Prime said: However, he would never have been appointed had the elders acted as they were supposed to and reported him to the Watchtower Society
Posts by Mary
Video of admitted child molester in Jehovahs Witnesses has gone viral!
by disfellowshipped1 innotice these two attorneys opining on this case..
Video of admitted child molester in Jehovahs Witnesses has gone viral!
by disfellowshipped1 innotice these two attorneys opining on this case..
Somehow I thought after all the bad publicity they got a decade ago on Dateline, they'd smarten up and actually deal with pedophilia.
That was incredibly naive of me to think that.
There Is No 'Heavenly Hope'!
by The Searcher inpropitiatory sacrifice.
this is how christ's death is described three times in the scriptures.. the apostle john wrote, "the love is in this respect, not that we have loved god, but that he loved us and sent forth his son as a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins.
" (1 john 4:10).
The parable of the rich man and someone called Lazarus was simply that - a parable, which Jesus used to drive home his point.
Why would Jesus base a parable on a (supposedly) false doctine? All of his other parables were based on events or something that was real and that the first century Jews would be familiar with. Everything from a mustard seed to a wedding feast, hidden treasures, fishing, lost sheep, money, virgins, homes built on sand or rock, etc. were all included whenever he gave them a parable but suddenly that doesn't apply to the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus? Gimme a break.
As has been shown, there are plenty of scriptures that clearly show that the bible teaches that there is a life beyond this one. The only way you can get around that is by twisting the scriptures because you have a pre-conceived idea as to what you want it to say.
I didn't write Psalm 37:29 - "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it", but I believe it!
Once again, you're only seeing what you want to see. The preceding verses were written for the Israelites and are talking about how they were to be righteous; to 'depart from evil and do good'. It involved 'following the Laws of God' which naturally at that time, included the 10 Commandments---something that Witnesses believe is not binding on them today. If they followed this righteous life, they would "inherit the land" (Psalms 37:29) specifically, the land of Canaan which was vitally important to them at that time. These verses have nothing at all to do with the pre-conceived idea that all humans would remain forever upon the earth.
Remarkably stupid point in this week's Jeremiah book study - Jehovah's loving kindness
by sir82 inthe whole jeremiah book is an abomination, but a point in this week's study exceeded even its usual standards of inanity.. from page 144, paragraph 10:.
in our day, god continues to show loving-kindness in ways that directly benefit his worshippers.
consider the matter of prayer.
Jehovah takes note of all sincere prayers, but he pays special attention when his dedicated servants pray to him.
In other words, unless you're a baptized, actively-reporting-your-time-at-the-end-of-each-month-Witless, Jehovah doesn't give a crap about your prayers and won't answer them.
Kinda reminds me of their brain-dead theory that Christians that died in the arenas past the end of the first century CE, were not really 'true Christians' because that would screw up up their whole 144,000 doctrine.
Stephen, Richard or Michael are my guesses. With Phillip, George, Albert or Charles as second, third and fourth names.
Pedophiles Knocking
by Marvin Shilmer inpedophiles knocking .
in a nutshell, it points out why the general public should be leery of jehovahs witnesses knocking at the front door.
my article is titled pedophiles knocking and is available at:
But if a child answers the door the paedophile knows where the child lives, and the time of day or week s/he is alone, and can return. Such a child is likely to be lonely and a great subject for "grooming".
I agree 100% and I probably should have added that in my post.
Pedophiles Knocking
by Marvin Shilmer inpedophiles knocking .
in a nutshell, it points out why the general public should be leery of jehovahs witnesses knocking at the front door.
my article is titled pedophiles knocking and is available at:
I don't recall a single one perpetrated by a JW while on the door-to-door ministry upon children of the household. I simply don't recall a single one.
That's probably because Witnesses generally work with someone else when they're out in field serve-us, hence that would make molesting a child while knocking on doors very difficult. However, does it really matter? Some creep at the Hall might be molesting a kid at the Hall or a niece or nephew or even their own child. After committing this dispicable act, they then go off and present themselves as a 'minister of God' offering someone the chance to join the 'one true religion'. And as we've all found out, pedophiles in this religion are allowed to go out knocking on doors even when the elders and Crooklyn know what they've done which is just as sick as what the molestor does himself. And I think that is the point Marvin's article: That that nice man at the door who's offering you a free home bible study, could very well be a child molester; his church knows it but they still allow him to go out and preach at strangers' doors.
I still really find it hard to understand how anyone who truly believes that they are a 'true Christian', could possibly do something so horrifying and then get up there on the platform giving talks, or go out in service preaching or even be on a JC where he sits in judgement on someone else whose crime is nowhere near as bad......
How many Governing Body members have secret accounts on this forum?
by slimboyfat inhow many of them do you think have secret accounts on this discussion board?
could it be just a couple of the younger ones or all of them or none of them or do they get others to read and post on the forum on thei behalf.
i saw in a news article that you can hire social media and internet agents to manage your online profiles on your behalf.
I doubt any of the Slobbering Body members actually have accounts on here but some of their underlings obviously do. I remember a few years ago when someone posted a link to the new Elders' Manual on here. I believe Simon got a notice from someone that it was to be taken down immediately (maybe Simon can confirm this?) due to copyright infringement.
While I doubt they spend hours and hours on here, Crooklyn almost certainly has a few of their henchmen who come on here to see what we know (usually before the R&F do) and probably with regards to any lawsuits or reports in the media about Witness pedophiles. They probably report back to the powers that be that we more or less make mincemeat out of their crazy doctrines, while the GB can only sit there in impotent rage that we're not living in the Good Ol' Days of ancient Israel where they could have all us 'apostates' murdered.
by Mary inman oh man did we ever get a bad one last night.
it was unreal!!
i was sitting out on the front porch and it got really dark, clouds swirling but not much else.
Man oh man did we ever get a bad one last night. It was unreal!! I was sitting out on the front porch and it got really dark, clouds swirling but not much else. Then the wind suddenly shifted, it started really raining hard and coming straight out of the north. By the time I stood up, turned aro und to fold the chair (about 2.5 seconds) this wall of wind came straight out of the west and just ripped right down the street ripping up trees, sheds and everything else. I could not see even 2 feet out the front windows---it was like a huge sandstorm that covered everything My gazebo (which was bolted into 2x4’s that were drilled into the ground with cement) was ripped completely off. Someone’s tire and chunks of trees were in the driveway, Another shed blew up the road and was squashed on someone’s front lawn, a neighbour up the road had a huge tree come through the back of his house and the woman who lives across the road had a huge part of her tree break off and blocked the road out front. It was a total frigging mess!! Yet just a few streets over, they didn’t get hardly anything.
Here's a couple of pictures I took:
What once looked like this:
Looked like this after:
Two teenage boys rescue girl from kidnapper
by designs inwe need some good news about our young people and this shows what community caring is and can be about.
article is in freakoutnation and on cnn.
temar boggs and his buddy saw a man grab young 5 year old jocelyn rojas and speed off.
Now that is the kind of story I like to hear. Those boys should be given medals. If not for their persistance, I think we all know what that little girl's fate would have been.
Hope they catch the POS who abducted her......