What a good topic MIB...I can totaly relate to everyting you said. You too PMJohn...you said it like it is, especially about going completly overboard when you leave the org. I've seen it happen so many times. I am continually amazed at how many people's experiences here mirror my own as well as those I've witnessed happening to others.
As for me, when I was first married, (24, young, earnest and idealistic) there was a talk given that indicated that our congregation wasn't growing, and it was determined someone was, or had been involved in wrongdoing and was covering it over and the congregation had lost Jehovah's Blessing. They advised that person or persons to come forward to the Elders. Of all the things I did because of this religion that makes me shudder, the worst was being naive enought to think that some minor thing I did years prior could have been behind the loss of Jehovah's Spirit in the Cong. Like a fool, I went to the Elders and told them something that I was very embarrased about. Halfway through my "confession" I realized from their completly out of context and voyeuristic questions, that talking to these uneducated Bufons was a big mistake and completly unnecessary. One of them (of the Annointed and a total hick) , instead of using the expression "Now look here Exwhyzee" he said "Now lookie here Exwhyzee, do you reckon....." One of them, however was a smart and kind man who kept reeling the others in when their questions were going too far. I don't know what the outcome would have been had he not been there. He assured me and others that I really didn't even need to be telling them any of this. The worst one in the bunch had this fat gossiping wife who from then on kept glancing over at me in the meetings or giving me these funny looks up and down everytime I saw her. It wasn't until about a year later, when her Elder husband was himself disfellowshipped, did it dawn on me that he must have gone home and told her the everything I'd confessed. Since I wasn't diciplined, he probably figured it wasn't breaking any confidentiality. It was then I realized that these Elders, should they go bad, have the power to completly destroy someones life if they were to leave the Org and go around town talking about things they knew about people from these Elders meetings. I never trusted any of them again or God for letting this happen to me. Looking back, I realize it was then that I started "checked out" as far as having any real confidence in this organization or in God if he was behind it. Mind you, I'm only an Apostate...but I'd rather look back and shudder with embarrassement over my own naivete and misguided trust than to have been responsible for damaging or destroying someone's faith in God.