Go ahead and say it Sharpie. I can take it.
JoinedPosts by MrFreeze
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 01-16-11 WT Study (BAPTISM)
by blondie in1, 2. for you to be successful as you grow toward.
trail, you might want to take along a. map and a compass.
a reliable map and a compass.
When the Reptillian Anti-Christ is unmasked, what is your firearm of choice to kill our invaders?
by WingCommander inthis subject thread has been on my mind for a while, especially after seeing "zombieland" and foodall's thread about our possible ufo/reptilian over lords/realion/alien invaders.
when the great day of reckoning comes, whether it be from ufo alien invaders, realian reptilian over lords, demons in human-hybrid form, or just plain old virus-infected zombies, what will you be carrying to defend yourself from the hostile forces of e-vile?
please, no one say a "bible" or i'm going to just laugh my ass off.
I don't own any firearms. I don't have any reason to... yet. I do have a can of bug spray though and if worse comes to worse, I can make a homemade flamethrower out of hairspray and a lighter. I have done it before....
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 01-16-11 WT Study (BAPTISM)
by blondie in1, 2. for you to be successful as you grow toward.
trail, you might want to take along a. map and a compass.
a reliable map and a compass.
I was 12 when I got baptised. How can a 12 year old kid make that kind of a decision, let alone a 6 year old kid? It baffles me to this day. A decision I make then should not affect me 40 years from now. It's the same reason they don't try 12 year olds as adults.
Questions for Doubtfully yours or Elpiro - The happy annointed Jehovah's Witness
by Hoffnung inhello doubtfully yours or el piro or other happy jw,.
there are 4 questions for you.
1. the issue i have is with paragraphs 1 & 8 of the study article on page 21 of the 15/09/2010 watchtower.
They won't answer because they don't have a good answer. These are very good points.
Did you Fade Gradually or Stop Attending Meetings Quickly ? Reasons ?
by flipper inbeen thinking about this and curious about what makes us all come to the decisions we came to in our fade/exiting the jw organization.. i think for myself having been born-in & raised a jw my doubts about the generation doctrine had simmered for years within me quietly and by the time i finally left in 2003 i had reached my breaking point.
also seeing unjust treatment of rank & file witness ( myself included ) just propelled me into my decision even quicker.
so - one day after meeting with 3 elders in a back room before a meeting and seeing their judgmental aggression towards me - i just told myself " enough is enough ".
I tried to resign as an MS and a pioneer and then fade. They wanted an excuse as to why I didn't feel I could do either/or. So I just told them right then my feelings on the religion. Sad, they still think they can change my mind. They tried to get the CO to come over and see me but I didn't answer the phone when the PO called and then when they knocked on the door, I didn't answer. I've had so many visits from the elders it is nauseating. They know my stance and that it's not going to change, could they either just leave me alone or DF me?
"The Return of Jonny the Bethelite"
by koolaid-man inthe conference call from saturday night went great; with returning guest "jonny the bethelite".
he is making quite a stir on the conference call!.
if you missed it, the call is up on the site.. we also have a newer, simpler and user friendly site.
I appreciate these. I download them and listen to them on my mp3 player at work. I look forward to this one.
Orgone Boxes at Bethel
by Band on the Run inwhen i studied psychoanalysis at college, i drew wilhelm reich as my term paper topic.
research showed that he championed the public health benefits of orgasms.
further, he built a box to hold this special energy and cure people of ailments.
Sounds demonistic... according to what the WT usually finds demonistic.
2011 NFL Playoffs - Divisional Round
by Iron Head inlast week's results:.
iron head 3 - 1. keyser soze 2 - 2. darth plaugeis 2 - 2. tec 2 - 2. doubting bro 3 - 1. miseryloveseleders 2 - 2. .
nfl divisional playoff games.
Go Steelers! It's been an up and down season but they've pulled it together at the right time. My preseason pick was Ravens and Packers in the Super Bowl. Not that I wanted the Ravens in, they just seemed like a team that was going to pull it together with Flacco maturing. I have a feeling the Packers are going to dismantle the Bears almost as badly as the Falcons. As for the Jets and Steelers, should be a good matchup. They are pretty evenly matched at every position except QB where I'm sorry, Ben has the upper hand. Steelers lost to Jets earlier in the season, but we see that means nothing, eh Patriots?
Facebook: Local Ruling By Elders in Nearby Congregation
by mentallyfree31 injust heard from a friend that a nearby body of elders in their congregation have decided that anybody who is on facebook will not be able to have privleges in their congregation.. hilarious!.
Boy I wish they had done that at my hall and Facebook had been invented 10 years earlier.
Get 'deleted' or resign as a ministerial servant?
by trevorbv ini'm a ministerial servant for some years now, but reached to the conclusion that i must get out of jws as soon as possible.
i can no longer waste my time in field service, at the kh or doing menial jobs for the congregation.
for some months now my field report is with one digit at the hours section and with empty spaces in magazines, brochures and the others.
I tried to resign and trust me, they aren't going to want to let you do that. They are going to want to know why and they won't leave you alone until you give them a good enough reason. So come up with some good excuse if you don't want to out and out admit the truth.