I never (knowingly) ran into a prostitute but I did preach to bums on the street. I had one guy who would follow us around wanting to talk. We'd eventually have to get away from him because we weren't getting anywhere with him and frankly, he was just pestering us from talking to other people. The dude was obviously insane.
JoinedPosts by MrFreeze
Did/Do you witness to Prostitutes while doing Street Work?
by african GB Member indid you simply ignore them, or did you try to "help" them with magazines while witnessing in the streets?.
As a JW, Did You Skip Houses You Knew Were Not Interested?
by mentallyfree31 ini have to confess: in my last 3 - 5 years in field circus, i basically only went to neighborhoods that were extrememly poor and thus i knew they would be favorable to the message.
i always had my own territory checked out, and even if an elder suggested i join another group in working another territory, i always had plenty of reasons why i needed to work mine.
(bible study or rv that i had to make at 11 am, etc...blah blah blah..lol).
I actually prefer going to territories that are less responsive, this way I rarely ever have to make return visits. I know 99.99% of people aren't actually interested anyway, just feigning interest. At least if they tell me they aren't interested I have an excuse to not stop back.
No typos or grammatical errors ever????
by StAnn inseems to me that, despite the fact that the content of the wts literatrash is crap, i've never seen a typo or grammatical error in the lit.
anybody ever noticed this or ever found instances of errors?
and, if there are no errors, how do they manage that?
"When I was younger, my dad told me that proved to him that it was 'inspired by God' and that the WTS were 'inspired by God' because professional literature, text books, etc make mistakes"
You mean the same way that they never make any mistakes with their teachings?
what is best to use to help my kids out? What does a teenager need to hear?
by Aussie Oz innow that i have secured more time with my children and i have established my interest in the religious side of their lives i wonder what is best next.. what sort of material is best to use to get them thinking?
i want to get them thinking.. what sort of real truths matter to teens in the jws these days?.
i know that they dont beleive everything, such as shunning and that worldly people are all bad.
I can't really speak from experience. Yes, I was a teenager, but I wasn't your typical teenager. I never had any desire to do drugs (still don't), never drank, never smoked, never went to crazy parties, never slept around with a bunch of people. I saw my brothers and sisters doing that kind of stuff and frankly it was embarassing to me. Granted, I was raised a Witness but those things never really appealed to me. I don't know how many times my brothers friends offered me alcohol and drugs but I was never even tempted because those things really didn't appeal to me.
I would say to tell them to think three steps ahead. Before you make a big decision, consider the consequences, consider ways they can protect themself. Kids are gonna be kids, but if you can at least try to get them to think ahead it can keep them out of a lot of trouble. Even if they get involved in some bad things, they can at least think through them. For instance, let's say they decide to get in the sack with someone. Yeah they would probably do it anyway, but if you can get it into their heads to think things through, they can at least be responsible in their doing that. I know it can be hard to get that drilled into their head, but it's the only way to keep them safe. I've been blessed enough to have always thought ahead before doing anything.
My experience
by MrFreeze inmy experience is in no way remarkeable but i felt like sharing it anyway.
i was raised a jw.
my mom became one the year i was born.
Thanks guys, your comments are certainly appreciated.
Witnesses "can't take the heat"
by Olin Moyles Ghost inhave you ever heard a witness say something like "why do apostates have to keep talking about the wts/jw faith?
why don't they just go on with their lives?
if they've found something better, why don't they just focus on that instead of us?
Well Blue Grass I guess it's the same way that non-Mormons bash the book of Mormon or non-scientologists bash Dianetics.
Did your congregation have "Talent" Shows?
by lepermessiah ini saw this video on youtube and didnt know if i should laugh or crawl into the fetal position.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abm0t-qhllc&feature=related.
we had several "talent" shows over the years in my original congregation - it was the only annual gathering more nauseating that the meetings.. my friend and i would always bring our walkmans and blare heavy metal in the back - hoping to block out the embarassing crap on the stage.you always had a few older ones get up on stage and slaughter a kingdumb song.
We didn't have talent shows but we'd have family nights. I don't know if they are necassarily the same thing. We'd have some friends play some instruments, have some friends act out some skits (not necassarily about the Bible) or something along those lines. Play some games but that's about it. They were usually a fun time.
My experience
by MrFreeze inmy experience is in no way remarkeable but i felt like sharing it anyway.
i was raised a jw.
my mom became one the year i was born.
My experience is in no way remarkeable but I felt like sharing it anyway. I was raised a JW. My mom became one the year I was born. My other brothers and sisters never did take a liking to it but I stuck with it for some reason. I will say this though about my mother, her becoming a Witness is what saved her marriage. Things were rocky for a while but she completely changed into a better person when she became a Witness. I was baptized when I was 12, although now I'm not sure how much of it was all my choice. Seemingly "friendly suggestions" I'd say are what prompted me. Something that may seem very stupid caused me to start doubting what I was taught my whole life. Working as an attendant one convention year, I had the "pleasure" of being there when the doors opened. These friends who are supposed to be so loving, were pushing each other going through the door to try and be the first one to get the best seats. That always bugged me. Anywho, some time went by and I blindly ignored any doubts I had. I just kinda went along with the flow. Eventually I got out of school, became a ministerial servant and pioneered. I did not choose to pioneer. I was heavily guilted into doing it. I couldn't find a job because I had no education because going to school was a big no-no. That is unless I wanted to work at McDonald's for the rest of my life. My mom said "well you aren't doing anything else so you should pioneer". She was right, I wasn't doing anything else. However, I did not want to pioneer. I never did enjoy the ministry. I always felt like I was bothering people. I imagined how I would feel if someone came knocking at my door on my day off early in the morning and I knew I would hate it. So I'd get people at home, sometimes place literature, but rarely stop back. Eventually I did get a job. It was a full time job so I told the elders that I couldn't pioneer anymore. I was getting max 40 hours a month. They insisted I continue pioneering. "You are the only brother who is a pioneer. We need you." That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was never about actually going out in the ministry. It was all about the title. For instance, does anybody actually really need to pioneer to go get 70 hours a month? No, you could do it without the title. But no, all that matters is the title. And that made me think about another point. Those pioneer meetings, if the information is so helpful in teaching, why is it only pioneers get to partake in those meetings? Aren't we all supposed to be teachers? I guess those people who work full time and have families aren't worthy of that special information. Nope, you gotta have that title. It's like an exclusive club. I could see having special elders and ministerial servant meetings because not everybody gets to do that job. But everybody is supposed to be a teacher in the congregation.
The disfellowshipping arrangment has always rubbed me the wrong way. What's the difference between someone who was raised a Witness, never gets baptized and leaves at the age of 16 and someone who gets baptized and gets disfellowshipped at the age of 16? Why should they be treated any differently? Why should we bully people into doing what we want them to do? I never cared for it.
Another thing that really bugged me was this particular experience. We had a brother who had cancer so the elders told me they wanted to try to get meals provided for his family since they had so much on their table with taking care of elderly parents and the whole cancer thing. I had no problems helping out. I had friends tell me "I'd be glad to make meals for them" but when the time came to actually provide meals they couldn't be bothered. They'd come up with some lame excuses. I knew these people I asked. They didn't work, they always cooked for their families. They couldn't be bothered to cook a little extra? Where's that love we hear so much about? Of course, some of the friends were not able to help out but most of the time it would fall on the same couple of sisters to help even though I knew there were plenty of friends who could have pitched in.
Overall, I'd say most of the Witnesses I have met or known seem genuine. Many of them are people I don't mind having around me. Certain families that are just awesome. Sadly, there are just as many families who are phonies. I know many of you don't care much for any Witnesses but I realize many of them are trying to do the right thing by what they know. I'm starting to realize more and more how things really are. I've started to open my eyes and see that the organization is not as faultless as they'd lead their followers to believe. During an international convention, we had one of the GB members give some talks and his concluding talk he talked a lot about the "false prophecies" the Society has made and he said "At least it shows we are keeping awake". That talk made me really think about the organization and how sometimes they are flat out wrong. So this is where I stand right now. Where I go from here, I just don't know. I'm not looking for any suggestions. I'll find my own way about things but I just felt I needed somewhere to share my experiences and certain thoughts I've had and I see this is a pretty welcoming place to do such.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-06-10 WT Study (YOUNG PEOPLE) TEST PLEASE FORGIVE ME
by blondie inyoung people strengthen your desire to serve jehovah.
what invitation was extended to children in the christian congregation?
serve god or the wts?.
At my meeting someone actually made a comment about a pair of 5 year old twins she heard about who said they wanted to get baptized and her point was "who are we to say what is too young". Really, are you serious?
Disfellowshipping - But You KNEW About It Before You Were Baptized!
by Georgiegirl instarted a new topic b/c i didn't want to threadjack another ongoing pointless debate.
:) (isn't it interesting how the apologists all come out around dc time?).
i have seen that statement made over and over again by jws about disfellowshipping.
All I have to say is that my brother left the organization before he was baptized. Good thing it wasn't after he was baptized or I'd have missed out on one of the best friends I've ever had.