Topics Started by Julie
Open letter to Lilacs
by Julie indear shari,.
we all know you well enough to know your heart is in the right place.
you have told me in e-mail how you try to do things better for your kids than you had it, we all do.
Medieval mindset in religion
by Julie inhere's an interesting article telling us all about how illness is punishment for sin, well sort of...... what century is this again????.
thursday february 07 2002 .
Hi there Island Woman
by Julie ingreetings island woman,.
i see you had some words for me at the time i took a short sabbatical from this board.
thought i'd address a few of your thoughts.. :ignorance comes in many forms.
A little slice of life
by Julie inas you all know life can be full of difficulties and heartbreaks.
i have recently been through some minor (but nonetheless extremely irritating) difficulties and have also been dealing with the heart-ache of watching someone very dear to me reach the end of life.. with these things on my mind i was trying to go about my business, was putting away some laundry and happened to look out the window a couple of days ago.
here in northern michigan it has been unseasonably warm lately so the kids have been outside enjoying it.
Let's have a baby shower!!!
by Julie inas most of you know one of our long time posters, "mommy"/wendy, is expecting a baby in the very near future.
as some of you may not know (and i hope she doesn't plot my murder for discussing it) wendy is going through some real tough times.
she could use a few things for the baby considering getting by with two other children is difficult enough!.
we were never s'pose to die????
by Julie inout of the many things from the bible i wonder about there was one i thought i would share with you all and see if you may have any interesting insights on this issue.. according to the bible man was suppose to live forever, no sickness, easy childbirth for women, just your basic paradise, right?.
so ok, we all know that because that wretched eve screwed it up for all of us and everything we now have suffering and death.. my problem with all of this is this: what if all the people who had ever lived had never died?
how many of us would there be on the planet?
Ladonna, which is it???
by Julie ingood morning ladonna,.
as you may recall we had a brief exchange yesterday.
you asked a few indignant questions regarding my whipping post and then follwed them up with inquiries as to why i am posting here having never been a jw, or something to that effect.
whipping or not whipping?
by Julie inin light of the bru-ha-ha we recently endured over what began as and elder culpability issue gone awry, i thought i would present some words of wisdom written some time ago on this very board.
apparently some poster had had a visit by some elders and had felt ganged up on.
he described this as getting a "whipping", much like we have seen recent allegations of someone here being recently used as a "whipping boy" for another poster.
by Julie insince we have so many right-leaning politically speaking posters, i was wondering what comments they might be willing to offer up on this column i caught this morning..
i am sure most of those who are quick to criticize anything that even remotely relates to clinton are all whitewater experts by now.
i would enjoy reading what thoughts you may have on the parallels and even how enron makes whitewater look like a trip to the penny candy store.. hoping some conservative can help me feel less screwed by my republican administration,.
Maybe there is a God afterall....
by Julie inhere's hoping.
one extremeist down, countless others to go......
buh-bye dickie, only the hate-mongers will miss you.. julie