Exwhyzee, a lot of people self-medicate PD with alcohol. ???
Yes...the suffering is so great that one can easily see why this is the case. I sought the help of many doctors and tried many medications and treatments. One doctor told me that most people who have been suffering to the degree that I had, would have been either a drug addict or alcoholic and have been in and out of jobs and marriages etc. by this stage. The trouble was that many of the medications he offered, took hours or weeks to work, if they did at all. I often needed something that would work right now. For me, because I rarely drank alcohol, a small amount of Beer and Wine was all it took. I knew enough about the dangers of doing this and was very strict about how often I would go this route. Fortunately once I stopped going to the meetings, the whole thing cleared up, overnight. From what I have learned and experienced, panic and anxiety often occurs when the mind tries to match the thoughts and beliefs of the concsious mind to those of the subconcsious mind. The more they don't match and the more the individual stubbornly resists the minds attempt to right itself, the more the individual will experience physical symptoms such as panic or anxiety.
For me, I realized that I was on some level forcing myself to go along with something that no longer made sense to me. Because I had been raised with these beliefs and because of the concequences involved with discarding most of them (loss of friends/family,death at Armegeddon etc) I subbornly held on. Once I gave up the struggle, the panic and anxiety I suffered with for years...literally dissappeared without a trace. Something I had begun to think woudl never happen.