Male. Isn't it crystal clear from my avatar????
Jedi Master
at her recent thread, changeling was asking us if there are more men than women leaving the org.
lets find out.. .
i am a male.
Male. Isn't it crystal clear from my avatar????
Jedi Master
a lovley example from this weeks meeting:.
old song book,.
This used to be one of my favorites at conventions. Now, it's really ehh......
Through his faithful slave today.
Meaning the Governing Body.
Heed the counsel of the older men, Who protect his sheep and truth defend
I think a lot of us here can testify to the innacuracy of this statement. The elders neither protect the sheep or defend the "truth", be it from the Bible, or from many other issues.
Jedi Master
at one of the last meetings i was at 2 years ago, one of the kingdom songs that they sang, had a verse in it that said something about the people in the world being like angry bees .... or molested bees or something like that.
in all the years i had been in the org.
(my whole life) i had somehow missed this ridicioulous verse.
So.....does that mean that masturbating a "worldly" is ok then???
Jedi Master
yesterday i was sitting here and all of a sudden realized i was humming one of those dreadful songs.
i even remembered the words!
<chills>.. so i sat here and started singing other songs out loud, which i normally don't do even though i live alone and don't have to listen to people begging me to stop singing.. so how do you get those songs out of your head?.
Snowbird that is a moving song. One of the few truly pretty ones. I remember the first time we sang it though, everybody tried to sing the "postlude" after each verse as though it was a "chorus", we had to stop the song and figure out what was happening. I was really quite funny, everyone just standing there looking all confused and angry at the poor sound brother whom everyone was blaming had played the wrong song.
Goldensky. I really liked some of the songs from the previous songbook. The one I mostly grew up with. Especially liked the ones exalting God, I still believe in the Bible and God. So yeah, they do bring nice memories but are at the same time very painful. Just yesterday I was humming 136 Loyal Ones Bless Jehovah. I really liked the music to this one and the orchestral arrangement just moved me to tears every time.
Jedi Master
how many of you have had these dreams, where you find yourself at the hall or assembly?.
i have found myself in both scenarios, almost 10 years since i set foot in either, but when i do have these dreams (not often) i do laugh out loud in my dream saying "what the hell am i doing here" and the freinds..... oh how are you, it's so good to see you back.
and the venue is always dark.
Actually I don't think I've had a single dream since I left. At least not that I can remember. I've dreamt of my friends but not the actual Hall. Ha, I wonder why since I used to be so into it....????
yesterday i was sitting here and all of a sudden realized i was humming one of those dreadful songs.
i even remembered the words!
<chills>.. so i sat here and started singing other songs out loud, which i normally don't do even though i live alone and don't have to listen to people begging me to stop singing.. so how do you get those songs out of your head?.
All the time!!! I pretty much memorized every single song from Sing Praises to J. I know pretty much every single stanza/tune/variation/etc to the entire book. I also play a musical instrument, and alwasy ended up playing them for the folks. Then again, my whole leaving thing is still kinda going on. My friends and I would play a game: They would say the first three words for any given stanza of any given song, from that I'd be able to tell them the number, name, base-scripture, and that whole line to the song. I even know some of the old ones. Take snowbirds song for example: In sing praises to J, it's song #190 A song to Jehovah: A song we want to sing today......
Make it stop, make it stop!!!!! .
Jedi Master
i was looking through some crap on a shelf the other day and came across a bunch of these un-placed tracts from a campaign a few years ago.
the urgency in the language is palpable and the doomsday lightning bolt on the front is scary.
yet when i looked at the date of publication it was four years ago ( 2006 ) and there has to date been not one sign of religion ending, whether it's false or true.. they keep using words like "near" and "soon.
Just wait, any day now they'll come up with their own meaning for those words: near & soon. Just as they did for "generation". Wonder what it'll be??? Any takers?
Jedi Master
quick bio: born-in, third gen jw, devout family, dad an elder/po, mom pioneered off/on, baptized at age 10 (my elder dad asked me to wait but i didnt), had overall good childhood, toured bethel, aux pio off/on, finished hs early, reg pio for a year then pio school, met amazing jw girl (also third gen devout), spent a year in community college (paid for by fairly conservative jw parents), got a good job, married amazing jw girl, appointed as ms, delivered public talks and parts on ca/dc, wife and i had first child.
it was a near-storybook jw life (except no bethel).
i had a couple of normal issues in teenage years, but sought the assistance from the elders and ironed it out.
Welcome!!!! Thanks for the candid story. Glad to see you have your immediate family (wife & kids) supporting you and that you were able to maintain your love and relationship through the whole thing. God's blessing is with you despite what others might say.
Jedi Master
well it has arrived in the main branches for the final translation work.. hoping for a pdf version as soon as possible.
Get to translating JWFreak..... I could really use a copy of that.
Jedi Master
well it has arrived in the main branches for the final translation work.. hoping for a pdf version as soon as possible.
You talking about the new elders manual??? Or are they actually replacing the Benefit from Theocratic Ministry School Book??
Jedi Master