They set up weekly on campus at Florida State too....what is even freakier is that they set up at the Tallahassee Flea Market. What's up with that?
JoinedPosts by jst_me
They're on my campus!
by Ephanyminitas insay it ain't so.
you'd be lying.
) i knew it'd happen eventually though: witnesses set up a table here at my university.
Elder LIES to Downey, California Reporter
by Brymichmom indungbeetle and brymichmom delivered a stuffed lamb to the downey, ca kingdom hall at 12116 woodruff avenue today.
present were a reporter and a photographer from the downey patriot newspaper.
while we were placing the lamb at the front door, an elder approached us and asked us why we were there.
What will happen to that elder, since he did not respond like the legal dept instructed him to? I mean, it isnt like he can get fired, right
What's wrong with us in South Florida?
by Trotafox ini live in broward county, florida...unfortunate harborer of mohammed atta and other terrorists.. next door is (drum roll please)...palm beach county...home of the "we don't know how to vote" crowd.. also next door to (drum roll please) county....the "hanging chad" county.
and i work next door to the country's largest petroleum tank farm (port everglades...which also houses florida power and light company.).
and now, lo and behold, we are in the news again.
I am from the LA...lower Alabama (Ft Walton). Which is the BEST part of Florida if you ask me, alot less people, alot less damn yankees, the best beaches and fishing....
But Florida as a state is insane. I am so glad I got my kids away from a state that places absolutely no value on diversity and life. I am so sick about the case in Pensacola where the kids were convicted for clubbing their dad with a bat, and they kept referring to the 12-yr old's molestation as a homosexual affair. How can a 12 year old have an affair with a grown man, why wasnt the influence that played in what these boys done even considered? Oh, no, it is a capital crime try 'em as adults. Sick sick sick.
What is up with the primaries? I remember the pres. elections when I was going to school in Tallahassee, and there were so many things that were NOT reported nationally, but they def prevented people of color from voting.
And, isnt it funny that the woman from Shoney's was able to cry witch and hold up an interstate and 3 people based on how they looked? I knew that sounded fishy from the get go.
Crazy Florida, I still miss the gulf more than anything I can tell you. I hate that I have not had cobia in years. I miss dancing on the deck under a big moon. But there are a mess of racist backwards people running that state.
Whats the dumbest thing you were counselled for?
by Beck_Melbourne ini was once counselled by the elders for watching 'knots landing' became widely known in the congregation that me and a few other sisters would rush home from field service to watch our favourite soapie.
if we missed it, we would ring each other up for an update...or...if we weren't near a tv we would ask someone to put the phone handset on the top of their tv so we could hear it...pathetic huh...but that was all the excitement we could scrounge up in our otherwise dull and uneventful lives.
one of the elder's wive's conscience got the better of her...and she confessed to her
I was very sick when I was pregnant with my first baby. They took out my appendix when I was 6 months pregnant, then I was in hospital with a kidney infection at 8 months and even passed 2 kidney stones!! Well, while I was pregnant I put my head down on my (ex)hubbys shoulder and was counseled by some older sisters that wasn't respectful or something.
We were both pioneers when I got pregnant (kept having pains in my right side after we got married, stayed on antibiotics for three months one told me that would interfere with my birth control pills! And then the pain turned out to be the appendix DOH!). Anyways, got counseled for getting pregnant so quickly.
Constantly counseled for not being submissive (ex is manic and schitzophrenic...both of us couldnt be submissive!)
Not going downstairs where it was hot (no a.c. in an island nation) to nurse my babies. I too left my (ex)hubby at the KH in a rather loud fasion when I was told I had to go into the bathroom...where there was not even a chair to nurse....stupid people.
For saying "man" too much in the 70s when I was about 9.
Working on a navy base, at a McDonalds no less that was not operated by the Navy, when I was an American citizen living in a forein country, and that was the best paying job I could get.
Acting too American while I lived in the above mentioned foreign country.
How Do You Feel About Indian Mascots?
by Kenneson insince i live in tallahassee, i will state that our city derives its name from the tallahassee seminoles who were the original inhabitants of the region, when the americans began to arrive circa 1823. the word, however, is of creek derivation and means "old fields.
" early on, starting in the 1820s efforts to remove the seminoles from the state, led to several seminole wars.
the majority were finally persuaded to leave (1842) and these eventually became one of the five civilized tribes of oklahoma.
This statement actually shows the negative power for the mascots:
Oh, by the way, I thought the Washington Redskins were named after the red skin potato.
Let me explain why. That word, "redskins", comes from a time when hunters were paid for Indian scalps. They would bring the bloody scalps of Indian people to trading posts, where they would recieve a certain amount per Indian that they could prove that they had eliminated. The wives of the traders did not like hearing about how many scalps were brought in, so the trading posts referred to the bloody evidence the same way that they did other animal skins that were brought in, so the hunters would get paid for racoon skins, bear skins, deer skins, and REDSKINS.
The word carries the same connotation as the "n" word. Most dictionaries say that it is a slur. Call an Indian that and you will most likely get cussed out. It is ironic that the football team in the nation's capitol insists on using it as their mascot, especially after they lost the copyright to it becuase the US copyright commision recognizes that it is a slur.
As far as the argument about Notre Dame, that is an Irish Catholic institution, and they chose to name themselves the Fighting Irish. Most of the Indian team names were chosen at a time when Indians still had no rights whatsoever, they could not even dance or perform religious ceremonies. Notre Dame actually played a game not too long ago and the opposing team brought out some guy dressed as a priest acting all crazy, and Notre Dame refused to play until apologies were made. So, they are able to control the religious imagary that they use and that their opponents use. That does not happen with teams with Indian mascots, because the people who control the mascots are not Indian, they have just made up their little rituals without considering what may be sacred, and that some things are inappropriate for the football field.
Usually there is not alot of fight about these names, especially in New England and in the South, because there is not much of an Indian population since they were removed. It is very hard for the people who do remain to speak up because usually you are all alone, against alot of people who say the same things that are being said here. I had an incredibly hard time last year with TEACHERS saying ignorant things to my son at school, and I just gave up because it was so hard...they had no clue and I just wanted my son to get through it all. Ignorance makes people say very hurtful things, and then when they are presented with an alternate view of their reality, people can become downright nasty. All we want is to go to school, and to be able to do that without the negative imagary that comes along with the Indian mascots.
How Do You Feel About Indian Mascots?
by Kenneson insince i live in tallahassee, i will state that our city derives its name from the tallahassee seminoles who were the original inhabitants of the region, when the americans began to arrive circa 1823. the word, however, is of creek derivation and means "old fields.
" early on, starting in the 1820s efforts to remove the seminoles from the state, led to several seminole wars.
the majority were finally persuaded to leave (1842) and these eventually became one of the five civilized tribes of oklahoma.
Just one more thing...the word "Tallahassee" means ghost town in Creek.
How Do You Feel About Indian Mascots?
by Kenneson insince i live in tallahassee, i will state that our city derives its name from the tallahassee seminoles who were the original inhabitants of the region, when the americans began to arrive circa 1823. the word, however, is of creek derivation and means "old fields.
" early on, starting in the 1820s efforts to remove the seminoles from the state, led to several seminole wars.
the majority were finally persuaded to leave (1842) and these eventually became one of the five civilized tribes of oklahoma.
While I attended FSU, a group of us re-established the Native American Indian Association, and we lobbied to have it become an agency at the university. The reason we did this was that there was no agency, office, anything, to support American Indian students at FSU. There are no faculty or staff who are enrolled members of federally recognized tribes. They do not recruit Indian students. So, a university that claims to have a proud "indian" heritage does nothing to foster and encourage the Indians who attend their college.
FSU has never, ever recieved permission from any of the Seminole tribes, including the Florida Seminole tribe that is recognized by the US, to use their name as a mascot. (They also do not pay the FL Seminole tribe, or the OK tribe for that matter, a dime for the use of the name either) They do not see how this negatively impacts the Indian students that go to school there. If you tell anyone you went to FSU, usually they will say, oh so you are a Seminole? And I say, no I am Cherokee. One time, an old lady who was working at a gas station saw my hat that had Florida State on it, and asked if I was a Seminole and I just said no (cuz I am not) and she said, well that is just as well cuz I am a Gator fan and we like to kill them Indians. (nice huh?)
This issue is not silly, and it does affect everyone, not just Indian people. It presents a complete distortion of history, all in the name of sports. It is an absolute shame that we have educational institutions perpetuating this miseducation. It is important for all people...Indian, black white whatever, to learn the history of our nation. If the only education that the future leaders of this country ever get about Indians is what they see at Doak Campbell Stadium, how will they ever be able to deal with the bigger issues in Indian country such as land and mineral rights, racism, treaty rights, gaming, etc etc?
I learned more about political manuevering in two years that I led that student organization than I ever dreamed possible. I think the defining moment that made me start really speaking out about the mascot was at a game...watching the Clemson tigers doing their silliness with the crowd...and seeing the stupid white boy who had his face painted red sitting on a horse pretending to be one of the greatest southeastern Indian heros there is.....all for a football game. Fake silly tigers and was sad.
You have to know your past. The mascots create an reality where it is impossible to know the truth about our past. I am against them.
This website has alot of good info:
F.S.U. Logo 'Let's Roll' Sparks Controversy
by Kenneson inthe story entitled "bowden defends fsu's 9/11 motto.
coach says critics of team's use of 'let's roll' are unpatriotic" can be found at:. .
That is no more offensive than trademarking the name of an Indian nation so that they can claim exclusive rights to the word "Seminole".
I am an FSU alum, and I am totally against the mascot.
Ok...College football anyone??
by safe4kids inthis saturday marks the season opener for the university of florida fiiiiiiigghhhhtin' gators!!!!!!
guess what i'll be doin' come saturday evening??
Hey, I hate Clemson!
BUT not as much as I do UF.
Strangest experience on field service?
by haujobbz ini think the strangest experience i had on the ministry was when i spoke to a witch and she said she knew i was a jw and that the devil told her all the details of armaggeddon,etc.
it was so funny lol.
also i remember someone telling me that all of a sudden they became ill and when trying to go through the congregation door they just couldnt get through because a force was stopping them, so what then happened was that the elders asked her if anyone had given her anything so she said then recalled bying something seond hand, so guess what she realised this gold ring she bought might have been owned by someone demonised so she got rid of it and then her ilness went and she could get through the congregation door, how mad is that .
once, my pioneer partner and I were talking to some holy rollers (why? what was the point? I have no idea...) and one of the ladies had these little moles all over her neck and face. SO this lady kept going on and on about how they could heal people by just laying thier hands on them, and that proved that THEY had god's spirit, so after a rather spirited conversation that was obviously going no where my partner said, oh yeah lady then why dont you lay your hands on your friend and make her warts go away.
I wanted the ground to swallow me up.
I used to go on this study with her to this blind guys house, and he would always wear shorts with no underwear so you could see his balls. Now why in the world did we go on that study (I was only about took me forever to figure out what the hell I was looking at haha) that was pretty gross.