WHY do they keep insisting that if you leave this organization that you can no longer worship God? My mom tries to use that on me all the time, and I tell her that I still love God I just dont think I can serve him as a jw.
Silly people
just been given this watchtower and found the 2nd study article very interesting..... is this the societies damage control to panorama and dateline?.
para 8 onwards says...... 8 satan tries to break our integrity through the sowing of doubts about what we have been taught.
today, as in the first century, apostates and others seek to destroy the faith of the guideless ones.
WHY do they keep insisting that if you leave this organization that you can no longer worship God? My mom tries to use that on me all the time, and I tell her that I still love God I just dont think I can serve him as a jw.
Silly people
this saturday marks the season opener for the university of florida fiiiiiiigghhhhtin' gators!!!!!!
guess what i'll be doin' come saturday evening??
even though I am totally opposed to the mascot, I must root for my alma mater
Florida State! Florida State! Florida State!
ps...hey ConnieLynn, ain't it great to be a florida gator HATER???
muslim rebels in the southern philippines have beheaded two christian hostages, part of a group of jehovah's witnesses seized on tuesday.
the two severed heads were found by the philippines military on the remote southern island of jolo.
the army chief on jolo, brigadier general romeo tolentino, said that a note was attached to one of the heads, saying: "those who do not believe in allah will suffer the same fate.
Yes, but those effects aren't brought about by force such as these deaths were. Unless these religous fanatics are forcing people to follow them they do not deserve anything more than being exposed and then ignored. These actions certainly don't match beheading people for not following your belief.
My point is that they were preaching in an area that looks upon proselytyzing as an act of war upon their traditional governments. They were not beheaded for "not following beliefs", but for insisting on engaging in an activity that has 400 years of evidence showing that it leads to the overthrow of traditional governments. I suggest that they were viewed as invaders, and that is why they were executed.
muslim rebels in the southern philippines have beheaded two christian hostages, part of a group of jehovah's witnesses seized on tuesday.
the two severed heads were found by the philippines military on the remote southern island of jolo.
the army chief on jolo, brigadier general romeo tolentino, said that a note was attached to one of the heads, saying: "those who do not believe in allah will suffer the same fate.
Try telling Daniel Pearl's wife he got what he deserved for putting himself in a dangerous situation.
This is not the same situation. This situation is more similar to the Christians who were held hostage for a year or so, and the husband died. They were part of a religious movement out of south florida whose mission is to Christianize the Indigenous peoples of the world that the Catholics missed. They are hated by traditionalists in the various countries that they set up camp because they insist that Christian, Western ways are the best ways to live, and convice people to give up traditional ways of life, dress, eating, worshipping, thinking.
So, while the acts seem heinous, lets remember that what these preaching groups do is destroy traditional indigenous societies, and those effects are much more devestating than two deaths.
Additionally, the only reports I have read are from Western media whose mission still seems to blame all of the worlds badness on Al Quida. We all (here...xjws) can sense that there is much more to this story...it does not add up at all. So really, what can we believe??
celtic mark is often seen to be swimming out of his depth when it comes to the psychological makeup of women.
frankly, they puzzle me, quite irksome creatures, endearing yes, but still ruddy irksome, flummox me a tad they do, so in sagitaurian putting your foot in it style, i am asking you for your advice.. when it comes to the ladies, what attitude is it specifically in a guy that you enjoy seeing displayed towards you?
what actions on the guys behalf make you smile or laugh or shriek out in utter exasperation at our endeavours to win over your favour?
I like smart guys. They dont have to have an education, they just cant be stupid.
I like guys that treat me like any other friend they have. I HATE being treated like a dumb girl.
That is why I like my guy so much....we are just buds. There is really only one time when it matters that I am a girl...and that is just fine by me.
the silentlambs march is fast approaching, i encourage one and all to get your hotel reservations and make your final travel arrangements.
we have a listing of discount hotels if you need assistance.
we are going to have a police escort all the way to the front door of 25 columbia heights .
you know, you must know you are stupid.
Many people have said that the JW meetings are sales training..which they are. I know the first training I recieved in my activist career were writing letters to the gov't of Malawi.
This is how it always goes, when good-hearted people set out to right a social wrong. There has to be one loud person, organizing and speaking up to make change. Is he doing things in an organizational manner? Yes,because you have to change things from within the system. Probably a ton of legalities behind the scenes (permits and that) we don't know about.
Maybe you have issues with certain buzzwords that are used in all organizations. But that is your problem. Actually, your being an ass and personaly attacking one person shows that he is going about things the right way...your ridicule is part of the activist cycle.
this weekend i'm going to dc for the reparation march.
i know this is an highly volatile subject for some so i'm not even going to ask for opinions.
but, for the record here's my stand - i'm for reparations based on principle.
Oh bullsh*t!!!!!
Iis so easy to say that you are not affected, because you are able to reap the benefits of being white without even realizing.
It is quite a funny thing that there are so many more people of color incarcerated, ever stopped to ask yourself why? They cant afford lawyers, they are pulled over more often, they dont get the put on the back and let off as easy BECAUSE of the color of their skin? Have you ever looked at the penalities for drug possession, and compared them to, I dunno, rich fat bastards running off with peoples retirements? I bet you have never been followed when you shopped at the mall for baby clothes, or told that you would have polka-dotted babies if you have a mixed baby. (I have!)
So what if your people did not get here until after slavery, you still benefit from the good ole boy's club because of your color. The fact that you cannot even acknowledge that there is privelege based on color in this country proves how well entrenched it is.
There are far more whites on welfare rolls than people of color, look it up on any statistical site. I personally believe it is a class issue as well, if you do not live in a good neighborhood (which up until the late 60s blacks could not!) you go to sub-standard schools, you go to sub-standard colleges (if at all). There are plenty of people who work 50 and 60 hours a week and still cannot make ends meet. Not just blacks, whites too. That is just messed up. It has nothing to do with wanting to work.
If you ever have a chance to go and listen to any of the current African American leadership IN PERSON....without the filter of the press....I urge you to go. You may be amazed at what you hear, it is not the same thing you hear on the news.
It is time to tell the ugly history of America...and yeah yall have to listen and realize it really happened, and that it STILL affects Americans today.
this weekend i'm going to dc for the reparation march.
i know this is an highly volatile subject for some so i'm not even going to ask for opinions.
but, for the record here's my stand - i'm for reparations based on principle.
I think maybe that the point is being missed here. The US was built on stolen land and exploited labor. The minority that holds the wealth are the direct beneficiaries of this explotation.
Why shouldn't all of us be able to share in this wealth? These companies were built on the labor of the slaves, why shouldnt some of that be shared around now, esp if we all agree that it is wrong.
Being Indian, I dont even want to get started on the subject of treaty violations......
Maybe your family was not here to benefit from slavery, but our economy is built on lies and brutality (and we all act so shocked when we find out the bastard ceos have cooked the books...shame on us). I say share the wealth out....or just acknowledge that race matters in our country.
i have read of some people's bitterness because they were denied the opportunity to go to college.
during the 60's and 70's the society really discouraged any education other than what was necessary.
since the end was so near, especially around 1975, anybody that decided to go to "higher education" was considered very weak and unbalanced.
I graduated hs in the 80s, and it was bad to go to college then too. I could have gone for free as well, I was in all advanced classes since the 3rd grade.
But, I finally went and now I have my degree. yay
Also, my children know that they have to go to college before they do anything else. Period.
like a typical witness goody-goody-two-shoes, i eschewed college in favor of "theocratic pursuits" when i was a teen (i.e.
over 5 yrs at bethel).
now, at age 26, with my eyes opened and purged of the witness insanity, im thinking about college again.
I went to school when I was 28 with two kids...a single df'd mom with family who believe the only way to save me is to shun me and offer me no help at all.
I started at community college, then transferred and got my 4 year degree, which I totally recommend.
I HAD a good job in the technology sector, but the bastards layed me off in April. I am just waiting on my reccomendation letters so that I can start on my MBA.
I wasnt working long enough to save a ton of money, but I still think with loans I can swing it. First thing to do is fill out that FAFSA and make sure you do it ONLINE. Then I would make an appointment with an admissions counselor and let them know what you want to do....and they will tell you how to do it. If you are broke, they will be happy to tell you how to spend all that grant money at THEIR college.
The best advice I got when I was trying to decide if I wanted to go to school was that if I kept waiting for the best time, I would never even start. In 4 years, you could be graduating or still trying to figure out if you could swing it or not.
Hell I did it on my own with kids, so I know anyone could do it. My advice is to pick science or a medical field.....damn those technology managers~!