Focus, Focus
calm down my man b4 your blow a head gasket
your anger is fully understood, but to be honest about it Friend is just as much a victim as the rest of us
it is all a matter of DEGREES
anyone who has connections with wt is being sold a bill of goods
since i have been on the net i havew seen lots of bro just like Friend- try to explain/play in the pig pen without getting any MUD on them
regardless of what he says we all know that he got mud on his shoes
when you finally reaches the point were we are trust me on this one
he will be one of the Most Damaging guys wt has seen in yrs
consider the mere fact that he is even here
to me any jw who is willing to disregard MoMMY like this- is already on his way out of the org and the funny thing is he don't even know it
SO DON'T worry THE mere fact that as a JW he would even dialog is actually saying alot in my book
considering that if he is caught his A$$ is Grass- you know as well as the rest of us he would be Forced as a Grown man to say "i'M SORRY BROTHERS FOR BEING IN THAT FORUM"
think about it - here we have a dude 50-60-70 or maybe even older and he lives in fear- he is never free to say to a group of folks
"WEll yes i surf the net all the sites even ones that discuss the org"
instead he must carefully speak only around those who will not "Turn" him in
so at least commend the dude for having the guts to even be here
you know that in the avg congo of 120 pub you could not get 2 folks to discuss at length and depth any of the conversations that take place on forums like this , and why THEY LIVE IN FEAR
so look on the bright side each post he reads is one more piece of the puzzle that you and i and others are helping to put together for this bro- he like most jw only speak and think what they are told
and if you do that for long time it's hard to change
consider he has been a JW for what 20-50yrs - 5 meetings a week of nothing but WT Dogma-- now how long has he been on the net 2 yrs at the most reading a post here and there- so never get bent out of shape
reflect back on the fine technique wt used to train you__SMILE -
be calm -ask good questions, and present your facts
and if he has the right heart condition/ or an event in his life that
he as to deal with- all things you have stated will come back to him
i find that a person is only willing to say MAMA is wrong and i must get the "He!! Up Out O here" smile when the time is right
the worst thing that can be done to a person with the background such as friend is to turn him completely.
we really have golden opportunity by having friend here
the vast majority of jw defender are "Flunkies and Outcast"
rarely do we get real INSIDERS who know what they are talking about
most of the folks are guys who can't be appointed to carry the mikes in thier Hall- they are out of the LOOP and that is why you see such a high number of them coming here:
1. not being an Elder or MS
2 always claiming to be of the ANNOINTED
3. on a mission from god to save the lost jw here who are being attacked by the mean old apostates
these are the types of guys i see that are usually the strongest wt defenders- like i said IN THIER HALLS THEY ARE FLUNKIES
here on the net THEY GET MUCH RESPECT folks even answer back to thier post
yet in thier hall they merely stand around the Information board looking lost
so don't feel you need to grab my man in the collar and shake him - while telling him:
"Man can't you see they are Hoodwinking and Bamboozling YOU"
it don't work to well in most cases- always remember WT has caught more members with Honey than Vineagar- why not try it out on them
just my 2
At the end of the day the issue boils down to the powerless(victims) and the powerful(elders,
you have summed it up very nicely , while Friend's Legal/Technical positions would and does work very well in the courtroom.
sorta like Clinton "What is "IS"---- What is "SEX" legal jargon
in the real lives of JW who live in total fear of WHAT THEY CAN AND CAN'T DO it is amazing
when you consider the types of questions that the Service Desk and the Writing Dept recieves from persons who have been JW for 10-40 yrs they still show they have developed no ablity whatsoever to make a decsions without cking to see if THE SOCIETY APPROVES IT
and that really is the bottom line
where we constantly see grown men and women who must ask is it OK FOR ME TO FART NOW
they are totally dependent on the org for each breathe they take
as Ray wrote in his book the org has over the years developed literally volumes and volumes of RULES AND POLICIES.
I RECALL giving a talk in which the point was made in the outline that the Pharisees had taken something like one law "not to work on the sabbath" and they had increased it to like 17 additional rules/policies/procedures
all manmade of course and that is the way wt does all the time
the most interesting dept at bethel in my view is the Service Dept
where rules/policies/procedures are created and enforced with the Penlty of Death almost
all manmade of course , but presented to the rank and file and esp the elders as FOOD FROM GOD himself
and of course we all know how food from god is to be viewed
so while Friend plays around with legal/technical arguments
most of use here fully understand that it is due to such a mindset as his is why the WT is in the trouble it is in right now
At one time i use to Pride myself on the same ability of quoting page and paragraph like friend does-
but i begin to clearly see that for a religion that operates like a Corporation something is seriously wrong
when the Home Office of a large corporation decides to shutdown a plant in Littletown, Miss- the guy in accounting who put the numbers together to show that we can make more money by moving to Mexico does not see faces, the children, the community, the school , the Jr socker team, etc that will be affected by this
all he knows is it will increase the value of the stock
while being a business man i understand the need at time to make hard decsions,
but i have seen to many decsions made with little thought to how folks lives will be affect- if a choice has to be made between you and the company- you lose-
now that may be ok for a corporation, but when a religion operates on the same rules that is sad
allow me to share with you a personal exp-
there was an older bro an elder who was like a father to me when i was in bethel , he lived up in The Bronx. this guy had went to jail back in the late60's/early 70's for not going overseas to the war.
well a few yrs ago i got a call from him in tears- he had just gotten his LATEST FOOD FROM GOD it dealt with Alterantive Service
here the wt stated that the reason these guys like him went to jail was due to them having "VERY STRICT CONSCIENCES" where in fact "SOME" bro felt there was nothing unscriptural about working at the hopital instead of going to war-
and that is What we call in the Black commuity "A BlackA$$ Lie"
he explained to me that when he got his draft letter him and his mama went to the elders to see what he should do.
and they directed him straight to the bound vols which clearly stated that any real spiritual mature man would go to jail and take it like a man- so since the co was coming soon the elders told him them would ask the co to see if there was any new info on the matter
the co came and call the Service dept and asked ANY NEW LIGHT
and co was directed to the same bound vols
so they told him he could not take the hospital job and if he did he would be deleted as a MS and considered no longer a jw- yes he would be shafted is what they told him
so he like 1000's of other young men went off to prison cause to do otherwise would have been to go against the VERY WILL OF GOD HIMSELF..
I was told by a number of persons who should know that while he was in prison he was repeatedly raped as a young man- now i have never asked him about it and i never will, but the persons who told me they should know-
he can out of prison as a felon- it was very hard to get work- mainly due to it was viewed as so unpatriotic by many folks
so he got shafted again when it came to employment opportunities
and now to be told that the reason you went to jail was because YOUR CONSCIENCE WAS TOO STRICT, YOU MUST BE JOKING
yet when these clowns voted on this matter they saw no face, wife, child, mother or father all they saw was we need to make sure the org is looking good and smelling good
he just broke down and cried and he just kept saying
today he is no longer an elder rarely attends meeting and is a emotionally BROKEN MAN
so when i see guys like Friend come up here on this board and others and try to paint an Intellectual/technical/legal picture I TRULY FEEL SORRY FOR HIM
being that 99% of us here are either jw or xjw we all know the type of MINDSETS that are found thruout this organization
jw operate on both WRITTEN AND UNWRITTEN RULES and for someone to paint a picture otherwise is simply to being dishonest WITH THEMSELVES
i have seen some JW come here and say "The GB's and the bro at bethel go thru much PAIN in the decisions that they make"
to that i laugh-
it they really felt for the rank and file they would be honest and tell them
NO WE DON'T SPEAK FOR GOD like we have convinced you that we do and have you jumping thru all these hoops that we have setup for you
just my 2