JoinedTopics Started by respectful_observer
Impact of GDPR on WT HQ and EU branches?
by respectful_observer incurious if any of our eu-based members (especially those still in) have heard anything from official wt channels on how the organisation plans to be in compliance with gdpr ("general data protection regulations") by may 2018?
it's my understanding that religious organisations must comply, and that religious data is treated a "protected" and therefore subject to some enhance requirements.. specifically, how will they comply with the following requirements:.
you must disclose to the individual: what data you collect on them, why, and what you do with the data (including what other parties receive the data and what they do with it).
Elder/MS requirement for marriage talk? (Wedding not in KH)
by respectful_observer inokay team,.
some family friends who are engaged are getting some flack around the particulars of their wedding ceremony (surprise!
"strain out the gnat, gulp down the camel", and all that).
Wow...not even sure this qualifies as a "fade"
by respectful_observer ini'm posting this both as an anecdote and also to see if, by chance, this person reads this site.
(if you do, it'd be great to catch up since you now live fairly close to me!).
i've got a friend who until very recently was actively serving as an elder in hall close to bethel, and on a body heavy with bethelites.
Speculation on future donation arrangements
by respectful_observer inin the aftermath of this year's annual meeting and the recent tremors of cash shortfalls within the organization, i began thinking "what could they do next to bring in more $$$.".
many here have speculated that we're seeing incremental moves toward "tithing" (of course they would never call it that).
a recent thread (can't find it right now) highlighted that they recently raised the "suggested per publisher donation" at the circuit assembly significantly (tripled it?)..
Funny encounter at work
by respectful_observer ini just had a meeting with a client and we both paused to watch a group outside of the conference room present a cake to a group of colleagues.
i made the comment that it seemed to be a pretty frequent event in their offices.
his response: "yeah, it happens all the time here, but not in our group.
New WT property for A/V production
by respectful_observer inso the wts just bought yet another corporate building in upstate ny.
this time it's a building to house a/v production a few minutes from patterson.
why they just don't build what they need on property they already own, i don't know..
New donation arrangement in action locally
by respectful_observer inrecently they announced at my hall that a large donation had been made to the local congregation-- nearly $100,000.
they then proposed a resolution that we continue our new(ish) practice of only keeping enough money on hand locally for monthly expenses, and send the entire amount of this large donation to the watchtower society.
aside from the fact that our congregation has already sent well over a half-million dollars to the wt in the last 12 months, i don't understand the motive of the person who made the donation.
Heard a rumor: Guy Pierce died this morning
by respectful_observer indidn't see any other threads, apologies if one already exists.
apparently died of a massive stroke this morning.. r_o.
(completely unconfirmed.
Amusing line in April 2014 KM
by respectful_observer inunder "2014 convention reminders":.
seat saving: when the doors to the facility are opened each morning, please to not rush to the seating area of your preference as if competing with fellow attenders.
a self-sacrificing spirit that moves us to seek the good of others identifies us as true christians and moves onlookers to praise god.. ................................................................ i personally don't recall them previously making reference to the jw-version of the "running of the bulls" that takes place every morning when the doors open at 8:00 a.m. have seen it myself many times, it's always good for a laugh.