No doobs needed for that Gregor, just common sense.
It's like me saying "I've made the perfect car. Except sometimes when i put it into the highest gear the car stalls out and then I crash."
how did satan tempt a person who has no wrong desires?.
No doobs needed for that Gregor, just common sense.
It's like me saying "I've made the perfect car. Except sometimes when i put it into the highest gear the car stalls out and then I crash."
how did satan tempt a person who has no wrong desires?.
Something that is perfect has no flaws or defects. Wouldn't being able to be tempted be a flaw? If Adam and Even were perfect, should they have been able to be tempted. Seems like a flaw to me.
But then this goes into the whole idea that nothing exists without God, so that means he invented sin because he invented the idea of what constitutes a sin.
i came up with a new game today - certainly made the meeting pass by quickly.
before the meeting i edited all the elders and servants mobile numbers on my phone so that they would'nt get the caller id up(141 in uk).
then, during the meeting i called them all one at a time.
Oh duh. I'm an idiot.
i have always struggled to understand what prayers god answers and which ones he avoids.
most religions teach that god answers prayers, so people must feel that their prayers are being answered, yet the type of prayers seem to be very selective.. .
if god answered broad based prayers, then children in third world countries would not be starving, so he does not seem to interfere in global issues.
Could it be he doesn't answer any prayers?
i came up with a new game today - certainly made the meeting pass by quickly.
before the meeting i edited all the elders and servants mobile numbers on my phone so that they would'nt get the caller id up(141 in uk).
then, during the meeting i called them all one at a time.
I don't get it, how does changing the number on your phone, mess with the caller ID on their phone? It's not like you changed it on their phone...
we've seen this, or have heard of it..... a tragic death happens - often it's even caused by watchtower edicts, like shunning or "no blood" policy.... and the brainwashed - or brain-dead - witnesses resort to yammering watchtower propaganda - "at least he/she died before 'armageddon', so maybe he'll / she'll have a chance at being 'resurrected'...".
we've all seen the insane level of hypocrisy within the watchtower society... i've several examples in mind, wherein the witness parent shunned a witness child, leading to the child's suicide or indirectly to his/her death, and then the witness - make that witless - parent stands there at the funeral mouthing that "at least he/she died before 'armageddon', so maybe he'll / she'll have a chance at being 'resurrected'..." line of b.s.
..... what can one say to block that self-congratulatory blather??
"I once said, "if that is true, then we should go door to door and shoot people dead so they get into Paradise.""
I've used that line of reasoning before on all sorts of topics, especially with the line of reasoning about "at least they died before Armageddon."
i'll just come out and say it... i don't give a f**k about my birthday.
it's only a painful reminder that i'm one year closer to my grave.
i'm not here to pick a fight with those who do celebrate.
I know plenty of non-dubs who don't do anything on their birthday.
i was taking a long, long car ride today and of course all that time you get to thinking.
i thought about this.
when it comes to jw's dating, they always have to have a chaperone there.
frigginconfused, it's because they might get a little too romantically inclined and then head off on their own after they are done with their "date". The whole chaperone thing is stupid anyway. There's nothing to stop them from getting together on their own anyway.
And I agree scarred, the whole arrangement is awful.
i was taking a long, long car ride today and of course all that time you get to thinking.
i thought about this.
when it comes to jw's dating, they always have to have a chaperone there.
I was taking a long, long car ride today and of course all that time you get to thinking. I thought about this. When it comes to JW's dating, they always have to have a chaperone there. That means anytime JW's propose, there are multiple people there, thus putting added pressure on one party to agree. And as we know JW's believe, once you say "yes" to the proposal you are as good as married and can't back out of the engagement. Do you think the added pressure of chaperones being there has increased the number of people who have said "yes" instead of "no" thus leading to more marriages that aren't happy? I don't know maybe it's a stupid point but it's something I thought about.
below is the outline for a talk on the service meeting this week, i guess to help ones to answer the objection / accusation - how would you refute, if this reasoning was used by a jw at your door?.
have not jehovahs witnesses made errors in their teachings?.
jehovahs witnesses do not claim to be inspired prophets.
They say they are God's spirit-anointed organization, and are led by God's holy spirit. So that means anytime they say something that is incorrect, that God's holy spirit is wrong because it was the one leading them. That means they are blaspheming against the holy spirit. Debate over.