It's interesting that people like BTS completely buy into this idea of the Apostles and the Jerusalem elders being in charge of every Christian.
Yet the ones who use this chapter to support the notion of an all-powerful Governing Body fail to recognize that the letter was only sent to three areas of Gentile believers. Were there no other Gentiles anywhere?
They also fail to recognize that Paul, who was not a member of the (fantasaical) Governing Body in Jerusalem, later told the believers in Rome that 'no food is in itself unclean', even specifically mentioning it being up to individuals whether or not they would eat meat previously sacrificed to idols. So it went from being a hard-and-fast Governing Body rule in Acts 15 to a purely conscience matter in Romans 14. Hmm...
Paul also ordered Christians not to braid their hair or wear earrings. And that he didn't permit women to teach, that they should learn in silence. Do Catholics and JWs uphold the purity of these "inspired" rulings, or do they conveniently brush them aside as the musings of a good man?
To hold the Bible as this literal guide and then to pick and choose which verses others should live by is dishonest, hypocritical, and cheap.