Hey Justitia....My father died at St Joes (mentioned in your post above). He wasn't a Witness and didn't have the services of the Liason Comittee. Based on what he had learned in the 60's and 70's during his "free home bible study" and to make my Witness sisters happy, he filled out the blood papers after being assured by his doctor that there was no way he would ever need a transfusion. The internal sutures they'd done during surgery hadn't held and he was bleeding internally. By the time they figured out what was wrong, he had lost so much blood that they couldn't go back in and re-do the sutures without doing a transfusion. He was unconcious and couldn't change his mind about the blood papers. My sister was sitting on the end of his bed while he lay there unconcious. Suddenly he bolted upright, scrambled across the bed with tubes and wires still attached. He latched onto my sister with all his might just pleading to her with his eyes for help and suddenly died in her arms. (she's never been the same) My Wife and young boys and I arrived just as this was happening. We saw the door of his room fly open and they threw my fainting sister out the door. We saw them throw him back down in bed and go to work on him. We had to get my sister pulled together so we could find out what had happened.
All the brothers and sisters who came to his memorial (not held at the hall of course) said he'd surely be resurected because he died pleasing Jehovah. All my life they indicated he was going to die at Armegeddon because he had come to an accurate knowledge and didn't get baptized. Two or or three years later they tell us it's ok to use blood fractions. I wanted to wring somebody's neck....still do.
This is real stuff folks....be sure you know what you are doing is based on accurate information.
As far as I'm concerned, those heading this organization have an additional "millstone" tied around their necks, over what happened to my Dad and what this experience did to my family (Luke 17:2 )