3 congs = 1 partaker. Though I knew of at least 3 more in about 5 surrounding congs.
Jedi Master
how many partakers were in your kingdom hall??.
even if your kingdom hall had no partakers, please say so.. at the end of this thread i'll tally up the result to give a rough idea of partakers world wide!.
i'll start this thread off by saying that i attended 4 kingdom halls and there was a total of 3 partakers.
3 congs = 1 partaker. Though I knew of at least 3 more in about 5 surrounding congs.
Jedi Master
" {revelation 17:11 niv}.
" {revelation 13:3 niv}.
" {revelation 13:12 niv}.
Too long. And over-threaded.
Jedi Master
co-worker (who doesn't know a lot about jws) wanted to know good questions to ask jws when they come to the door.. i told him to ask about the meaning of "the generation" or how to calculate 1914.. after explaining to him him the history of the generation changes and the current overlapping generation meaning today, he said "that's genius because they can just keep overlapping it when armageddon doesn't come.
one generation passes the baton to the next".
Don't forget to count your time!
Even in increments of 15 minutes.
Jedi Master
i know i only posted on the board 8 days ago- a little over a week.. at the beginning of this week, i went from hopeless and depressed, feeling like i had no way out.. .
but throughout the course of 8 days, i have been shown kindness that i haven't seen in years.. i have been reached out to in ways i didn't even know was possible.. in a little over 8 days, i went from feeling alone in a dark abyss of a world, to having an entire support group, that i know cares about me and understands me and exactly how i think and feel.. in one week, i have mustered up the courage to speak up to a friend who i have known for half my life, but was too afrait to tell about my doubts.. i have come to realize that, he, too is planning to leave this organization- never telling me because of fear i would reject him- and likewise for me.. i just wanted to notify all who have helped, that you will not be forgotten- i would have never imagined this much support when i first submitted my account information one month ago, unsure about my entire life.. .
i don't know how else to put this, so i will put it rather frankly:.
Like FMW said: just keep coming when you need to vent, advice or just to ask any stupids questions. We all help each other out.
Jedi Master
my camera got to see her - the back of her.
too many people for me to get through with the wheelchair.
i stood up held my camera in the air and clicked in the direction i hoped she was in.
just wondering if it lives up to its jw hype.
i remember direct consel from the platform about this, has anyone since seen it?.
Yes, and I love them!! Not that I was ever very obedient to the counsel about movies. If I liked a movie and it didn't bother my conscience then I would see it, just not tell anyone. I knew, eventually, once the initial histerya had passed, most witnesses would watch it anyway.
Jedi Master
...namely that the person is ever going to get married.. .
back to what you were doing..... .
What if your one of those people who just leases a car and changes every year or so????
do any of you remember or have heard recently the illustration, "imagine yourself working in the sun on a hot day, you're parched, thirsty, you need a drink.
would you drink a glass full of water if it had a drop of poison in it?
no matter how thirsty you are, would you?
OMG!!!!! I actually used that illlustration once in one of my talks. Soooooooooo embarrassing!!!!!
Jedi Master
i hear his wife did not like spiders.. any takers?.
Why didn't at least one of the sons' wives become pregnant?
Sex in the ark???? Under those conditions???? I don't know, sounds a little bit of a turn off with all the constant rocking of the ark and all the animal noises going on...
Jedi Master
okay so if anyone can give some imput on this, i would really appreciate hearing different opinions!.
(its downright impossible to make decisions, big or small, these days....sigh).
ive been thinking alot about the possible consequences and outcome of joining in on a community like this and using it as a form of therapy or a support group type setting when struggling over the witnesses.
It's worked wonders for me so far.
Jedi Master