I could use a hug......
Jedi Master
I could use a hug......
Jedi Master
so i just learned on another thread that there are adults who have never been to a funeral, not that that's a bad thing.
makes me wonder because i got dragged to one at 6, and i still remember how i felt, what song we sang- and who i was sitting next to (an adult, not my mother for some reason) who helped me to stand up to sing the song because i was so distraught.
is it a jw thing to make kids go to funerals?.
Wow, sorry your experience was kinda freaky. My first funeral was when I was 8 years old. My great-grandmother had passed away and they took us all great-grand kids to the funeral. I don't remember being at the KH for the talk but do remember the funeral home. And how crowded it was. There were a lot of us kids too. My sister (she was 6) and I were some of the very few kiddos that got to the the body though. I must say it was quite impressionable as I still remember being picked up by my dad, my sister by my mom, what we were wearing, the color of the gaster, what great-grandgranny was wearing and her pale face as she lay there inside the coffin. Uuuuuuhhhh, (shudder). My parents did ok at explaining it, but it was a bit traumatizing. Ever since, if I can, I just try to skip the funeral.
Jedi Master
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i thought i would share something i remembered the other day.
hope it sheds a little light for you.. when you translate publications for the society, you often become aware of logic gaps.
Wow, that was actually pretty interesting. Thanks for sharing. No wonder JW around the earth are so confused.
Jedi Master
faithful & discrete - discreet.
tow the line - toe.
could care less - couldn't.
I particularly dislike this one: "whose thinking about (whatever)? - who's or who is
Jedi Master
i wonder if the pioneer assist others program being discontinued in august 2010 is one of the first service department changes, that has been implemented since theodore jaracz passed away?.
i wonder if they will also be considering the requirement for pioneer hours in hopes of getting more individuals to sign up to pioneer?.
he did have a stroke last year
Maybe that's why he had a stroke...... "You're ending what??!!"
Jedi Master
so i screwed up big time here.
there's a nice young witness who is leaving the "truth".
i sent them a short facebook message and it seems their parent intercepted it...they asked if i sent anything to their kid today.. i said it jws are cultlike, i had doubts i wished i listened to, and to follow their heart.
Ohhh, Ynot you're good girl, you're good!!!! I like Ynot's advice. Either way, let us know what happens.
Jedi Master
i have been reading this board for some time and would like to ask: why you come here and post?
what do you all hope to accomplish by being here?.
Mostly to vent. It's good support to see other people going through the same stuff. See how their dealing and moving on with their lives. And some of the posters are just plain hilarious.
an elder once told me "that if the spiritual food he recieves is wrong, and he follows it ,jehovah will not hold him accountable".
all through out the bible it incourages a person to test, ask and seek, and to make sure of all things, so how can he not be accountable ?.
what is the best scripture that would show him that he's accountable for what he recieves.
That's funny. JW teach that billions of people are personally accountable and will be destroyed for following their religous leaders whom they believe are teaching them the truth. If that was true, then there'd be no point to their preaching, and their teachings about Armageddon are all wrong. And all religions would lead to salvation. I don't think this elder really knows what he's talking about.
Jedi Master
i got an email from a jw relative.
they reckon that they have read a indepth report about the us oil spill and according to that.. the oil spill is too big to be plugged.. its going to posion all the earths oceans.. which means they won't be able to produce o2.. which means that all life on earth is going to die.... which is a fullfillment of the scripture " unless those days were cut short no flesh would be saved".
which means... duh duh duh!
Just wait till they know what comes from my toilet.....
Jedi Master
well as we all now there is a prophet amongst us.
yes i'm talking about the octopus that has prophesied all the football results for the world cup in south africa(we have to wait for the final to see if the prophecy will be fullfiled like the previous ones).. .
after leaving the watchtower, 10 years ago, i finally found something to believe in!!!
All hail the Octopus!!!