Mike said:
I look back at what I posted 2 or 3 years ago and it seems much more informative than what I post now. So, maybe we do kind of "run out of steam", maybe we have given of our best, hopefully we've given something to a newbie ex that will sustain him through a difficult period of transition.
I ran out of steam for all things JW long before this site ever existed--in fact, before the Worldwide Web existed. I got that stuff out of my system back in the early 90s, in the Usenet News days when we used to debate with JWs on talk.religion.misc. Maybe that explains why I post to this site so seldom. But others aren't like me. Alan, for instance, has been out quite a long time, and he still hasn't run out of steam (although he has less time lately to post). I think we all move forward at our own pace, and this site provides what some people need and want. I'm just not that interested in JW talk anymore, although--as you can see--I still check the site from time to time.
All I can say about this topic is that I'm glad I'm not the site owner or a moderator. Whew!