you cannot blame yourself for this; it is in our nature to sometimes grasp at humor as a mechanism to aid in coping with events that are too horrific to contemplate.
JoinedPosts by julien
(US) Gary Condit is giving thanks...
by reagan_oconnor in...that he's finally out of the limelight.. before it struck home how actually horrific this whole thing was, i cracked a joke about how much gary condit paid to have those two planes rammed into the wtc, just to get himself out of the top news story spot.... i apologized to the person i made the comment to, and still feel guilty.
i am the master of my fate/i am the captain of my soul.
How the Tower Will Write Up This Tragic Event:
by Stephanus inhere is an extract of the awake!
article on the port arthur massacre some years ago in tasmania.
a nut with an automatic weapon went around slaughtering people willy-nilly in this famous tourist area.
The Dubs will take any broad human tragedy and try and turn it into a shallow photo-op for themselves.
Even at the lowest level this seems to be true. Do they even talk about the life of the deceased at a JW memorial service? Or is it just a JW Infomercial?
Welcome to the Great Tribulation, Folks!
by chipster inas i was in the dentists chair this morning, i got the news and my heart just sank.
i think of all those poor people and their grieving families, and my heart goes out to them.. well, you know, i have to say this: money is on you.. i think you nailed it this time.... what is the verse about them "growing faint out of fear"???.
all i can say is..stay guys ain't seen nothing yet..... the fun begins when the terrorists are identified and recompense is sought by the united states.. oh, and not to mention the ramifications in the global markets..... yep, like i said folks...."welcome to the gt.....and the finale is the big a"... this is a day that will go down in world history.. chipster
i think of all those poor people and their grieving families, and my heart goes out to them.
Again JW inconsistancy. First from the JW standpoint, those people are far better off being murdered by a terrorist than by WTBTS-Jehovah. Now they have a hope of ressurection. Second, what if this tragedy hadn't happened, and those same exact people were murdered by WTBTS-Jehovah next week in the real armageddon. Terrorist murders: oh the humanity. God murders: HURRAY!!
Think of the anger and rage everyone is feeling at this senseless destruction of human life, property, people's way of life. And JWs are yearning for the day when our "LOVING CREATOR" WTBTS-Jehovah performs this action on every city village tribe household in the world! They just hope he wont destroy those great lakeview houses along with the evil occupants though.
"Directing" vs. "Allowing" ...
by Farkel inhere are just a few thoughts to discuss and to keep myself distracted for now.. there are only two organizations that routinely reward and bless major screw-ups:.
1) government agencies.
2) the watchtower society.
I've never heard any examples of anyone being driven OUT of the Watchtower religion because of demons, and then have the demon attacks go away right after they left? One would think that if demons were so interested in the dub religion that there would be countless examples told of suchs experiences. After all, demons want to get dubs OUT of "Jehovah's Organization," don't they? Then, why are they working so hard to get people INTO that organization based upon the experiences I've seen?
Isn't it obvious Farkel? We apostates are all unknowingly posessed by demons!! The demons that drive people into dubdom must actually be angels masquerading as demons!
Isn't False Prophecy A No-Brainer?
by Unclepenn1 ini have a question that has been buggin me for quite some time.
jesus repeatedly warns against false prophets, and in fact, 26 of the 27 books of the new testament contain warnings about false teaching/prophecies.
<i>now</i>, you would think after reading those statements in the nt, that people would flee an organization after it makes false prophecies.
the watchtower is god's chosen prophet/spokespiece/org whatever.
except when they teach/predict anything wrong, then they are simply fallible men who are doing the best they can.. even the apostles had wrong expectations. I think the apostles also disfellowshipped anyone who did not agree with all of their teachings.:P
The Age of Miracles ! - Update
by metatron inover at science news, hungarian scientists.
are now claiming evidence of life on mars -derived from.
spacecraft photographs.
the major manufacturers of aids cocktails would not allow some nations in africa to use generic brand of their cocktails..they care more about money then helping people.
Obviously the purpose these businesses is to make money, that is not in question. I am not familiar with this story, how can a company prevent a country from doing something?
The Age of Miracles ! - Update
by metatron inover at science news, hungarian scientists.
are now claiming evidence of life on mars -derived from.
spacecraft photographs.
There is a lot of money in aids treatment drugs. Thats a big reason not more research is being done to stamp out the disease.
I don't buy this .. the first company that developed a successful drug would immediately gain the entire market. That is surely enough motive for private research.
Note that the your argument would also apply to all major diseases for which there is treatment but no cure. -
The Age of Miracles ! - Update
by metatron inover at science news, hungarian scientists.
are now claiming evidence of life on mars -derived from.
spacecraft photographs.
The age of miracles has begun!
Wouldn't it be wonderful if science actually delivers
on the empty promises made by the Watchtower?You should say the age of miracles CONTINUES..
Science has been making our lives incalculably better for decades..
eradication of polio, smallpox, etc
antibiotics and other medicine
environmental awareness -
Bethel rules... fables or truth...
by MrMoe incan you all enlighten me, i have heard certain "bethel rules" and wanted to find out if they are fact or fiction.
1. only one item on any surface at any time (a phone or lamp etc.. as long as it is just 1 item.).
2. allowance of $80 a month for toiletries etc... (has that allowance gone up).
Can you really get satellite cable and DSL there?
More Remote Viewing
by Decidedly_Unsure inmore on remote viewers.
i'm not sure if it's decent protocol to bring it up under a new heading .
1. it's 8 pages deep already.
Ohhhhhhh so sorry rem, but I was looking for Red, Thick, and Contradicts Itself. My Monitor is White, Glows, and hums....
The monitor could be used to display the NWT on CDROM.. Therefore it is a direct hit.