This couldn't happen at a KH...little girls must not speak directly to the audience. Do you think the Bow in her hair was big enough to be considered a proper head covering?.....If not...God is probably really really mad about all this.
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
by mouthy inif you can get the above i love it.i am not clever enough.
Latest apostate warning in Feb 15 2011 Watchtower
by dozy inandre, who had served jehovah for years, had the bitter experience of being led astray.
by apostate thinking.
he felt that having a quick look at an apostate web site would not be dangerous.he recalls: initially, i was attracted to the so-called truths that the.
Aussie makes andexcellent point. I have seen some laughable stuff spouted by antijw sites. Mirror images in WTS illustrations are a good case in point.
Like anything else, you have to use your best judgement. I too have seen information that is easily refutable and some of the comments even had a tone of "sour grapes" or come across as being from someone with an "axe to grind". None of it however, has ever served to make the WT look anymore accurate or served to "undo" the harm the WT has done to my family and to the dozens of people I know who had their lives turned upside down when they could no longer in good conscience, go along with the program.
The difference to me is that unlike the WT, you are free to use your own best judgement and your own conscience, and you are not punished or ostracised for doing so. No one is telling you that God is going to kill you, or you can't have a relationship with him if you don't go along with their ideas, sell their literature, or acknowledge yourself as belonging to a man made orginization before you can get baptized. They are not trying to manage your relationship with God or intervene in your salvation.
Latest apostate warning in Feb 15 2011 Watchtower
by dozy inandre, who had served jehovah for years, had the bitter experience of being led astray.
by apostate thinking.
he felt that having a quick look at an apostate web site would not be dangerous.he recalls: initially, i was attracted to the so-called truths that the.
"I became aware of how crafty the false teachers were" MrMonroe said: "Who the hell speaks like that apart from the Watchtower?"
I became aware of how crafty the false teachers were. Information taken out of context was their ‘strong evidence’ against us. Thus, I decided to start reading our publications again and to attend the meetings.
When I saw the word "THUS" I knew Andre was a ficitious character.
Latest apostate warning in Feb 15 2011 Watchtower
by dozy inandre, who had served jehovah for years, had the bitter experience of being led astray.
by apostate thinking.
he felt that having a quick look at an apostate web site would not be dangerous.he recalls: initially, i was attracted to the so-called truths that the.
It's another case of the WT using anecdotal examples to fit their needs. When the alleged "Andre" was what they call "Apostate", they had an extremely dim view of his insights. Now that his insights fit their needs...they publish them in the Watchtower.
Black People Would Become White in the Paradise?
by God_Delusion ini have just been informed that the watchtower society lovingly stated that all black people would become, over time, white.
this would happen when the earth is to become a paradise.. please tell me that what i have heard are the mutterings of a fool and can't possibly be true!.
my wife is of mixed-race origin and i quite like her the way she is.
How many of the ideas the "chosen ones" are publishing today....will be laughable in 50 years ? What about the people from the past that didn't join them their r idicioulus teachings back then and were considered apostate or unsheeplike? Are they still forever doomed ?
Black People Would Become White in the Paradise?
by God_Delusion ini have just been informed that the watchtower society lovingly stated that all black people would become, over time, white.
this would happen when the earth is to become a paradise.. please tell me that what i have heard are the mutterings of a fool and can't possibly be true!.
my wife is of mixed-race origin and i quite like her the way she is.
In a world where racial barriers have been done away with it seems possible that after a million years and on into eternity, people would end up speaking the same language and the children that were born that far into the stream of time would have a similar color. I imagine that would be a medium tanish color maybe. How blah would that be?
It seems like those that lived through armageddon would stay the same color/race as they always were. What would cause that to change ? Imagine, for all eternity, everyone would know you were one of the original survivors just because you were a distinctive color.
What about the ones that get resurrected ? Can you imagine coming back to life as a completly different race than you were when you died?
The whole eternity thing seems more and more preposterous to me as time goes on.
Were you afraid of Armageddon?
by cyberjesus ini was dfd in 1995 however i still believed it was the truth until 2009. and until then i was fearful of armageddon's day.. i remember every time i'd see a dark sky with thunders and lighting i would question if that was it.
the news of any major disaster, hurricanes earthquakes would ignite fear inside me and i would think that could be the beginning of the end.. when i was around 8 i remember going to visit my grandma and she was watching the news.
a major conflict in the middle east had ended and some president said that the world was not in peace.
I was afraid my non Witness Dad was going to be killed because he studied but did not get baptized after comming to an accurate knowledge. At one point, they even said our worldly friends and family would turn on us. I was afraid to trust my own Father. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to protect my two little sisters, one of which was 12 years younger than me. The older of the two used to become hysterical when the Watchtower lessons or talks would indicate that our Father would be killed at Armegeddon. As I've said on here before, our father died violently in her arms after not taking a blood transfusion. I wondered why I would be destroyed by Jehovah if I gave in to physical torture, because this was the same punishment the person torturing me would receive. I never did a thing wrong (snitched a few cookies) but was certain that even if I did survive the torture that sure to happen, I wouldn't be allowed in the new system anyway because I didn't love going out in service or to the meetings like everyone else did
It's so sick what their religious fanatic beliefs did to thousands and thousands of us children....and none of them will admit that it ever happened. And for that reason alone....I can never forgive them.
Question on real estate dispute
by Gerard inmy question involves real estate located in the state of wisconsin, usa.. .
i bought a property with some forest land a few months ago.
there is a neighbour that claims access to my property (he goes through it to access the main county snowmobile trail).
If in fact there is an easement agreement or Quit Claim Deed that wasn't revealed in your original title search, there may be compensation due from the title insurance company that was involved when you purchased the property. That's what it's there for to cover any defects in the title that may cause the lender or owner any monitary loss etc.
by Terry innoodling around with a twangy guitar i came up with thunderball:.
Very ultra 1960's... Austin Power(ish).....was any of that you playing?
The first time I heard that song was on an ocean liner (H.M.S Franconia) crossing the atlantic. We were on our way to spend the summer in London and in Ireland. My Mother was deathly afraid of flying so whenever we went to see the family , instead of flying we took a train (3 days and 3 nights) from Vancouver Canada and boarded a Cunard ship in Quebec. They showed movies everyday on the ship and James Bond was all the rage then. My brother and I snuck into see Thunderball when my Mom was laying out by the pool. Never would have been allowed to see this otherwise.
Is it fashionable to wear animal print clothing? JWN ladies, do you wear that kind of stuff?
by miseryloveselders ina friend of mine made the statement that only old women wear animal print clothing.
she said this some weeks ago, and ever since i have been noticing that it is the more mature of the mature population still wearing leopard print, and zebra print fashions.
granted occasionally i see younger gals wearing that stuff too, but its usually as an accessory such as a shawl.
Makes me think of Cher as Laverne.....also Dame Edna.