Hi Scratch,
Sounds like you are really thinking and figuring things out for yourself. If I had to do it all over again, No, I wouldn't have taken this religion or these people so seriously. As a Dad can I just say that I hope you are careful with your new found awareness and don't throw the baby out with the bath water. By that I mean, much of what your parents taught you regarding morals and such matters, was done out of love, responsibility and as a means of protecting you from harm. Although many well intentioned JW's carry things a bit too far, some of what you have been taught and have been living will be beneficial to you. It's easy when you are young, to be hasty and all or nothing about things. Just because you are discovering that some of what your parents have taught you doesn't always add up in the real world, much of it will. The nit pickey details (Harry Potter, video games etc) can be very annoying and make you want to toss it all aside. Be wise as you move along toward adulthood and sort things out for yourself, keep some room for the "Big Chunks"... the old principals and morals that you have aquired and have proven to be useful to so many.