian paper money and us money and a bunch of coins, stamps, paper currency ive been collecting since i was a kid.. all in all my stuff was worth in the 5-7 thousand dollar range.
believe it or not a young guy in his mid twenties from the appartments across the st came over and asked me if i lost anything and what my name was.
yep i got his name and number. i know he has a young child and seems to be struggling like the rest of us so im gonna fix him up.
i was totally floored. just goes to show...
Lost my entire coin, stamp and paper money collection!! surprising story.
by finallyfree! inso in the hustle and shuffle of moving i must have left my entire collection literally in the appartment parking lot.
just to give you an idea of what was in there i had about a dozen america and canadian silver dollars, a couple gold coins, a bunch of ancient coins from the 1600s, old canadian paper money and us money and a bunch of coins, stamps, paper currency ive been collecting since i was a kid.. all in all my stuff was worth in the 5-7 thousand dollar range.
believe it or not a young guy in his mid twenties from the appartments across the st came over and asked me if i lost anything and what my name was.
so in the hustle and shuffle of moving i must have left my entire collection literally in the appartment parking lot.
just to give you an idea of what was in there i had about a dozen america and canadian silver dollars, a couple gold coins, a bunch of ancient coins from the 1600s, old canadian paper money and us money and a bunch of coins, stamps, paper currency ive been collecting since i was a kid.
all in all my stuff was worth in the 5-7 thousand dollar range. believe it or not a young guy in his mid twenties from the appartments across the st came over and asked me if i lost anything and what my name was. he then tells me that he picked it up on his way to the car and that he saw i had some other papers in the bag with my name. he returned it all!! nothing missing!!
now this is a kid who comes across as being one of those little drug dealing punks (my first jw auto-judement after i totally dismissed the judgemental thought lol!!) he was not one of jehovahs witnesses, he was not even religious for that matter.
just goes to show that the human race is not all lost, there are still good honest people out there, regular hardsworking people who still have respect and values. and ya dont have to be a j-dub either, as they would have u believe.
Man finds $17,000 cash and turns it in ... JW?
by wannabefree indespite this man's facial hair and no mention of religion, he must be one of jehovah's witnesses, cuz surely no worldly person would be so honest.. serioulsy, he credits his parents.
it always irritated me that whenever a witness does something good they have to throw in "as one of jehovah's witnesses ...." as though they were implying they would otherwise not have done the right thing.. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chibrknews-man-finds-17000and-turns-it-in-20110609,0,6950954.story.
jehovahs witnesses are one of the most self righteous trumpet tooting drum beating people around.
just like the sadduces and pharisees anouncing to the world all their good deeds to makem look good.
How many of us have substance abuse after we've left the borg
by Star tiger in.
is it just me, i have hit the booze quite heavily after leaving the borg, have now got it pretty much within my control now, but for a long time it did keep me from thinking about the crap that i have gone through!!.
star tiger.
i admit yes i started out with a drinking problem, then i started smokin pot. the pot really helped to calm my nerves when i was stressed out over religious tensions with my family.
however recently i find myself experimenting with other illegal substances as tensions rise and the inevitable comes to realisation that i will end up losing all my immediate family...
i find i just dont care anymore,
I dated a Methodist lady recently. (First date)
by Iamallcool inshe told me she is methodist.
for some reason the methodist religion does not appeal to me at all.
do you have any positive or negative things to say about the methodist religion?.
ask her if she will show you her "doctrines" on the next date lol!!. arent the mehodists the ones that'll blow you but not go all the way till ya hitch em? i dunno dude. id say who cares what religion shes's in. just make sure ya dont fall in love and get baboozled into being converted :)
who knows, perhaps shes not into the whole methodist thing either...perhaps she'll be ur babymamma. wompa wompwomp!
A guy just can't get by anymore...
by finallyfree! inits crazy!
im a single dad of 2 kids and i gotta work like 70 hours a week just to get by.
just to pick up a loaf of bread and a jug of milk is like 10 bucks, nevermind a whole grocery list!.
exactly what moshe said!! couldnt have said it better. im not that old and i find myself remembering the days when u could walk into a corner store and pick up a bottle of pepsi or coke for 0.69. a penny candy cost a penny.
aguest: you say it is not the governments fault that we are in the predicament we are in today? all i can say is look at the trillions our government are spending on blowing shit up in the middle east. why not take a fraction of that and put it into healthcare, or young families in need or the homeless?? i will tell you why, because caring for citizens who have paid and paid all their lives and need a hand is not profitable. war is though, and thats where i fully agree with you...corporate pigs and bigshot money managers are all in cahootz with our government. "you scratch my back, ill scratch yours" but i refer to them as the same because its a fact that our system is corrupt from the inside out.
it was also mentioned that we make our own dumb decisions which we have to pay for and assume which i also agree with. make ur bed and laydown as they say but it still stands that if we had an honest government that looked out for their country and the well being of its citizens instead of their own fat pockets and their war profiteering strategies. who goes in and cleans up after the usa is done bombing up the whole middle east? american subcontractors who overcharge, bribe and defraud. trust me i work in sales and i know how the wheel turns. contracts are inflated, envelopes get handed out and everyone shuts up cuz thats how it is. and who foots the bill? us, the taxpayer.