My staunch jw in laws always have turkey on thanksgiving. So does the coordinating elder of the local congregation.
JoinedPosts by BoomTown
As Far as JW's and Thanksgiving go...
by OnTheWayOut init's one of the most confusing holidays to jw's.
it doesn't specify who to give thanks to, it's a u.s. holiday that is semi-patriotic and semi-religious but not necessarily either one.. i suppose jw's should go out of their way to avoid giving thanks this thursday so jehovah doesn't get pissed at them for being so slightly normal worldly and maybe accidentally smite them if armageddon starts this thursday..
by BoomTown inmy wife is bitter towards the organization right now and is finally willing to talk about flaws without her shutting down.
what is the easiest way to prove the witnesses don't have the "the single truth" of the bible?.
today i said to her, "you are probably worried about leaving because you think "what if they are right and armageddon comes.
We had another disc ussion last night. It went well. I used the dialog ue of the catholics and hell and she said, "catholics don't have the tr uth beca use why wo uld a loving God torment anyone?"
My response-Whats the difference between that and the JW's version of armageddon where 99% of people are m urdered? She tho ught abo ut it and then realized it was very similar.
I left it at that and didn't p ush it.
She then said, " I g uess I don't share all the same views as JWs"...
Not like she stated that JW's are false prophets or anything b ut this is light years ahead of where she was even 3 months ago.
Thanks for everyones help. I'll keep ya'll posted if anything else changes. My g uess is that she'll still contin ue making 50-60% of meetings and will event ually want to stop as long as she keeps reasoning on logic.
Thanks for everyones help!
by BoomTown inmy wife is bitter towards the organization right now and is finally willing to talk about flaws without her shutting down.
what is the easiest way to prove the witnesses don't have the "the single truth" of the bible?.
today i said to her, "you are probably worried about leaving because you think "what if they are right and armageddon comes.
I'm just worried that the jw failsafes will kick in and she'll revert back to trying. This is what I tried earlier today.
The bible puts people in heaven and your religion takes them to paradise earth. That in itself should tell you something about armageddon and living into paradise. She didn't disagree with me so I continued and talked briefly about the 2 class crap. She then said,"well the bible says there is two classes. I backed off because I knew this wasn't going anywhere since she was started to defend.
I'll keep trying.
by BoomTown inmy wife is bitter towards the organization right now and is finally willing to talk about flaws without her shutting down.
what is the easiest way to prove the witnesses don't have the "the single truth" of the bible?.
today i said to her, "you are probably worried about leaving because you think "what if they are right and armageddon comes.
She has not expressed doubts about teachings but she hasn't went door to door in the last 6 months or so. Also, we had our first child 5 months ago and during the delivery things didn't go quite as planned and she gave me permission to give the doctors permission to use blood. I told her before we got pregnant that I wasn't going to let anyone kill her(not accept blood) based on false biblical teachings. She was on board the whole time and decided that if I made the decision she was still "safe for paradise". So she already isn't 100% "in" but at the same time won't admit the religion is wrong.
What else:Her three best friends are worldly. I've tried using the "So God is going to kill your 3 best friends at armageddon approach"...didn't work..but that was 6 months ago or so.
I told her that the JW's armageddon reminds me of September 11th and that really bothered her....but then again that was about a year ago.
We live in the town she grew up in so there is a lot of pressure from the local congo for her to keep going and it's the same congregation her parents go to. Her mother is crazy. She missed a meeting about a month ago and her mother said, "i cried myself to sleep last night because you guys weren't at meeting. Its so sad because you and your baby are going to die at armageddon." Talk about guilt trip city.
Hmmmmm....can't think of anything else.
by BoomTown inmy wife is bitter towards the organization right now and is finally willing to talk about flaws without her shutting down.
what is the easiest way to prove the witnesses don't have the "the single truth" of the bible?.
today i said to her, "you are probably worried about leaving because you think "what if they are right and armageddon comes.
Its really tricky. She doesn't come out and say, "i question this and I question that".
She is bitter right now because someone had a get together and her little sisters(23 and 21 years old) weren't invited. She asked why and the girl responded, "we're trying to have only people who are trying to good come to the party. The 23 and 21 year olds are unbaptized and are typical college students.
So she is bitter that people are judging her family.
She really has never taken studying/doctrine seriously. I've had numerous conversations with her in the past and I've had to explain the witnesses beliefs before explaining why its wrong.
I'm just grasping for anything right now because I feel like this is the closest she has been in the last 18 months to having an open mind about discussing anything.
Even today she said, "I don't know anyone who has left and has improved their life"...and this was out of the blue so obviously she is either somewhat thinking about leaving.
She knows I'm "an apostate" but doesn't go to the elders because it would make life difficult. We agreed from the beginning, 18 months ago that we'd be open an honest with each other and that we would tolerate each others beliefs. At the time(18 months ago) when I decided to start fading, I was a ministerial servant but saw way too much hypocrisy in doctrine and the local elders. Want to know anything else?
by BoomTown inmy wife is bitter towards the organization right now and is finally willing to talk about flaws without her shutting down.
what is the easiest way to prove the witnesses don't have the "the single truth" of the bible?.
today i said to her, "you are probably worried about leaving because you think "what if they are right and armageddon comes.
My wife is bitter towards the organization right now and is finally willing to talk about flaws without her shutting down. What is the easiest way to prove the witnesses don't have the "the single truth" of the bible?
Today I said to her, "you are probably worried about leaving because you think "what if they are right and armageddon comes." and she agreed with me.
What line of reasoning should I use here. Its got to be simple. Shes never studied anything meaningful and only goes to meetings for her parents and because "what if they are right".
Question For Those Who Have Been Around Awhile...
by BoomTown ini started fading about a year and a half ago after i saw serious problems within the organization and doctrinal flaws.
i was a ms, bethelite, pioneer for the better part of 10 years.. while pioneering as a ministerial servant i married a girl who wasn't considered "strong" in the truth despite being raised in the truth.
anyway for the better part of the last 18 months i talk to her about the flaws when an opportunity presents itself.she no longer goes out in the ministry(more or less for the last year).. .
A few more things. She is completely aware that I research the JW's. I tried using logic and realized logic doesn't work. If I ever bring up something from this website in the past she shuts down.
I tried the praying thing about 17 and a half months ago. She doesn't let me pray now and quite frankly it doesn't bother me.
Its not so much about her being in the true religion as it is "what happens if the witnesses are right and I die at armageddon" kinda mentality if that makes sense. Quite frankly, I remember thinking the same thing. This website along with freeminds did amazing things for my thought process.
The difference between my wife and me is that I spent the first 15years of my life outside of the religion. My parents were contacted door to door and because they were having marital problems thought that studying would be a good for me to leave at the age of 25 I could just erase the last 7 years religion worth of thought processes like erasing a game on a computer.
The problem with my wife is that the religion was built into her "hard drive" being raised in the truth her whole life. It has always been her. She can't just press the erase button without seeing a total least right now.
I am trying to build relationships in the community to give her somewhere else to go when that time comes.
Any other ideas? Keep them coming!
Question For Those Who Have Been Around Awhile...
by BoomTown ini started fading about a year and a half ago after i saw serious problems within the organization and doctrinal flaws.
i was a ms, bethelite, pioneer for the better part of 10 years.. while pioneering as a ministerial servant i married a girl who wasn't considered "strong" in the truth despite being raised in the truth.
anyway for the better part of the last 18 months i talk to her about the flaws when an opportunity presents itself.she no longer goes out in the ministry(more or less for the last year).. .
I started fading about a year and a half ago after I saw serious problems within the organization and doctrinal flaws. I was a ms, bethelite, pioneer for the better part of 10 years.
While pioneering as a ministerial servant I married a girl who wasn't considered "strong" in the truth despite being raised in the truth. Anyway for the better part of the last 18 months I talk to her about the flaws when an opportunity presents itself.She no longer goes out in the ministry(more or less for the last year).
Last night she is venting to me about some friends at the hall judging others and says, "I realize there are serious flaws and yeah I don't totally agree with everything that they(watchtower) agree with but I still will go to meetings.
She has also admitted the main reason she goes is because her parents go to the same hall and it would break theirhearts if she quit going. This in a lot of ways reminded me of how I started my fade. I started seeing flaws and then started doubting teaching and that in turn lead to my fade because it opened my eyes in what was really taking place.
My question:Am I getting my hopes up that she is fading? I tried getting her to elaborate on what she meant by flaws but she didn't want to go further discuss what she meant. She also later stated that she knows there has to be one true religion and that the Jw's have it right because they are the only ones that don't celebrate holidays.
What advice would you give to me? She seems to be more willing to talk now than ever. Should I press her a little harder or just let it ride because she is the one who has to decide if its right or wrong for her to fade.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I don't believe my boyfriend is 100% committed to this religion. How to handle?
by herlovelyworld inhi guys!
im very new here and i need a little help.. im not a witness, but i know all of the quirks and rules and whatnot because my long-distance boyfriend is a witness.
the issue, other than the obvious, is that i fell in love with him before he told me he was one of jehovahs witnesses.
Get the hell away. Tell him that he belongs to a dangerous cult and that until he mails you a copy of his disassociation letter that it's best for the two of you not to be together. Sounds like in his mind he has justified his problems and believes he's still in good standing in the congregation. If anything, he is trying to get you to buy into the polar opposite of what you are trying to get him out of. Its really not worth it at all to keep trying. As you can already see, logic doesn't rule his mind. Get away before you find yourself getting dunked in a pool at a district convention.