Wouldn't it be kinda uncomfortable to be naked all the time? I mean, you would always have to watch out where you sat or kneeled down, you'd be covered with scratches and your feet would be like elephant hide and where would you put your car keys or loose change?
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
Watchtower Adam and the artists who portray him
by kurtbethel infrom the 1958 paradise book, we have adam chilling among his animal friends, evidently giving them names.
the artist did something very interesting in placing a squirrel in that location, chewing on some nuts!
right in that spot, of all places.
Research Data Wanted: Married to a JW or child of one parent in and the other not
by Lady Lee ini am looking for information from several groups of people.. people who are no longer jws but have a spouse who is still in.
never-been jwswas a jw (baptized or not) but left after marrying and spouse remained indfed, daed or faded and still have a spouse who is inchildren (now grown) who were raised with one parent a jw and the other never beenchildren (now grown) where one parent left the jws and one stayed in.if there are categories i have missed let me know.
i need this to be pretty inclusive and focused on couples where one person is a jw and the other is not.. i will be asking questions re:.
I am in category 2. My questions would include:
What happens to a childs mental state when he/she hears a congregation of people gleefuly talking 3 times a week about Armegeddon only to be reminded that his/her non Witness father will be destroyed by God in the near future?
What's it like to grow up with a very decent father in your home but be considered a "fatherless boy" by everyone in the Hall who thinks he is a gonner?
What happens when your father listens to the JW's and dies from not taking a blood transfusion?
What happens to a kid who has no relatives living in the same country and has no non Witness adults in his life to get a little perspective from ?
What does it do to a kid when his non jW father is afraid his coworkers, neighbors and family will find out his wife and kids are JW's ?
What is it like to grow up seeing your lively and pretty mom be excluded from "couples" outings because she is a threat to the other women or throws off the numbers if she comes alone?
Why can't I just have one day with out seeing a JW ......seriously
by troubled mind intoday i went early to my dad's house to help my disabled sister with medical paperwork .
at 10am the cleaning lady shows up .
she was a jw recruit of my mom's yrs ago, and use to be like a sister to us a really long time ago .
You should have told her to quit sniffing the Windex and evaluating other peoples relationship with God.... get back to work.....and be a little more "whole souled" about it from now on.
Are you afraid of using your cell phone at the KH
by Quarterback inman oh man, .
i use my iphone, everywhere.
at work, in field service, at home, when i'm outside doing my walk.
They probably thought you were making a "showy display of your means" by using your iphone in their presence.
I've lurked a long time: JW's produce some of the most paranoid humans
by Unlearn ini'll keep this brief for now.. long time lurker (4 years or so).. born-in, elder, used on district level (last talk i gave before i left was the baptisimal talk), and lots of hard time put in...before i finally made the move to split.
it's a long stoy, much like many of yours...but with it's own little interesting twists.
more details in the future, perhaps.. as i said, ive lurked here for a while.. its funny: for a long time i'd only come on late at night.
I am enjoying your posts Unlearn, In your own fresh way you have put into words what some of us have also thought and experienced ourselves. Isn't it freeing to realize you don't have to have a big picture answer for everyting in the universe and that you are not responsible for the whole world and it's salvation?
Funny thing is, even after having "left" some three years ago, I can still hear a little voice in me, arguing "for" the Watchtower point of view I've known since birth. I had several WT counterpoints for nearly every one of your comments.
When you talked about your secret doubts about Watchtower teachings and your desire to make a name for yourself in the organization I immediatly thought about their favorite scripture in James 1: 1-27 which talks about being " drawn out and enticed by ones own desire, desire when it becomes fertile, gives birth to sin." You know as well as I do that they would compare your experience to Adam and Eve who put more importance on their own selfish longings than their obedience to God when tempted by Satan and wound up being drawn away from him.
When you spoke about getting your wife "out" and giving non WT sanctioned advice to those who came to you as an Elder, I immediately thought of the Biblical warnings of "Wolves entering in among you in sheeps clothing not sparing the flock. They would use your experience as a classic example of how dangerous free thinkers are and how careful JW's should be about their association, even within the congregation and stress how important bringing these ones to the attention of the elders would be.
When you spoke about viewing the Apostate sites in the cover of night as if in secret from Jehovah. They'd say this is because evil loves darkness and avoides the light. They would use your "downfall" as proof that viewing unapproved websites is hazardous to ones spiritual health.
They would change the title of your thread and replace the word paranoid with cautious or consciencious. "JW's produce some of the most Paranoid cautious and consciencious humans." (cautious as serpents,innocent as doves)
Have you put all this kind of thinking behind you or do all the old JW reasonings still do battle with your new found frame of mind?
Although I completly understand how difficult it is to get out of the Org. especially for someone who would be dissapointing many by doing so. There is still a part of me that is angered to think that someone in a position of responsibility would continue advising people on matters he was no longer 100% sure of. My Father died because of advice he got from JW elders. It's terrible to think of all the individuals and families who were devistated by decisions made by Elders etc who were too cowardly or egotistical to step down until they had their issues with the organization resolved. But then again, I realize that we are all in different stages of our own personal development and enlightenment.
Buttons, are they necessarily dangerous?
by White Dove inor do they have some kind of benefit to us, such as self-preservation?.
i learned that i had another button to add to the two i already had.. my buttons are:.
questioning in a judgmental way my parenting methods.
At first I thought it was going to be about little kids who choked on buttons.
Buttons, are they necessarily dangerous?
by White Dove inor do they have some kind of benefit to us, such as self-preservation?.
i learned that i had another button to add to the two i already had.. my buttons are:.
questioning in a judgmental way my parenting methods.
Our buttons are only as dangerous as we allow them to be.
Did any of you need counselling or psychotherapy as a JW?
by TimothyT ini have just started my new course to be a qualified counsellor.
naturaly i am studying this because of my own background and now i want to help others who have had similar strains on their lives.. i know the pressure that the jw organisation puts on its members, so i was wondering, if you dont mind saying so of course, did any of you attend counselling sessions due to the pressures and problems that the jw life brought along?.
i can imagine that the majority of my old congregation (myself, my dad and my brother included) would need some form of counselling or medication in order to remain sane.
I went to counseling to find out what all the terrible unexplainable anxiety I was suffering from, was all about. If I talked to a JW about it, all they could do is say it was Satan working on me or I needed to read the account of Job in the Bible, pray incessantly or get out in service more. In counseling, I couldn't really "tell all" so I kept quiet about the JW side of my life. I didn't want to bring reproach on the organization. What if the counselor was turned away from the Org. by something I said ? Of course there was also the fear that they would tell me I needed to get out of the religion altogether, especially since that's what we were always warned would happen if we listened to man's wisdom. The two counselors I saw were perplexed because I had a stable happy family life, a good job and wasn't hooked on anything. They said the kind of symptoms I described were usually found in patients who were in the middle of divorce, job loss, drug addiction or some other traumatic experience.
I even went to a Witness Counselor who asked me sign an agreement stating that if anything of concern to the Elders came out during our sessions, she would have to reveal it to them. She was a sad dreary lady who revealed that she had at one point in her life had been disfellowshipped. To me, she seemed in need of therapy herself. I saw her at an assembly later (which was uncomfortable) and she looked utterly miserable.
I fond counseling helpful and enlightening but mostly it was like having a very expensive friend to bounce things off of.
Eventually, another set of circumstances which I've mentioned on here before, led my Wife and I to decide to hang the whole JW business up and leave for good. Poof....no more anxiety, no more panic no more doom and gloom. I later realized that for me, the meetings were like attending a funeral 3 times a week. Once I stepped away from the constant negativity, the false hopes, the dire warnings masqurading as worship and got out from under the burden of serving God, Watchtower style, I began to heal at once.
Amanda Knox & Raffaele Sollecito have been FREED
by dm6 ini'm not sure how many of you are interested in this or how many of you have been following it, but i have been right from when i first heard about it a few years ago.. they were each sentenced 25 years and 26 years for the murder of british student meredith mercher, but after a dramatic appeal, today, they have had their sentences overturned and have been given an immediate release, because the evidence suggesting that they were guilty was not strong enough to support that verdict.. i always thought them both to be innocent, and this is true justice for the poor girl and guy after being locked up for 4 years for somehting they did not commit, however, it does still leave an unsolved riddle.... who killed meredith mercher if not these two?.
the strange thing is, amanda knox apparently originally claimed she heard screams from meredith and hid in a different room in the house whilst it happened, but that stroy had changed to "i was never there" which is what i think too, given the facts.. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3850483/amanda-knox-is-not-guilty-of-killing-meredith-kercher.html.
what are your thoughts?.
I'm watching live coverage as she is escorted by motorcade from having just spoken to the crowds gathered to welcome her home at the airport here in Seattle.
Either she is innocent or she is an amazing actress.
EXWHYZEE is as easy as ABCas simple as Doe Ray Me.
By the way, have you googled your user name on this forum lately?