I first heard this term about a year ago and thought it summed up why so many JW's are depressed.http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/members/private/244879/1/Weltschmerz
Unlike you, I beleive that the constant harping on at meetings, assemblies and in the literature about how terrible everything is compared to an idealized version of how good it could be or will be one day, takes it's toll on a persons well being. I really think this is what's at the bottom of the anxiety and depression found among Jehovah's happy people even when there is nothing in particularly wrong going on in their lives to be depressed or anxious about. They are taught that everything should be better than it is and you should want to live for eternity in a perfect paradise. Once I walked away from the meetings and all that negativity, I felt so much better and stopped seeing the negative side of life. the decade of struggling with anxiety disappeared in a matter of weeks. Mind you, I don't turn a blind eye to the problems in the world, but to feel that the only solution was to wait ones whole lifetime or even longer for some cataclysmic event to arrive and wipe everything out began to not make sense anymore. I think most JW's know on some level that the God who supposedly created the universe, could probably come up with a better solution than that. The depression and anxiety lifts once you aren't bombarded with a false hope that doesn't make sense and stop kidding yourself with fairy tales and begin to see those who are working hard to make a difference that can be seen and experienced now.