Morpheus that is a good point. JDubs don't need to pass the plate they just pass another resolution.
My thoughts exactly.
They'll eventually (in the next 5 years, is my guess) institute "tithing-lite" at the congregation level. First phase will be the COs telling the elder body that it's important that the congregation contribute a minimum per publisher amount each month so the Branch knows how to anticipate cash flow for expenses, etc., because our God is a god of order. Then the whole arrangement will be formalized through letters and each congregation will adopt a resolution agreeing to commit to a monthly congregation donation of at least "$X" per publisher. The letter will reference how we "already do this" for annual donations to the self-insurance program, CO expenses, etc. ("See publishers? Nothing has really changed!")
The amount per published expected will be calculated and dictated suggested by the Branch (similar to what they already do for Circuit Assembly expenses ("See elders? Nothing has really changed!"). Each congregation will adopt the dictated suggested amount by resolution, and the COs will track that metric on all visits moving forward.
Done and dusted.