Hi Amazing,
:Hi Julie: Well, I just got through giving you a compliment in another post, and then I see your response here [:)) Oh well, I will try to wrap this up in a way that works for you.
I am sorry to see this from you as it indicates you take offense from my post. Believe it or not that was quite far from my intention on this particular post.
:You and I are not all that far apart, but I think you just want to pick a fight.
Yesterday I was just stirring up the shit for fun some of the time, I can assure you, though I am not at all trying to "pick a fight" with you. Not here, not now. I'll let you know
:Recently, someone on another forum complained that my posts are 'too long and detailed.' When I try to be succinct, then the one little thing 'left out' suddenly takes one major importance ... as though I was trying to 'hide' something.
This still on your mind eh? I thought it an important fact that Clinton won the Most votes in those elections. This was a fact you left out and coupled with the comment you made it looked as though maybe it was the same situation as the 2000 (lose the popular win the electoral). This was entirely untrue and I didn't want that inference to be taken as fact. I saw that the person who replied before I did seemed to take that very message away from your post so I couldn't have been that far off.
:$Big Bucks$ are given to Congressional Candidates too. My previous employer used to send a check for the maximum allowed by law to BOTH the Democrat and Republican candidates. What is that? Both? Yep! That way, regardless of who wins, the company could get their foot in the door to make their case in the event some unwanted legislation emerged. Yep!
This practice is as old as the hills. In medieval times, when there was a dispute over the throne, it was common for a powerful family to have a member in both camps. That way whoever won the family could claim to have supported the winner and hold onto (at least some of) their lands/power.
:Thank you GOP for getting us Tax cuts and other needed corporate welfare! Thanks Gawd!!!
Oh yes!!! Thank Gawd for the corporate welfare (especially the backroom dirty deal kind). I especially am fond of how much of the tax burden that shifts to us, the little people.
:You must be awfully young kiddo to think that the Donkey-Ass Party (oops Democrats) are just now opening up their coffers to $Big Bucks$ from Businesses!
Correct me if I am wrong but isn't 2000 the first year the Democrats have been able to match the Rebuplicans in $$$? I know how you are a stickler for sources regarding statements that to many seem to be common knowledge but I don't have one for what I will say next. It has been noted by some that the Democratic Party isn't really the party of the Everyman anymore and that it has as much special interest money Now as the Republicans. This is a statement I agree with. I am aware of some of the longtime, bigtime donors to the Dems. There are more recent ones than oldtime ones.
:And, I have this gut instinct that you are going to take exception to this, so I will make a new post special for you and explain what happens in Real Life and not the conspiracy-fantasies that many have about money, politics, and influence.
Amazing, have you ever stopped to consider your approach to others? Yes I can be sarcastic but it is quite blatant and obvious (on purpose). You though seem to talk down your nose quite a bit.
I do not entertain conspiracy fantasies regarding money and politics. Not at all. Know why? Cause I read. Yes, I read plenty of books, articles, etc. on the matter and learn all that I can about it. I know that some little nobody like you or me can cough up a check or two and we are still nobody. I know that industries who employ lobbyists and toss around Serious Money are the ones who buy access. Believe it or not I even know what Serious Money really is too. You'll have to trust me on this as it's in the Personal Realm and this isn't the place for that.
:Our system is about Electoral Game of States, thus one must win the most Electoral Votes
Ok, I will tell you right now that you can stop explaining to me how this works, I already know. While I think that the electoral college represents landmass and popular vote represents people I am opposed to eliminating the electoral college.
:So, I cited that Clinton won only 43% of the vote, or substantially less than George Bush, and yet the Democrats did not feel shy about Bill Clinton being a legitimate President. Bush gets 49% of the vote and all hell breaks loose because Gore got more.
Clinton got more than Bush Sr. and won the electoral college. Gore got more than Bush Jr. but Bush Jr. won electoral college. What is it about the diffences in these elections and their results that you don't understand? In the 1992 election the person that one the Most popular votes won the electoral college, unlike the 2000 election. This point seem to be lost on you and I can't understand why. Even the apathetic voters who occassionally watched the news at election time ( all 30 days of it) could tell you that the results of the 2000 election haven't happened for about 100 years. You seem to think it happened every election involving Clinton as well as this last one.
:My greatest concern with you is that you take things too personally. You read into posts emotions that the author does not intend. And you take some missing item and assume deliberative intent of the author to obfuscate it.
Is it not wise to "make sure of all things"? If you can't see why I would think you leaving out 2/3's of the election results you cited was less than forthcoming I doubt I'd be able to explain it to you.
:This is not healthy, fair, or rational debate.
You are so special Amazing. You leave out facts in order to make an absurd comparison but I am the one who is not fair. You infer I subscribe to Money-Fantasies re: politics as well as asserting I am young and quite uniformed, nothing more than one of the apathetic masses, and you play the Big All Knowing Father (or worse Big Brother)Figure but I am the one with the unhealthy outlook/approach. You lump me (and maybe others just as wrongfully) into the general masses of the Unknowing/Uniformed and also send out generalized put-downs ("the Donkey-Ass Party (oops Democrats)") but I am not rational. Whatever.
Amazing I have read posts of yours I have agreed with completely and found to be rather insightful. While I was once smart-ass enough with you to state I would "speak slowly" (for which I was thoroughly chastened by you and most of the same like-minded buddies who showed up in this thread if I recall correctly) I have to say that it is you who seems to have the thoroughly condescending attitude. You seem to think no one knows as much as you or could possibly have as complete of an understanding of matters as you. I wonder if you really feel this way or if it is unintentional.
Regardless of all that, I am still glad to find a fellow American who cares enough to have learned about the system and how it works. I wish with all my heart more would, no matter what side of the aisle they end up on.