I don't tell anybody to believe or not to believe in God. I don't expect anybody to tell me to believe in or to not believe in God. It's my choice. Nobody should force an ideal on anybody. Personally, I don't know if there is a God or not. Nothing anybody says either way will convince me so they shouldn't even bother to try.
JoinedPosts by MrFreeze
The was a time I thought I had a good argument for people who had faith in God's non-existence
by gubberningbody ini remember asking people the question.... .
"would you like to believe there's a creator who cares about you?".
this question would avoid any fact-based discussion, and instead we could discuss the heart of the matter that plays the key to how people connect the disparate dots.. .
Mood Music for a Sad and Lonely Night
by StAnn init's just past the one year anniversary of my nephew's suicide.
he hanged himself last year at age 19. his mother, my sister-in-law, found him.
i can't sleep for thinking of him.
This one always gets me...
AUDIO: "Dubnesia" demonstrated. JWs can not recall what they heard in a talk
by kurtbethel ini have explained "dubnesia" before, which is that amnesia that jws seem to get about the actual content of their so called spiritual nourishment.
not to criticize, as i always get that after hearing h. ross perot talk.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/188046/1/dubnesia-have-you-had-it.
now i have audio of dubnesia as we hear two jws explain to a householder about how wonderful the talk they heard was.
It's true. That's why people always say that "this was the best assembly ever" because they want to cover for the fact that they don't remember any of it.
For those growing up with a non-JW parent
by JWinprotest injust curious to hear from those that have gone through a similar situation.
my dad was extremely opposed to jw's and went balistic when my mom converted.
he did everything in his power to keep us from becoming witnesses, (forcing us to stay home from meetings, forcing us to go to church with him on holidays) but i think that worked against him, because we viewed it as persecution.. here is my question though.
My dad wasn't a JW. He hated that my mom became a Witness but eventually eased up on it. He never really gave us many problems.
Something I've always wondered
by MrFreeze ini'm sure you've heard married witnesses say things like "i wish i had stayed single longer.
" usually they say that in reference to "serving jehovah more fully".
if you are a wife or a child of someone who has ever said that, how does that make you feel?
Oh but I've heard it said plenty of times. Especially the ones who try to get you to stay single.
Something I've always wondered
by MrFreeze ini'm sure you've heard married witnesses say things like "i wish i had stayed single longer.
" usually they say that in reference to "serving jehovah more fully".
if you are a wife or a child of someone who has ever said that, how does that make you feel?
I'm sure you've heard married Witnesses say things like "I wish I had stayed single longer." Usually they say that in reference to "serving Jehovah more fully". If you are a wife or a child of someone who has ever said that, how does that make you feel? Doesn't that pretty much means he regrets marrying you? Doesn't that mean he regrets having children? Granted, that may not be case but that's how it comes off to me. Anybody else feel that way?
This is a very well thought out statement
by upnorth inthis quote came from the czech republic .
someone over there has it figured out.
we have a lot of work to do.. .
People who quote Janeane Garofalo as a source of wisdom remind me of the people who quote Ann Coulter as a source of wisdom.
Weird Prayer at Last Year's DC - GB Worship
by LostGeneration inat the last dc i will ever attend in 09' some elder was called up to do the morning prayer.
i dont recall him being introduced as a co or anything thats why i say elder.. he starts off slowly and 20 seconds in i realize this is his moment of glory, giving a prayer at the dc and he is going to take his sweet time.
i know the closing prayers are like at least 5 or 10 minutes, but this guy is going to kick off the morning with a long rambling diatribe..... so part way in he gets to the "slave" and he starts naming them off one by one.....ya know thanks for splane, pierce, barr, loesch....so on and so on....til he gets through them all.
That takes GB worship to a whole new level.
Kingdom Hall Dreaming
by Darth plaugeis inhow many of you have had these dreams, where you find yourself at the hall or assembly?.
i have found myself in both scenarios, almost 10 years since i set foot in either, but when i do have these dreams (not often) i do laugh out loud in my dream saying "what the hell am i doing here" and the freinds..... oh how are you, it's so good to see you back.
and the venue is always dark.
That's just Satan trying to infiltrate your dreams and make you not want to go back...
...is what I would say if I were a delusional JW.
Most Ridiculous Thing You've Ever Been Counseled On
by MrFreeze ini'm sure topics like this have already come up but they tend to get hilarious with the absolute absurdity that goes on in the kh.
i was once counseled for not shaving after two days.
i was also counseled by a sister for eating lucky charms cereal.
I was counseled for wearing one of those yellow "cancer" bracelets. "Brothers should not be wearing bracelets".