i would like to thank the person for doing that CDROM printout
he made my job easier- now i don't have to weed thru all those articles
many thanks
it is so amazing what happens when you put all the comments together and see the clear picture that wt was painting about the yr 1975
but on the other hand it is so sad when we have persons right here on this board who will read all those DIRECT QUOTES and still miss the point
but i will say this-
rarely do i debate with jw now adays due to realizing that they are not yet ready to deal with the pain they will exp like almost everyone else when you realize that your entire life and belief system was built on the same things jim jones, karesh and a ton of other dudes- all of it was built on sand
so i often use my time to help NONJW to see the foolishness of the jw belief system
i live in the most hi tech area on the east coast- recently an article stated we avg 1.4 computers per household and almost 3/4 of all emails in the world come thru a company located in our neck of the woods
i know we have 5pcs ourselves 2upstairs 2 on the second floor and a server in the basement - smile
just before i stepped aside the CO told us in our elders meeting that the internet is causing problem for the bro in service
he told us that when studies are started and they begin to share with their family , friends and co-workers what they are learning
they will download a ton of jw stuff off the net
and give it to them to read-
so when the publisher comes back they are sitting there with tons of pages and lots of questions
as he put it many of the bro would OVERREACT when asked by the student to read something they got off the net-
you know like it was a bomb or something
and the student would see this reaction of the jw when presented with info that may not be positive on jw
yet they wanted the student to read all about the bad things their faith does
so he told us that the bro needed to be more discrete smile
personally i give nonjw printouts with questions to ask the next jw who stops by thier home
for me keeping folks out of wt is much easier than getting folks off WT Drugs once they have become members
just my 2