Good Job, Dave! Thanks for presenting this!
I learned from your post, that the gruesome circumcision procedures practiced today are much worse than what God required of Abraham and the Jews under the Mosaic Law.
When I first learned about what is really detroyed and taken from the male upon circumcision I was angered at the inhumanity, the cruelty of such a practice, much less a requirement of God. How brutal! I thought. But, now I see, that for those JWs trying to please God and so therefore had their sons circumcized, it was the Jews of 140CE that modified this to barbaric proportions.
Instead of hating God for instituing this, which I was very glad to do, monster that he is, I now have another direction to take my feelings.
What needless pain and loss go the JW and other Christian and Jewish boys! How sad.
Deeply grieved,