Hey man
check your mail
greg stafford posted on july 1, 2006 that he is returning to the organization.
you can read his article at: http://www.elihubooks.com/greg-stafford/another.htm.
his rationale and logic are most interesting.
Hey man
check your mail
no, i don't have this article yet, it will appear in the sep 1, 2006 wt.
it may even be a wt study article.. in the august 15 watchtower, the box "in our next issue" has three forthcoming articles, and one of them is "when a loved one leaves jehovah".
of interest, it's not when a loved one leaves the society, it's jehovah.. will keep you posted.
excellently written article about those who leave jah and family members who have seen family leave jah
but i don;t see anything about folks who just leave the org, unless they are saying leaving the org is = to leaving god himself
greg stafford posted on july 1, 2006 that he is returning to the organization.
you can read his article at: http://www.elihubooks.com/greg-stafford/another.htm.
his rationale and logic are most interesting.
Don't be too hard on Greg,
keep in mind folks that if you or i were to approach the avg jw on the street standing next to their CO out in service and let them know that we are former jw - we all know that practically every jw would shut down like an ATM machine on the 3rd wrong pin number
but the net is different, we actually see jw- actually consider themselves spiritual minded, supporters of the organizaiton, yet we chit chat with these cats on a daily basis
you all know full well that we could never have a face to face discussion with them in the presence of their elders or any an elder in front of his fellow elders like we do online
so online for jw is a differnet world all together-
we have literally seen a jw take the time to examine the wt dogmas and we all know- it takes awhile for some folks to digest and deal with the ramiifications of accepting that the wt has bamboozled and hoodwinked them
it ain't easy at all and for some folks they roll up outta that camp very quickly, then others they have many issues to settle in thier mind,
many have family still in, husband wives, kids , mothers fathers, etc and for each person who has additional factors to weigh - leave at different times
i have seen folks tell me straight up I know this ain't the truth, go back and attempt to accept what the wt says and it is mental angish- and in a couple of years and sometimes months they roll up outta that camp again
so give my man some time and room each person deals differently when it comes to digesting and deciding what to do once they have tasted freedom from the writings of the Boys in Writing
personally i see a man struggling
it was not until i was facing the decision as to what do i do now with the information i know about the wt--
did i fully understand why ray called his book "Crisis of Conscience"
and in my exp and personal opinion, that is all we are loooking at, we are actually seeing with our own eyes a man struggling with what to do
one thing is for sure- one you get that "Apostates" stuff in your head about the wt, you can't get it out
i have actually had folks tell me
"I wish i never knew this about the wt"
it shows how difficult is it for most humans to face Truth
any good psych student will tell you that this is called Defense Mechanisms
just my 2
well everybody, it has been accomplished.
i have revealed my feelings to the elder i talked about in some of my last posts.
things didn't go so well, but i dosn't really matter now.
He simply stated that such council did not apply to the Watchtower because God had chose them
this is why i keep on telling folks don't even getting into a pissing match with a society man.elder, dyed in the wool jw, you will lose and they will say stuff, just like the above, stuff that shows absolutely no commone sense- no thought, just anything that keeps the society looking good
now tell me, what can you possible explain to such a man or woman who has the mindset as indicated above-
you guys just don't believe FAT Meat is Greasy- smile
click here: joel osteen ministries: welcome to joel osteen ministries!
i am suggesting this site to all here.
you don't need to belong to his religion to benefit from his speeches.
Joel Osteen is one of those prosperity Gospel preachers. I have watched him on interviews and he has no real theology, just God is good and will RICHLY bless his believers if they have faith and tithe to him.
this is the going thing now, the God will hook you up, but first you need to hook up me routine is hot nowadays
first want to give a shout-out to our newbie member jw_researcher.
thanks for the article.
You must be kidding, You must NOT be an elder- for you would know that this material is discussed at all KM School and such material is ground for a judical case/ DFing
so please man--------- don't attempt to paint that the wt presents jw reading apostate material as general counsel- like should you wear a suit or sports jacket when giving a talk
get real- if an elder see a jw PC Cookies pointing to sites deemed as "Apostates" that jw i S#%$# outta luck
if the elders wants to he can take it as far as he likes right to a judical meeting- the grown jw will be given the chance to aplogize and confess they are weak, if the jw takes the position that i am a grown man who pays my own light bill each month instead of whimpping out
he will face the full wrath of a judical and the funny part is if he appeals to another committee and on to Bethel HE WILL LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so at least be honest in terms of how serious the wt takes any jw who interacts with DF DA or those classified as apostates-
this is why guys like you are at such a disadvantage in terms of knowing Organizational procedures, guidlines and Policy on issues
IF you are not AN Elder then you are merely speaking off the Cuff on this issue- sorry to yank your chain man
he goes through this every few months.. even though he is a good man, he feels like he isnt doing what jehovah wants him to do, he gets angry sometimes n all that, im like , errra uhh, isnt that a normal human emotion, like jealousy.. he said they are not natural emotions or something like that...
anyhoo.. we get into this discussion about crosses, he says that its a slap in the face to jesus to be "glorifying" his torture
I don't know why the JWs always view the cross in such a negative way along the lines
it is really simple, the key to high control groups is to make themselves different, the more they are different the more they can invoke we are correct-
folks call it the church, jw call it the hall
folks call it the OT NT- jw call it the hebrew and greek text
others say AD, jw says CE-
it is vital that they creat thier own Pure Language-
worldwide faith news (press release), ny - 3 minutes ago .
... 25. jehovah's witnesses, 1,029,902 members, reporting a decrease of 1.07 members.
24. the orthodox church in america, 1,064,000 members, reporting an increase of 6.40 percent.
You are not doing real math.
The JW numbers are the peak number of publishers from the 2004 Service year, not 2005. The 2005 numbers are an increase of 16,104 from 2004, or an increase of 1.56%, which is actually more than the majority of the churches listed. Don't rejoice just yet. ############## keep in mind the the new arrangement of 15Min Publishers counting time only gave the wt a one time bounce in numbers imagine a person is counted as a good jw if they have 15min and Not -if they have 14min per month smile
no i haven't read the replies to my last post although i'm finding it hard to resist.. but let me just add some things.
there is no doubt that some of you 'apostates but you don't even know it' thought you have given some very clever respones.. just to clarify, i've had my share of the world and i'm glad i'm out of it, you however are hanging around on a jw site this is my first and last day of looking on here - and i'm only on here to wnd you lot up, .
how easy was it really - i'm off sick, how many of you just haven't got anything better to do.
See you guys know you "AIN'T" right-- smile
o yea he'll be back - i recall how it was for me, i felt like i was battling agents of satan online, when i would post
little did i know i actually knew so little about the history of the org, beyond what the wt had said about it self
most jw who come here - its good, to see,but it is just so hard dealing with their "Unresearched Behind"
they come here after reading nothing other than what they were told, i can't recall seeing one jw who really was up to speed on the wt history
i used to watch former jw mess with jw by saying -- the wt taught so and so, and the poor jw would jump head first and deny deny, liar liar,routine and then about 5 post later, the former jw would post the Refernece to the material
and the poor jw would then go into a tail spin trying to RE_explain what he had said on the opposite side of the issue now
it was so funny
i'm totally amazed.
i gave that un report to my (hardcore jw to the extreme max, but in a nice way) aunt, and she didn't speak of it for several days.
when she said nothing, i knew i'd gotten somewhere.. today she finally spoke up.
The issue of "trust" is important to me. I know Paul Gillies & his wife
this shows just how little the poster knows about how the wt reps such as paul are given talking points
any elder who has work in "NEWS SERVICE" at the district knows this simple point
you are given "Approved" talking points-
so it really has nothing to do with him, much like the poster, he was given talking points for years that the Generation of 1914 would not die off-
he just went forth sincerely telling bible studies, giving talks, telling anyone who would listen that before the generation of 1914 dies off this system will be toast
so as theposter focuses on a Gillis who was merely a cog in the wt wheel he has missed the bigger picture
but its good to see him online examiing things all the same
he will learn in time as he does better research on issues