Well for one PSacramento, he could not have created such a thing as "sickness". He could not make us suffer for a reason we can't control, but he can.
Of course, that'll never happen so I guess he can't prove it to me... can he?
they try to tell you god is love.
if that isn't the biggest load i've ever heard than i don't know what is.. god is love huh?
what would you say if i told you that there was a child that was deathly ill and the father had the cure?
Well for one PSacramento, he could not have created such a thing as "sickness". He could not make us suffer for a reason we can't control, but he can.
Of course, that'll never happen so I guess he can't prove it to me... can he?
someone at work was telling me a story about her friend and her friend's autistic son.
this particular boy is in his early teens.
his mom was out of the house for about an hour and had left him at home.
Someone at work was telling me a story about her friend and her friend's autistic son. This particular boy is in his early teens. His mom was out of the house for about an hour and had left him at home. He's not quite bad enough where he can't be left on his own for a brief period. He calls her up and says to her "You need to come home. There's a gnome in the closet." She has no clue what he's talking about so she heads home and gets there to find that her son had locked a midget in the closet. That midget just so happened to be a Jehovah's Witness who was working by himself in the ministry for whatever reason.
I lost it at work. I couldn't stop laughing for about an hour.
they try to tell you god is love.
if that isn't the biggest load i've ever heard than i don't know what is.. god is love huh?
what would you say if i told you that there was a child that was deathly ill and the father had the cure?
They try to tell you God is love. If that isn't the biggest load I've ever heard than I don't know what is.
God is love huh? What would you say if I told you that there was a child that was deathly ill and the father had the cure? What if that father told his son "I'm not going to give you this cure because one of your brothers have been bad and I want to make sure all of my children know that I'm the boss around here and my way is the best"? Would you say that's something a loving father would do? Essentially that's what we are told in the Bible.
We've gotten the screw job right from the start, according to the Bible. For some reason, we have to suffer because some idiot ate a piece of fruit 6,000 years ago. Does that really make any sense? Is that fair?
This leads me to another point, nothing can exist without God having created it or the ability for something to come about. That means all of the sickness in the world originated from God. According to the Bible, we are all sick and dying because God put limitations on us having perfect health. In other words, God created sickness and suffering. Would somebody loving create something so terrible?
i'm officially walking away from this religion.
even though it means i'll be on my own.
i don't really care anymore.
Thanks guys. I wish I could share in your enthusiasm. I can't even remember the last time I was genuinely happy. Nothing seems to be going my way. Just for once, I'd like something to go my way.
i'm officially walking away from this religion.
even though it means i'll be on my own.
i don't really care anymore.
I'm officially walking away from this religion. Even though it means I'll be on my own. I don't really care anymore. I'm sick of all the lying and deceipt, all of the two-faced-ness. Not just the people in the religion but me as well. By leading a double life I've been two-faced. I just can't deal with anymore.
I can't take it anymore. People I thought were my friends, really not. People who claimed to love and care, don't. I'd rather be left to myself than be surrounded by people who are backstabbing, rumour-mongering, gossip lovers.
i have heard this from several witnesses.. the assert that it is insensitive to expose someone's faith as invalid without offering another more valid spiritual path.. "the jehovah's witnesses don't have the truth, because xyz.".
^ i have been accused of offering a disservice because i can't offer the answers to the questions that i am debunking as fradulent.. has anyone else ran into this obscure argument?.
Gayle hit the nail on the head.
how do you leave the organization?
what do you say to your loved ones that you'll rarely if ever talk to again?
i want to know what some of you who have left the organization have said to parents, friends, or others close to you as you were leaving as to your reasons..
How do you leave the organization? What do you say to your loved ones that you'll rarely if ever talk to again? I want to know what some of you who have left the organization have said to parents, friends, or others close to you as you were leaving as to your reasons.
what is the policy for disfellowshipped people in your family for when they get sick?
for instance.
let's say your disfellowshipped son/daughter gets seriously sick and needs someone to help take care of this.
That sounds like about how I thought they would view it. Wouldn't it be something if you went to go help your sick child and the elders took you in the back room for it?
what is the policy for disfellowshipped people in your family for when they get sick?
for instance.
let's say your disfellowshipped son/daughter gets seriously sick and needs someone to help take care of this.
What is the policy for disfellowshipped people in your family for when they get sick?
For instance. Let's say your disfellowshipped son/daughter gets seriously sick and needs someone to help take care of this. Is it permissable by the WT to provide the needed assistance or is this looked down upon? I wonder just how far the disfellowshipping/shunning misery really goes. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.
for the so-called conscious class, those of you who know it's all a disgusting lie, what is the real reason you stay in?
i find it hard to understand how ones who know what the org truly is would continue to be an active jw.
i'm not talking about the "faders"- those with an actual plan to get out as painlessly as possible.
Here's my reasons. My family. Nothing can replace your family, no matter how twisted their beliefs are. That's what unconditional love is all about. If I leave I lose my family.
I will eventually leave, but only when there is something there to fill the void. I'm talking about a special someone, whose family can become like my family and make the sting of losing those precious to me, a little more bareable. I mentioned about someone in one of my threads that talked about a love I lost. Who knows if that would have been the plug to fill the gap left. It may very well have been.