Give me a break Cold Steel. Imagine if you were suffering from some horrible disease and a doctor who could help cure you refused saying "Don't worry about it. You'll be cured when you are dead." I'd say that is a pretty cruel thing.
Is this what we are supposed to have faith in?
I guess all those people who have never heard of Jesus through no fault of their own are just supposed to magically believe in him and have faith in him.
Supposedly, Jesus showed miraculous signs. God performed miraculous signs back in Bible times. Can you explain to me why we no longer see such miraculous signs? Sorry, but "The world is so beautiful and wonderfully created" and "Jesus will speak to you if you have faith and are willing to see" are NOT miraculous signs. Imagine the good that might be able to come out of the whole world if he just revealed himself in an OBVIOUS way. Not in a "Oh, you have to read the Bible with an open heart" way.