I wonder if he got his buddy Travis to write a review....
Posts by Julie
Stafford's Book Is Shipping
by ros infor those of you who may have ordered the latest book by greg stafford, "three dissertations on the teachings of jehovah's witnesses", it began shipping today.. if you're interested in ordering it, go to elihu books:.
Who is the author of this quote! :)
by IslandWoman in"i have all manner of dealing with stress and usually apply them all.
lol first we begin with the realization.
Let's see, Larc and the fragile Zazu spend hours hammering on Wendy in e-mail, abusing her, and poor Larc is the victim? Tell me Island Woman, do they let you drive???? How's the medication level? In need of adjustment?
Man, why don't you go find some other abuser to protect and get off my ass?
Kent's Site
by Francois ini've tried to get on kent's site with no luck.. do you have to face mecca and wave a dead chicken or what?.
i really hate it that he felt compelled to make a new site.
knowing kent, i'm sure he said why he did it.
I must admit, I have always loved the British sense of humor...
Kent's Site
by Francois ini've tried to get on kent's site with no luck.. do you have to face mecca and wave a dead chicken or what?.
i really hate it that he felt compelled to make a new site.
knowing kent, i'm sure he said why he did it.
Hi All,
Simon, you have my personal reply, feel free to share with your wife. Ros, you good Christian you, don't you have some poor sod down on his luck you can go imply is an alcholic?? (Didn't you leave once after someone suggested you do so because of your callousness?) Kismet, my "friend", I have to say there was no thought put into that post, was sent link and was shocked actually to see Simon getting sucked into Teejay's usual shit stirring. Reacted on-the-spot. Feel free to post over there Kismet since you are so into what we say....and I don't mean to insult anyone here but this is hardly the nonsense that counts as making me "emotionally involved", just stating/suggesting a few obvious things/alternatives. BTW, that post you quote of mine was far more to do with RL things, had I known it would be used against me ASAP I'd have stressed that more carefully. I will be more conscous of the fact you are looking to post my words to ill effect in the future and thus be more precise. Thanks for the heads-up "buddy".
It is more amusing than anything to see you all still talking about it. Sure Simon can drudge up some old posts from the very beginnings at Kent's when there were some hurt feelings but for the most part there has been nothing more severe mentioned here than basic human behavior. Don't even know that names are mentioned over there.
I agree with Andi, there is plenty of board(s) room for all, don't know why the JW mindset of "classes" is still so prevelant but then again I was fortunate enough to escape the cult so I cannot understand how fully the indoctrination gets ahold of the mind. Apparently for life in some cases.
Julie--who sees lots of quotes *here* from Kent's but doesn't recall anything in the way of quotes from here at over there, interesting
Kent's Site
by Francois ini've tried to get on kent's site with no luck.. do you have to face mecca and wave a dead chicken or what?.
i really hate it that he felt compelled to make a new site.
knowing kent, i'm sure he said why he did it.
How long ago Simon was that stuff written, that Teejay dutifully reported I note? I mean it's crashed and gone and yet you still hold on to it? Sounds to me like you are as bad as some Wendy refers to but doesn't name. Let it go man, let it go.
Don't you have some Holy Elder to protect from some vulnerable, pregnant woman or a family to tend to or perhaps Ang has some recent rantings from Zazu to share??? Yes, Simon, even you have other things to do, though it is hard to believe considering what you consider worthy of saving.
Not at all surprised to see the same level of pathetic mindset--
Julie -
Effectiveness of Psychotherapy
by larc inon a previous thread, the question of the effectiveness of psychanalysis came up.
since then, i have done some research.. a recent article* summarized the results of three literature surveys, and the author came up with the following conclusions:.
1. for major affective disorders, and major psychoses, psychpharmacological treatment works best.. 2. for symptomatic anxiety based disorders, such as phopias, generalized anxiety disorders, panic disorder, obsessive complulsive disorder, and post - traumatic stress disorder, cognitive and behavioral treatments work best.. 3. for personality disorders and complex comorbid disorders with an underlying personality disorder, long term relationship therapies work best.
This is an interesting thread.....
by AGuest infather, please... forgive me.... dearest jw.com posters... may you all have peace!.
i wish to share something with you that i had no idea of until just a few minutes ago.
after listening to my lord direct me to go back and read and read and read, i must say, dear ones, that i knew robert and janet (jannie) bryant from shingle springs, ca, personally.
Hi Shelby,
You and I have discussed 'hearing' stuff before. I happen to get mine in more along the lines of a sense of something, sometimes even a premonition type sense, but I understnad what you mean as I did back when we had this converstation.
I am truly sorry for your loss and the terrible feelings that go with it. I don't know if there is a God or not but obviously this man was driven to do this by those as far from any existing God as could be. It's times like this that make me hope there is a God and that somewill have a heavy reckoning......(I'm not quite as forgiving as you tend to be....)
Tina and I are both sorry for your loss and lament very much that we no longer have your addy. She wrote me and asked for it as she would like to send you a note of support. If you get a chance please drop her a line, she is anxious to express her sympathies, she's quite familiar with shocking loss (as you may know she cannot post her thoughts to you here).
My heartfelt condolences Shelby--
Julie -
Booted! On the ship! Kicked off! Df'd!
by teejay inover at kent's cozy discussion forum, at http://kent.steinhaug.com/forum/showthread.php3?s=576c225fa464b8a850eaf84a8f511cad&threadid=62, redhorsewoman started a thread wherein she wanted comments about an old highschool classmate (also a jw) that she recently met again.. responding to her post, i said.
too late for your situation, but i'd treat her as i've come to treat my jw family: leave religion, the truth, jehovah (and the rest of that jw baggage) out of all conversations... unless they bring it up.
and even then, don't expect much.
Hi Larc,
I must admit I was truly captivated by your post. Ever consider fiction writing?? I predict great success for you in this area.
:It is hard for Kent and his close friends to understand that I have no ill will for any of them. They have their own personal demons to conquer and their own lives to live. I wish all of them the best.
Indeed it is very hard to understand and believe this.....considering that the facts speak otherwise.
:However, on a personal level I have no use for his obscene language,
Oh yes, you have proven how horrified you are by obscene language! Let us see how well you wish those who disagree with you and, at the same time, we can witness your mastery of the Queen's English, shall we Brother Larc?
:Now, when Tina tells me to go fuck myself that is entirely a different matter. She made the call and she has to live with the consequences. That low life bitch can go fuck herself as well. I will not back down. I will not but up with her low life shit. This is total war. I hope I have made myself clear. I will not take shit from anyone at any time. I would suggest you stay out of the line of fire,
So, just curious, who is it exactly do you think you are fooling (well I mean besides the obvious ones)?? Yes, why you are practically destined for the Let-by-gones-be-by-gones Hall of Fame Larc.
So Larc, verbally beat up any pregnant ladies lately?????
Edited to add: "Silent inaction on the part of the one who sees the abuse is one thing. Boldly defending the abuse is something else." Teejay, I couldn't agree more, it is sickening to see it done, is it not?
Booted! On the ship! Kicked off! Df'd!
by teejay inover at kent's cozy discussion forum, at http://kent.steinhaug.com/forum/showthread.php3?s=576c225fa464b8a850eaf84a8f511cad&threadid=62, redhorsewoman started a thread wherein she wanted comments about an old highschool classmate (also a jw) that she recently met again.. responding to her post, i said.
too late for your situation, but i'd treat her as i've come to treat my jw family: leave religion, the truth, jehovah (and the rest of that jw baggage) out of all conversations... unless they bring it up.
and even then, don't expect much.
Greetings to you all:
While I have to say I agree with Waiting on the issue that this is a topic that should die I have to admit to being a little surprised at some of the reaction at what has transpired.
First of all Kent started a board where those of us who many of you would like to see gone, could go. I should think you'd do your high fives all around and get on with it as Waiting suggests (the get on with it part--not the high fives--that's more a bigboi thing).
Unfortunately this was not to be. Apparently some cannot just let be. I see Teejay bemoaning censorship and all sorts of unfair treatment for being booted from Kent's board and of course trusty Bigboi playing Chester to Teejay's Spike and all but, at the risk of being accused of reading the obvious into the obvious, didn't Teejay make his intentions clear the other day in the Kent's New Board thread? Teejay offered this:
:Hey... I'm thinking of registering over there myself... kicking up some dust. Think they could handle me?
Now perhaps I am mistakenly reading too much into this but in my oh-so-simple mind this consititutes INTENT. Clear intent actually. Teejay, you made it clear you were merely out to "kick up some dust" and then act the victim when you show up to "kick up some dust" and get booted for your trouble.
I do not understand all this hate-mongering regarding Kent's board and those who have gone to it. You all will have this board back without the unwelcome visitors. Now rejoice in your accomplishment and live and let live. Why waste your time otherwise?
Best wishes to you all--and I hope you are all soon enjoying more pleasant conversations. I hope to be doing same, only elsewhere.
Julie, who has friends on both boards and wishes success to both forums AND to prove I mean all in a spirit of peace, I sincerely wish ALL posters on both forums success and happiness in the future
The bigger dick policy
by Norm inas a george carlin fan i keep thinking he has got a point when he says that men are generally very insecure about their dick size.
countries go to war if they think someone got bigger dicks than them.. lately there seem to have been such a lesser scale war here on the board.
the problem in this particular case is that the ones who quite obviously got bigger dicks were women!.
You said:
Pete2, what was your other identity? I don't see how someone with 10 posts could jump in and say those things. You obviously have been here before using another identity.I tired to say that before and I guessed it was someone else named Tim that used to post here but it was a wild guess. I saw later that you construed I had meant you(???). That was not the case. Of course when I said what you just said Refiner's came along and asserted that I was implying it was Larc (which also NEVER crossed my mind) and then Simon came along and totally lost all reading comprehension and said "Larc doesn't have another ID but it looks like Julie does....." and then proceeded to put his foot in his mouth......I digress, really, I merely wanted to tell you, when I took a wild stab at the name Tim, you were not the fellow I had in mind.