TheTrueOne where did you find all that information about W.H.Conley ?
Thanks UD
is there any jehovah's witness who can answer these questions about 1914?.
can you demonstrate, using the holy scriptures, that the messianic kingdom was established in 1914, that jesus got the full legal right to become king that year, and that jesus returned invisibly in 1914, and that the "last days" began that year?.
1:) no encyclopedia, no history book, and no archaeology book that i have ever seen have ever said that nebuchadnezzar destroyed jerusalem and the temple in the year 607 bce.
TheTrueOne where did you find all that information about W.H.Conley ?
Thanks UD
is there any jehovah's witness who can answer these questions about 1914?.
can you demonstrate, using the holy scriptures, that the messianic kingdom was established in 1914, that jesus got the full legal right to become king that year, and that jesus returned invisibly in 1914, and that the "last days" began that year?.
1:) no encyclopedia, no history book, and no archaeology book that i have ever seen have ever said that nebuchadnezzar destroyed jerusalem and the temple in the year 607 bce.
Wow...see what you started UnDisfellowshipped ? just ask a question and a veritable waterfall of information comes forth. I like the way you laid out all your questions and points, something I haven't had the time to do yet. I'm going to borrow them if you don't mind !
Thanks TrueOne...40+years as a Witness and I never once heard about W.H Conley! And to think I would have once laid down my life for this organization...what else are they not telling us about ?
i just got "the spanking room: a child's eye view of the jehovah's witnesses", by william coburn.
the author says that their old kingdom hall didn't have a spanking room, so the spanking took place in the ladies' room.
there was always a line, either for ladies wanting to make use of the toilet the way it was intended to be used, or for ladies waiting their turn to spank their children.
WT Wizard said "The boasting sessions are not appropriate for children,"
I agree, especially when the go into detali about armegeddon and the tribulation and other topics. I remember one time, a little girl raising her hand and answering one of the watchtower questions in detail, about circumcision.
Even adults have trouble following the convoluted explanations of the socities doctrines and it's connect the dot scripture references.
i just got "the spanking room: a child's eye view of the jehovah's witnesses", by william coburn.
the author says that their old kingdom hall didn't have a spanking room, so the spanking took place in the ladies' room.
there was always a line, either for ladies wanting to make use of the toilet the way it was intended to be used, or for ladies waiting their turn to spank their children.
Good for you CandleLight ! I wish you would have attended our hall...We used to get dragged outside to the car to get hit with my dad's belt. They told parents not to do it where they could be seen from the road. I don't know what I could have done during the meeting that would have warranted being beat with a belt, but all the kids in our hall were.They used to quote that scripture in Proverbs 23:3,14 If you beat your child with a rod, he will not die. With the rod itself you will deliver his soul form sheol.
It was an accepted practice to hit your kids with something...and it was even considered a loving thing to do. The beatings hurt...but the sting of humiliation comming back to your seat with a red tearstained face was the worst. Not to mention having to face the other kids after the meeting.
We used to have a little girl in our hall called the "No Mommy" girl. When her mom would haul her up the asile toward the back she'd be screaming "NOOOO MOMMY...NOOO MOMMY ! "
The thought of this practice and the long term damage it did to witness children world wide, makes my blood boil. If I knew then, what I know now, I'd have called Child Protective Services on a lot of people including my own parents.
bring back the memories.
What are the 3 H's...haven't heard that one before?
Heart condition has to be one of the 3 right ?
What about the term "Association-itis" As in: Some of the brothers seem to be suffering from Association-itis...they spend all their time in recreation activities with "the friends", rather than in engaged in the field ministry.
bring back the memories.
Like ambersun said...fallen away always made me think of someone falling down a flight of stairs. Boom Boom Boom Thud....the same with thing with the phrase...Stumbled one.
Draw close to the organization,Make a defence for the truth, Fight the fine fight, Endure to the end, the race for life.
Keep on the watch, Never Bringing reproach upon the organization, Set a fine example (I'm exausted just reading my own all sounds so paranoid now)
Fence sitters, Luke warm, Worldly associate, Wicked system of things.
Zealous, Sheeplike ones, Honest hearted ones, Dedicated ones
Newly interested ones, keen spirit, upbuilding associates
The in: We're having a get together for some of "The Friends".
Independent in: There's no room for independent thinkers in Jehovahs Organization.
bring back the memories.
"Inculcate" the truth in the hearts of our youth.
He had the truth "Sounded down" into his heart.
"Fleshly" Sister/Brother or "Spiritual" Sister/Brother.
She endured "much opposition" from her "Unbelieving mate."
Wasn't that a "thought provoking" article ?
When listening at the assembly to the "experiences" had by those "engaged" in the "door to door work", we would always wait for them to say the manditory phrase... "A study was started"....and we'd look at eachother and roll our eyes.
"Thus far" as in thus far in our study we have learned.....
Wasn't that a "Timley message" ? "Certainly Brothers...this would Behoove us to do all we can in the ministyry...".buying out the opportune time"
We would like to convey the"Love and greetings" from the ABC congregation
"Unlettered and O-o-r-r-r-dinary men"
"Incidental Witnessing"
how many times have you heard that before, whether in or out?
in the past, i truly believed that.
if i were to leave the "truth", where else would i go?.
Thanks Wobble....yes that was John 6:67,68
Then Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also want to go away?”
But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” [a]
I remember them always using that scripture as a warning to anyone who might think there was another path other than the Organization.
Chickpea...I like your comment...I was just thinking this same thing the other day when I was admiring many of my coworkers as I listened to them in a discussion at a staff meeting we were in. They were able to express their own ideas confidently and independently without apology or needing the approval of someone else. I realized that much of my unsureness about things comes from always having had a script to go off of...always having had prepackeged answers for every situation already provided for me. It seems like I spent my life looking up everything I needed to think about, in the societies publications.
how many times have you heard that before, whether in or out?
in the past, i truly believed that.
if i were to leave the "truth", where else would i go?.
Wasn't the idea of "where else would I go ? " from that scripture where one of the apostles said to Jeus something like " Where else would I go, for you alone have the sayings of life"
The Society always applied this scripture to anyone who left the "truth" as if there was no other way to be a follower of Christ.
Most "born in" Witnesses don't know what else to do...and the only thing they know about other religions is what the society has told them. How many non Witnesses have you run into in your life, that have completly "wacked out" notions about what the Witnesses believe? It could be the same for those of us who grew up as Witnesses and who only know what we were told about other religions.
didn't know the other host of the view was also a former witness..
judge rutheford...never heard his voice before.
Didn't know the other host of the view was also a former Witness.
Judge Rutheford...never heard his voice before
Phil Donahue on JW's